77 Chapter 77: The Cousins

After what happened in his office, Reed never came out. He was just there in his office, sitting in the swivel chair. Both elbows are resting on the desk and both hands are touching and leaning on his mouth. Whoever sees him will think he’s praying. But he has some deep thoughts. He took a deep breath and relaxed his back on the chair’s backrest while resting his head on the headrest.

Emy was in the pantry. She is likewise lost in her thoughts, much like Reed. She thought that what he had done earlier was wrong and had hurt Reed. Emy thought that he had hurt Reed a lot. Emy was so preoccupied with her thoughts that he didn’t see Jasmin walking in. She bought a coffee at the coffee shop across the street from where they worked.

“Why do you have such deep thoughts, Miss Emy?” Jasmin asked and put the things she had just bought on the table. “Miss Emy, this is the frappe you want, right?”

Emy looked over at Jasmin. “Ah, yes. Thank you. I’ll give you my payment later.”

“Okay.” Jasmin sat across from Emy on the other side of the table. “What happened earlier, Miss Emy?”

Emy gave Jasmin a quick look. She was having a frappe coffee.

Could we, uh, just stop talking about what occurred earlier?” Emy was serious.

Jasmin saw that Emy’s face was very serious. Because of that, she stopped asking. She also notices that Reed never left the office. She was curious about what had happened.


When Eve got Reed’s message through the black smoke, she was surprised. She suddenly felt nervous. She looked at Dynhir, who was lying on the couch and watching TV. And what he was watching was not a movie but a bikini fashion show. It’s a well-known brand that just came out with a new swimsuit style. He is taking a look at the various models, and it would seem that he has something specific in mind.

“You know that Reed wants to talk to me right now, right?” Eve went over to where her cousin was laying on the couch.

She stood right in front of it, but he didn’t care that she was there. So, she moved toward the TV and turned it off. On the other hand, Eve just needed to make one motion for the TV to start working again, so she simply unplugged it.

When Dynhir couldn’t turn on the TV, he looked annoyed. He looked mad at Eve.

“What the heck did you do?” he said.

“I told you that Reed wanted to speak to me,” Eve said.

“So? Why don’t you try talking to him? You will not betray me, right ?”

Eve’s eyebrows lifted. “Dynhir, don’t dare me. Don’t forget what you did to the queen, and Reed will probably ask me about it. What do you think I’m going to say?”

“Tell him the truth.”

“Are you kidding?”

“I know you won’t betray me, cousin.” Dynhir got up and started walking toward Eve. “I’m the only ally you have in this realm.”

Eve sulk. Dynhir was right: no one else in the realm was on their side. Eve’s parents didn’t know what she had done to the human because Dynhir helped.

Dynhir was surprised when Eve suddenly disappeared from his line of sight, but he couldn’t help but crack a grin.

Reed was on the top of the tallest building. He was standing at the edge of the building, savoring the bitingly brisk breeze that blows in from that direction. Eve took a deep breath before moving toward him.

Reed could feel Eve’s approach, but he didn’t look at her. As Eve got closer, he grabbed her by the neck and teleported away as fast as she could till Eve’s back slammed the wall of the building that was on the top. Eve reached out and grabbed his hand, which was wrapped around her neck and causing her to suffocate.


“How could your clan be so mean to me?” Reed said.

“What do you want to say?” Eve asked. “What has my family done to you?”

“Tell me.” Reed looked at Eve with serious eyes. “Who’s with you when you cross the portal, huh?”

“No one is with me. Why should you care?” Eve asked. “What’s going on? Why are you so mad?”

“Incubus. An incubus did a malicious thing with my queen.” Reed said. “He also used Devin to do something bad to my queen as part of his evil plan.”

“I didn’t know that there was an incubus in this world. I was the only person who cross the portal.”

Reed looked at Eve and tightened his grip on her neck.

“If it has nothing to do with you, you will find the incubus who did something with my queen. If you can find him and bring him to me, I won’t kill you.” Reed said. “But if I find out, you’re not telling the truth. I will wipe out your kind in the world of demons, and I won’t spare you.”

It shocked Eve when Reed let go of her suddenly. She didn’t realize that she wasn’t on the wall anymore. Eve screamed out loud as she fell slowly from the top of that tall building.

A hand grabbed her, and they moved together. Dynhir, Eve’s cousin, caught her body when she fell into his arms. He hurried over and slap him.

“You are so much welcome, cousin,” Dynhir said.

“If our clan and Reed’s clan go to war. You are likely to be happy.” Eve took a deep breath as she turned away from Dynhir.

