Because through this incident, they realized that their plot failed. Although they succeeded in distorting public opinion, paper cannot contain fire after all.

Patients from all walks of life around the world have seen through their conspiracy to cover up the truth at a glance. They are helpless and have nothing to do about it.

Paper can’t hold fire after all. It’s a bit of an exaggeration to say that you can reach the commander of the Medi Kingdom through 7 people, but it’s a fact.

For those patients, all the slander is in front of them who have lost hope, and they will try to fight for the last hope.

And there is always a relationship between people. When relatives or neighbors around you successfully transplanted Hantang Technology's artificial organs, and they don't see any problems on the surface, the paper can't contain the fire after all.

So those behind-the-scenes black hands in Wall Street and overseas pharmaceutical companies who made all kinds of decisions to conceal the truth only felt that their faces were being slapped and there was nothing they could do.

Of course, people around the world don’t care about the situation of the black hand behind the scenes at this time, because after the media found out that the truth cannot be covered, and the black hands above know that the truth cannot be covered, they completely gave up after exerting pressure.

Many media finally reluctantly chose to stand in line and report the news of Hantang Technology from another angle.

In this case, Hantang Science and Technology may have really researched the concept of the artificial organ spleen, and it has also appeared in the hearts of people all over the world following media reports.

Under such circumstances, a question gradually appeared in the hearts of people all over the world. This question is how much money did Hantang Technology make?

Before, Hantang Technology had mobile phones, computers, smart TVs and set-top boxes, sodium-ion batteries, all-solid-state batteries, electric vehicles, electric trucks, logistics systems, wireless optical communications, cloud computing, electronic product OEM, mobile computer accessories sales...

People counted the businesses involved in Hantang Technology, and they found that Hantang Technology has grown into a super company without knowing it.

A super company involved in the five major fields of electronics and semiconductors, medicine, automobiles, communications and energy, and a super company with the largest market value in the world!

In the face of such a super company, the only other companies in the world that can compete with Hantang Technology are the global electrical giant General Electric, the aircraft giant Boeing, and the global military giant Lockheed.

As for Europe, only companies such as the super industrial empire Siemens, the electrical giant Schneider, the super-large heavy machinery giant ThyssenKrupp, and the world's most precision industry company can compete with Hantang Technology.

So the company Hantang Technology is not only the market value, but the industrial strength has truly reached the top 10 level in the world!

There are many companies in this world whose market capitalization is very high, but if you want to think of industrial giants, you have to think of the real power of technology and industry in the whole world.

Then people will still think of Siemens in Europe, General Electric in the country of Medi, and even the military giant Lockheed!

Although their market value is not as good as that of Pingguo, whose market value exceeded 800 billion US dollars half a year ago, they are the real pillar of the world's industrial power.

So many people think that Pingguo is strong, but they only think that Pingguo is strong in one aspect, and admit that Pingguo is indeed strong in electronics and software systems.

As for other aspects, Pingguo is not so flattering. In people's minds, industrial giants will always be Europe's Siemens, America's General Electric and even the global military giant Lockheed.

In this case, as people carefully measure the company Hantang Technology, they measure the achievements of Hantang Technology in the fields of electronics and semiconductors, automobiles, energy, medicine, and communications.

They found that Hantang Technology is almost in a monopoly position in these five major fields, although there are strong competitors in each field.

But every strong competitor is in a weak position in the face of Hantang Technology. The products of Hantang Technology will always be the first target of consumers to buy first!

Under such circumstances, although Hantang Technology was established a few years ago, it was only in 2004 that Lin Xuan took over Hantang Technology and made the company grow.

But with the development of several years, at this time, Hantang Technology has become a super enterprise that can rival the two industrial giants of Europa Siemens and Mediguo General Electric!

Under such circumstances, as people realized the fact that Hantang Technology has become a super industrial giant.

A deep doubt emerged in their hearts. As soon as this doubt came out, they felt as if they were being scratched in their hearts, and they couldn't wait to know the answer to the question.

What is this doubt?

This doubt is what is the market value of Hantang Technology?

How much money did Hantang Technology make?

What will Hantang Technology use the money for? !

While this question arises in people's minds, although they don't think that the real industrial strength of Hantang Technology is comparable to that of Siemens in Europe and General Electric in the United States.

But they have to admit that in terms of earning power, Hantang Technology can beat several General Electric and Siemens, because the industries involved in Hantang Technology are really profitable.

Although General Electric and Siemens are involved in many industries, they can be regarded as the pillars of human industrial civilization, but their industry's ability to make money will never compare with best-selling electronic products or the field of battery energy!

After all, the profit of industry is too shallow after all. People’s electronic products can earn several times or even dozens of times the profit of a mobile phone, but they can’t make so much money in industry.

So Daxia has a saying that is good, it is better to engage in real estate than to engage in industry!

You have worked hard for more than ten years in the industry and opened factories, and the income is not as much as buying a house to appreciate in value more than ten years ago!

It is too risky to set up a factory. It is better to buy a real estate and wait for it to appreciate in value. This is the status quo of Daxia and even the global industrial industry.

In this case, it must be true that several Siemens and even General Electric combined are not enough to beat Hantang Technology in terms of earning power.

After all, the profit of engaging in industry is usually only a few percent to a dozen percent, and as far as 50% can be achieved, it is a high profit in the industry.

However, profit does not mean everything. It is industry that determines the strength of a country!

Although their market value and profits are not as good as Hantang Technology, this does not hinder the reality that they are global super industrial giants.

For this reason, as many people became curious about Han and Tang science and technology, they gradually discussed this matter on the Internet in the following time.

Following their discussions, overseas reporters were also moved after hearing the news, and they also dispatched to cover various news.

In this case, as those reporters came up with various answers, they reported the relevant news in the form of news headlines.

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