60 Chapter 60: Save Eve

Eve ran quickly. She was going in the wrong direction. People have hit her more than once, and her heels make it hard for her to run. She stopped at the railings as she left the mall, panting. Eve kicked her shoes off.

“Damn my feet...” Eve said with a frown.

Eve was too busy to notice the crowd. She saw that the man with a mask on his face was coming toward her and chasing her. Eve ran again and hurried. She thought she was safe when she suddenly appeared in one of the extensive areas surrounded by glass walls. On the other side of the glass walls were fish of different colors and sizes. It was an enormous aquarium.

The attacker grabbed Eve’s wrist quickly, but she fought back and used the black smoke again. The attacker who was trying to hurt Eve flew away, which Eve used to get away. Lucky for her, the place was closed, so no one could stop her or bump her while fleeing.

“Gosh, I hate my dress now...”

Eve ran while holding both sides of her dress. If she had been proud to wear that earlier, she was not happy at that moment. So she wouldn’t die, she had to run away. Eve is not like Reed and Devin, who are both very strong and can fight off assassin demons like the ones chasing her. She let out more black smoke from her hand and threw it at her attacker, who was coming at her quickly.

When the attacker put her in a corner, she stopped running. She had no choice but to go to the big tank of water where the fish was.

The person who hurt Devin pulled out the knife he had used on her. Eve moved back. She took a few steps back until she got to the end of the tank. She saw Reed standing behind the man, but she kept quiet. Reed raised one hand, put a finger on his lip, and made a sign that she has to be quiet.

The attacker pulled out a dagger and was about to teleport closer to Eve when Reed grabbed her hand, quickly let out black smoke, and pushed the attacker away from Eve and her. The force of the conversation sent the attacker flying away, but he quickly came back and attacked Reed.


The attacker punched and kicked, but Reed quickly blocked all of them. He doesn’t let himself get cut by a dagger or even by slight cuts. Reed tried to wrap the attacker up in black smoke, but the attacker quickly threw the dagger at Eve, and Reed quickly teleported. Reed suddenly appeared in front of Eve and quickly hugged her. She and Reed fell into the tank, and the dagger went straight to the wall and stuck there.

Eve couldn’t swim, so when they fell into the tank and sank, she got scared. Reed grabbed both of Eve’s shoulders right away to calm her down. When Eve calmed down, he grabbed her and teleported her right away.


Emy was sleeping in her room while Devin puts cream on her cut. He started by cleaning it. Since he brought her home, Emy hasn’t been awake. As he tends to the cut on Emy’s forehead, he looks at Emy’s face. Devin can’t help but look at her, so sometimes he has to stop what he’s doing. He drifted his face closer to Emy’s as he slowly turned around. She had wanted to do that for a long time, but he felt something around him even before he could kiss her. It was a potent power.

Devin quickly used teleportation, and power took him to the back of the house, where the attacker was. It just blocked all of Devin’s quick kicks and punches. Later, the attacker pushed Devin, and the attacker was only a few meters away.

It came up to him quickly, and he thought it was going to hurt him, but it just stood there with a mask on.

“What would you like?” Devin asked, but the attacker didn’t answer. Then, both of them turned to their left.

As Eve was being lifted, Devin could see Reed standing far away. The attacker vanished suddenly. Devin took another look at Reed and he was gritting his teeth. Devin moved quickly toward Reed by teleporting.

“What’s wrong with her?” Devin asked.

Reed didn’t answer. Instead, he accidentally gave him Eve, which he took as soon as Reed was gone.

‘Damn.’ Devin thought.

Maria could see what was going on in the back of the house through the window.


Reed walked into their room out of the blue and saw Emy sleeping. He went over to her right away and sat on the side of the bed. Reed was stunned as he saw Emy’s wound on her forehead. He used his thumb and smoothly touch it. Later, he kissed Emy on the lips and put the comforter on her. Reed got up and moved closer to the window so he could see Eve’s house. He took a deep breath and tried to figure out what was going on in his mind. He had seen Devin talking with the attacker earlier. The more he thought Devin was the reason his battle at the war didn’t work, the more he thought that was true.

“Devin, you’re dead now....” Reed whispered.

He used teleportation to get to Eve’s house quickly. Devin was standing in front of Eve’s bed with both hands in the pockets of his pants. He shook his head more than once because he knew what Reed would think about what he saw.

When Reed’s hand suddenly appeared behind him and he was about to punch him, Devin grabbed him quickly. They teleported outside of Eve’s house, and she used the black smoke to keep Reed away from her.

“I know what you’re thinking, and I will not tell you why,” said Devin.

Reed’s brows went up. “There’s nothing you need to say. I don’t need to hear you out.”

Devin said nothing else. He turned his back on Reed, and before he was completely out of sight, he saw the attacker on Reed’s roof.

“Reed...” Devin rang up. “Return to the queen...”

Reed looked at what Devin was looking at and then went to his house quickly by teleporting there.

Devin went back to Eve’s room right away and saw that she had a cut on the side of her neck. While the woman was still asleep, black blood flowed across her bed.

“Oh, shit!” Devin moved quickly toward Eve.

He used his black smoke right away to heal Eve’s wound.

Reed didn’t catch up with the attacker, so he went straight to Emy’s room by teleporting there. She was still sleeping soundly. Someone suddenly showed up behind Reed. He stopped his attack quickly.

“My king”


“There’s something wrong with Princess Eve,” said Maria.

“What went on?” Reed didn’t wait for Maria to answer anymore. “Take care of her while I go to Eve,” he said.

Reed went away quickly in front of Maria. She smiled and then looked at Emy, who was still sleeping.

Reed walked into Eve’s room out of the blue. He saw Devin use his power to heal the cut on Eve’s neck. He went right up to him.

“What in the hell happened to her?” Reed asked.

“I’m not sure. When I return... When I got back here, her neck hurt.” said Devin. “Damn it!”

Reed saw that Devin’s dress was soaked with sweat. A demon’s knife has hurt Eve.

“The attacker used the fact that I wasn’t in the room against me,” said Devin. “That demon is now going after Eve because he knows Eve is weaker than us.”

Eve’s wound ended up getting better. Devin lay on the bed and panted. It bruised his hands. Demons like them can’t use their power too much in the human world because it’s too dangerous.

“You need to take Eve back to her parents and tell them what happened,” said Devin. “Since you are the king, you need to explain to them if you don’t want a war between the Incubus, Succubus, and our clan.”

Reed thought, ‘They don’t know who’s attacking, and Devin just said that there’s no sign of the attacker in the other world. But there is no way that an attacker is a human. Not only can it teleport, but it is also very strong.’

“Okay, I’ll go back to the realm with Eve,” Reed said.

“Act now, before the attacker comes back. When that happens, I can’t help you. I’m so exhausted...” said Devin.

Reed went right up to Eve as she slept and picked her up. Soon, the portal opened, and Reed went through it right away. Devin let out a cloud of black smoke, which surrounded him until he fell asleep. As Devin slept, the black smoke would watch him.

Reed’s trip through the portal suddenly ended, which surprised him. Soon, he walked toward Eve’s castle. He walked from the portal for a few minutes, and then he was in front of the enormous gate. When the guards who were watching him saw him, they opened the big gate right away.

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