Chapter 660: I Am Back

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The immortals—as their name obviously stated—were immortal, and had a nearly insatiable lust. Every time the immortals sacked a new human city, they would often browse the local market for some fresh meat.?Although Gersar knew he would not be able to lay a finger on Ma Xiaoru, it wouldn’t stop his perverse imaginations.

Ma Xiaoru cast Zhang Jin a knowing glance. If the Immortals expected her to surrender without putting up a fight, they might as well have the wrong person.

“Don’t waste our time. Soldiers of House Ma never surrender! ” Ma Xiaoru said thinly. Thousands of concerned human onlookers witnessed her courage and were deeply moved by her resolution to defend humanity. As Wang Tong’s woman, Ma Xiaoru knew that she could not afford to cave in before humanity’s greatest enemy. Blade Aura danced about her sword as she prepared herself for the battle.

“Anyone of you wants to play with her? I call the dibs...Haha.” Gersar laughed lewdly.

“Watch out! Don’t get your little bird chopped off…Haha!” One of the golden immortals burst out laughing.

“Buzz off! I am not going be defeated by a woman.” With that, Gersar threw himself at Ma Xiaoru, his golden METAL suit suffused with a shimmering GN force. The immortals’ ability in using the energy crystals was far greater than that of the humans. Plus, the immortal armies were backed by the most advanced human technologies from the Ivantians; even Ma Xiaoru’s super METAL suit paled under comparison with that of the immortals.

But still, Ma Xiaoru was unflinching while facing the deadly attack. She slashed at her opponent with the blade as she scanned her surroundings, looking for a weak link in the encirclement.

Her personal guards were also under fire from the Immortals. The primitive Zergs didn’t involve themselves in the fight as they simply stood and watched. They were not worthy of fighting alongside the godly immortal generals.

After some observation, Ma Xiaoru conceded that the immortals had left no blind spots in their encirclement. The other three immortal generals seemed to be chatting casually, but Ma Xiaoru knew that they hadn’t let their guards down and would act on the slightest provocation.

Ma Xiaoru’s sword technique was well known for its unpredictability. However, Gersar’s spear had a much longer reach, and therefore, had a natural advantage over her shorter weapon. Although Gersar was relatively unknown before he joined the immortals, his power had increased by leaps and bounds ever since Patroclus bestowed the gift of immortality on him. Gersar was at level twenty-four, one level ahead of Ma Xiaoru, and his spear techniques had the reminiscence of Patroclus’ lance attack skills. Although Ma Xiaoru had honed her tactics of the Enchantress to near perfection, with the disadvantages in the level of soul energy and weapon’s reach, she could not gain an edge during the fight.

“The Tactics of the Enchantress are impressive! One level behind and she can still measure up to Gersar!” Yagerli exclaimed. He was the head of the four generals and had studied the humans’ five major tactics, particularly the Tactics of the Deva King.

Unlike the humans, the immortals shared all of their knowledge freely with each other. The five major tactics had long since been shared publicly among the immortals. Without their secret weapons, members of the major households were easily defeated.

This was where the immortal community outshone the humans. All members of the immortal family had unrestricted access to all of their collective knowledge, and the divine lord had spared no expenses at the training and improvement of his followers. Some of the Ivantians defected to the immortals solely because of the opportunity to educate and improve oneself.

Patroclus had also formulated a few unique tactics by combining all the known tactics in the human world. As more and more humans joined his ranks, more and more human tactics were being absorbed into the immortals’ training. Their superior body also meant that they would never fall into derangement, which further facilitated their cultivation.

Ma Xiaoru didn’t expect the fight to be so difficult, but she didn’t waver.

Sensing that she was in trouble, her eighteen guards stepped forward together and blocked one of Gersar’s attacks. They channeled out their GN force and linked them together, forming an impenetrable shield.

“Interesting! Isn’t it the battle formation of Eighteen Arhats?” One of the four immortal generals called Molin, a hulking frame among the others, exclaimed out loud.

