Chapter 604 $5 Trillion? !

On this day, in the headquarters of Pingguo Company, dozens of reporters successfully blocked Jobs from getting the opportunity to interview Jobs.

At this time, dozens of reporters surrounded Jobs, but Jobs was surrounded by several bodyguards, so the reporters were all isolated one meter away and could not get close.

"Mr. Jobs, congratulations to your Pingguo company for breaking through one trillion US dollars in market value, successfully becoming the second company in the world with a market value exceeding one trillion US dollars.

What do you think about the fact that the market value has exceeded one trillion US dollars? Can you tell me something? "

At this time, a reporter handed the microphone to Jobs, who was interviewed during his lifetime.

Jobs smiled slightly at this, and then said with a smile:

“Trillion dollars is just a small achievement for us. Next, our Pingguo company’s goal is to have a market value of 5 trillion dollars.”


Hearing Jobs' words, the reporters on the scene were in an uproar.

Jobs actually claimed that Pingguo’s goal is a market value of US$5 trillion?

5 trillion U.S. dollars is not a small number. The market value of 5 trillion U.S. dollars is almost equivalent to the GDP of many countries.

So at this time, Pingguo Jobs actually claimed that Pingguo’s future goal is a market value of 5 trillion US dollars, which successfully caused a sensation among the reporters on the scene.

The market value of 5 trillion U.S. dollars is too huge, although the market value is not so much as the real value.

But the figure of $5 trillion is too huge, so huge that it makes people tremble.

However, thinking of Apple's current status in Western technology companies, at this time Jobs claimed the goal of 5 trillion US dollars in the future, although people think that Jobs is a bit arrogant.

But people have already known through Jobs’ arrogance that Pingguo is a company that will surpass Hantang Technology in the future.

After all, you must have a bold heart before you dare to do things. Pingguo Company has Jobs, an ambitious leader at the helm.

Pingguo Company will not be able to achieve a market value of 5 trillion US dollars in the future, but it may really be able to double its market value to 2 trillion US dollars!

Many reporters have begun to think carefully, thinking about whether to buy a first-hand share of Pingguo Company.

After all, under the leadership of Jobs, although Pingguo Company has little record against Hantang Technology, Apple's products are also second in the mobile phone and tablet industries.

At this time, Hantang Technology has shown signs of decline. As Meidiguo paid more attention to Hantang Technology, it dealt a severe blow to Hantang Technology.

It seems inevitable that Pingguo will replace Hantang Technology in the future. With the growth of Pingguo at this time, it will not be able to achieve the 5 trillion US dollars claimed by Jobs in the future.

But it is very possible to double it, so although Pingguo shares with a market value of trillions of dollars are high at this time, it may be possible to buy a lot and wait for the future to make a lot of money.

Many reporters have small thoughts in their hearts, but they don't know that they are about to fall into a big pit.

Although the market value of Pingguo Company in the previous life reached 3 trillion U.S. dollars, that was when there were no rivals.

Facing Hantang Technology at this time, facing the hacker Lin Xuan, they still want to create a market value of 3 trillion US dollars, so don't even think about it.

However, the reporters at this time didn't care about Hantang Technology. In their eyes, Hantang Technology had already entered the must-die list.

Although Hantang Technology cannot fail for a while due to its huge size, it is inevitable that Hantang Technology will fall in the future.

No one has ever been able to fight against Meidiguo and still be at ease, so Hantang Technology has been defeated from the moment Meidiguo paid attention to Hantang Technology.

Of course, this is the perception in the eyes of overseas people, and the views of the people in the building are naturally different.

"Mr. Jobs, what do you think about the Hantang S5 mobile phone that Hantang Technology will launch in the future?"

A reporter asked the next question.

"Do you have any opinions on the Hantang S5 mobile phone?

My opinion is that the Hantang S5 mobile phone is not to be feared, although the detailed information of the Hantang S5 mobile phone has not been released to the public.

But according to the evaluation of our Pingguo experts, the Hantang S4 mobile phone currently on sale has almost reached its limit.

First of all, in terms of mobile phone processors, Hantang Technology can only use the backward 45nm process technology forever.

Although they have carbon metal wire interconnection process and 3D chip stacking technology.

But as far as I know, the number of chip layers that can be stacked by Hantang Technology mobile phone processors has reached the limit.

So Hantang Technology’s future mobile phone processors may launch new models, but they will never beat our Pingguo mobile phone processors.

And our mobile phone processor uses 14nm, and we will launch processors using 12nm or even 10nm in the future.

However, due to the limitation of the manufacturing process, Hantang Technology has been unable to continue to develop in the next step, and cannot catch up with the global processor to improve the speed and performance.

In the end, Hantang computer processors and even mobile phone processors will become a backward product, so I am not optimistic about Hantang processors. "

Hearing Jobs talk about the situation facing Hantang Technology, people couldn't help falling into silence, and then thought deeply about what Jobs said.

Then they had to feel that Jobs really pointed out the shortcomings of Hantang Technology.

Because the facts are indeed as Jobs said, although Hantang Technology has mastered 3D chip stacking technology and carbon metal wire interconnection technology.

But both techniques are just some degree of opportunism.

The real improvement of the performance of the chip still depends on the improvement of the process technology. The improvement of the process technology is not just to upgrade a lithography machine, but involves many industries and industries.

Now Hantang Technology has entered the entity construction list of the United States, and no one in any country or even a company dares to offend the State of the United States.

Didn’t see that now Xia Ke Academy is afraid to go together with Hantang Technology, has it separated from the relationship?

In this case, it is very difficult for Hantang Technology to improve the chip manufacturing process again like last time.

Before, Hantang Technology relied on 3D chip stacking technology and carbon metal wire interconnection technology to compete with 14nm.

But now the companies of Meidiguo and Meidiguo have become serious, and they are willing to pile up chips, so the performance of Pingguo mobile phones has immediately ushered in a huge improvement.

In this case, one side is promising and full of endurance, and the other side has reached its limit.

In this case, the processors of Hantang Technology's mobile phones and even computers seem to be on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, many reporters who supported Hantang Technology sighed deeply.

Although Hantang Technology has created countless miracles, in the face of the majestic Meidi Kingdom, Hantang Technology will eventually dissipate into history like fireworks.

At this time, many reporters felt in their hearts that if Meidiguo suppressed Hantang Technology later, it would be better if Hantang Technology collapsed, and these overseas reporters did not feel too sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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