As Eve walked away from him, Dynhir watched her.


When Reed went back to his office, he found it empty. Jasmin seems to have gone home. He rushed downstairs because he thought Emy was still there, but her bag wasn’t on Emy’s table. Reed looked for Emy in the kitchen and the bathroom, but she wasn’t there either.

“Damn, she left?” Reed asked himself.

He teleported right to the spot where Emy could go, but he couldn’t see her.

Devin was waiting in front of the church for Emy to come out. He went for a walk with her before, but she didn’t see him. When Reed and Emy left the shop, he took him home. He thought Emy was going home, but she walked into the church instead. He didn’t want to get in.

Emy came out after a few seconds. She turned around when her phone suddenly rang. Before Emy could answer the call, a man grabbed her phone and ran away quickly. Emy went after it, so he also went after him. He stopped, but all he could see in the distance was the black aura. Because Reed was there.

Reed went to the park where Emy could have gone, but she wasn’t there. He pulled out his phone and gave Emy a call. Emy’s screams could be heard in the background as he answered the phone.


He then ran into a man who was hurrying. He took a small step back, and the man fell. The man tripped and fell on the path.


When Reed heard the woman’s voice, he turned to her. “Wifey?” Reed asked, frowning.

“Reed, he took my phone!” Emy said. She stopped breathing hard when he saw Reed.

When he turned around, Reed looked at the man. Reed made a hand signal, and time stopped. Reed looked at Emy, and she looked back. The only people who were moving were Reed and her.

“Are you okay? That man didn’t hurt you, did he?” Reed asked. Emy gave a headshake.

“Give me a minute.” Reed walked in the thief’s direction.

The man was running, but since time stopped, he also stopped. Reed walked up to the man and took the phone he was holding. He then punched the man, causing him to fall into the posture. He kicked him several times. Reed has a quick temper, but it looks like he can handle it. Emy stopped Reed after she saw his face was bleeding.

“Stop, Reed, you might kill him...” Emy replied as she held Reed’s arm.

Reed waved his hand again, and time started over. It shocked Reed and Emy to see that the man was bleeding when they looked at him. His entire body was hurt, and he tried to find the phone he was holding. The man looked at Reed and Emy and was surprised to see that Reed’s eyes had changed color.

“Wahh!” The man ran away quickly and looked scared. Even though it was running, it was still yelling.

Reed looked at Emy and gave her the phone, which she took right away.

“Thank you.” Emy put her phone in her purse. “I was about to go back to the office when you called, but that man grabbed my phone at that moment.”

Reed put up his hand and gave Emy’s head a light pat.

“Where did you come from? “Did you know I was worried about you?” He asked. Emy looked at him because he had a soft, calm voice.

“Well, I’ve just gotten back from church.” E my said.

Reed smirked, then smiled, and finally laughed. He grabbed Emy right away and surprised her by giving her a tight hug.

“Everything all right?” E my asked.

“Sure. Let’s go home.” Reed said.

Reed held Emy’s hand.


Eve and Dynhir both go to a bar. His cousin told her to take it easy and get over the stress she was feeling because of Reed’s fight. Dnyhir moves to the music and looks at pretty women as he does so.

“Cousin, don’t you think humans are really interesting?” Dynhir asked while leaning on the long table in front of the bartender.

“Humans are a pain in the ass.” Eve finished her drink quickly and asked the bartender for another. Right in front of him, it fell.

“Why don’t we go out hunting tonight so we can get more food?” Dynhir teased.

Eve groaned. “Is that a bet?”

“We’ll have “F.U.N.”

“You aren’t familiar with humans. They are ravenous creatures that will do whatever it takes to gain what they desire from you. They are also capable of devouring you in their whole and driving you insane more than you would suppose.”

“Wow, that makes me curious,” Dynhir said smiling.

A woman came to where they were and asked if she could have something to drink. Eve and Dynhir looked at each other, and then they both turned their attention back to the girl. Dynhir later smiled and went over to the woman.


The woman turned around. “Oh, hi.”

“I’m Dynhir and you are...”



Dynhir asked, “Are you aware that you own a killer bod?” The woman looked at him and saw that the color of his eyes had changed. He moved closer to the woman and then pressed his lips to her ear. “Have you ever wished that you might have an orgasm tonight that would completely blow your mind?”

“Y-yes. I’d like to have a great orgasm.”

“Come with me, and I’ll make your wish come true...”

When the woman said yes, Dynhir grabbed her buttcheek and walked away. Dynhir followed right away, and he even gave Eve a wink. Eve shook her head and took another drink.

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