“Gersar, can you handle it? Why don’t you let Molin give it a try?” The fourth golden immortal, Hewitt jested.

“Arhat my a*s! If they are the Arhat, I might as well be the Buddha. Boss, let me kill them all!”

“Don’t underestimate the power of these eighteen gentlemen. We need to carry out the Divine Lord’s order, and we can’t afford to make a mistake. I will have to do it myself.” Yageli announced as he pulled away from his red cape and closed in onto the eighteen guards.

“Boring!” Hewitt rolled his eyes at Yageli.

Ma Xiaoru’s guards were all level twenty-one legendary warriors. The eighteen of them would be a formidable force anywhere they went. They were handpicked by the lord of House Ma and were entrusted with the duty of protecting Ma Xiaoru. The unique thing about this cohort of guardsmen was that their soul energies were on the exact same level, and therefore, could resonate with each other to form a force field of epic proportions.

On the other hand, their opponent was the leader of the mysterious four divine generals of the immortals. His advanced tactics and powerful soul energy meant that Yageli would be the most powerful opponent the guardsmen had ever faced.

“Miss Ma, if they can counter three of my attacks, I will let you go free. But, if they fail to do so, would you please come with me peacefully?”

Ma Xiaoru shot him a cold glance: “I don’t make deals with monsters. ”

“Fine. You just made it more difficult for yourself.”


Yageli flushed out his soul energy, and everyone was shocked by his power. Whatever hope they had mustered after seeing the power of the eighteen Arhats had evaporated into thin air.

Yageli was a level twenty-six Einherjar.

Even a level twenty-five Einherjar could be flawed in one way or another, but at level twenty-six, they were perfect.

The moment Yageli clenched his fist, he seemed to have squeezed the air out of everyone’s lungs. The battlefield was filled with a suffocating pressure that seemingly came from nowhere.


Yageli punched, and everyone felt a gale blasting at their face. Next, the air felt hot as if it was brought to a boil, finally followed by a deafening boom that left everyone’s ears half deaf.

The eighteen Arhats’ faces paled as they felt the overbearing pressure on their system. The two at the front coughed violently as blood spilled out of their mouths.

“My lady, leave us now! We can’t take another hit.”

Yageli didn’t give Ma Xiaoru time to say the obvious answer as his second blow was already underway. Ma Xiaoru didn’t hesitate as she linked her soul energy with that of the Arhats. The second blow came with more belligerence than the first one.


The attack staggered the guards, but they didn’t fall thanks to Ma Xiaoru’s assistance. Suddenly, a swell of commotion could be heard outside the encirclement: the underground resistance had come to Ma Xiaoru’s aid.

“Miss Ma, you won’t like my thirst attack, I promise. Why don’t you come with me in peace and make it easier for both of us? I don’t want to hurt you.” Seeing that Ma Xiaoru had ignored his final plea, Yageli initiated the third attack. But before he could reach his target, a powerful force came down on him, forcing him to halt his attack. Yageli scanned his surroundings and failed to find the source of the power. Then, he heard a voice calling him out.

“I will give you two options right now: you can end your life yourself, or I will do it for you!” The booming voice reverberated across the city, and the entire city fell to pin-drop silence. Disbelief came over Ma Xiaoru as she heard the familiar voice.

“Wang ...Tong?”

“What the hell is wrong with Patroclus? He sent a few losers to go after my girl?” Wang Tong sneered at the four golden immortals, and then he turned around to look at Ma Xiaoru. When their eyes locked with each other, Ma Xiaoru felt her heart stop beating.

Before she knew it, Wang Tong was only a few inches away from her and had started to replenish her soul energy using his.

“We have lots to catch up after I am done with these losers.”

“Be careful…” Ma Xiaoru couldn’t even finish her words as she broke down in tears.

“You are courting death! How dare you call out our divine lord’s name!”

A level twenty one immortal charged at Wang Tong while brandishing a giant blade. Wang Tong didn’t even spare him a look as he casually lifted a finger and flicked it.

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