Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 162 Fantasy Market

After understanding all that information, Nathan's confusion was finally cleared up.

"Hmm, so it was like that. This market sounds interesting." Nathan muttered.

Standing at the center of the white room, Nathan pondered where he should go.

After a while, he said, "I guess I'll go to the fantasy market first."

Without dilly dallying, Nathan turned right and walked towards the fantasy market's door.

Passing through it, Nathan's vision turned black again.

When his vision came back, Nathan saw that his surroundings were covered with medieval vibes.

There were carriages passing by from time to time, people wearing clothings that obviously isn't from the modern times.

It was as if he time traveled to the past!

But that's not all!

"Hey, mister! Buy some healing potions at our shop! Its quality is guaranteed!"

"Mister, do you need some magic items? Come, come, our store is the best place to go when you need magic items. We have everything that you might need!"

"Magic scrolls everyone, very affordable and easy to use. Don't hesitate now and buy a magic scroll!"

Nathan also saw shops that sell all kinds of things, people showcasing their magic items, advertising their potions, introducing their magic beast and many more!

Taking in all of these sights, Nathan can't help but exclaim in amazement.

"Wow… Being here feels so surreal…" He said,

A few minutes later, Nathan finally recovered his bearings and calmly started walking around the market.

Strolling through the market, Nathan observed everything that he saw with curiosity.

After a while, Nathan stopped walking and sat down on a bench that he saw.

Looking around, Nathan sighed and said, "Being in the market but not seeing any other customer besides myself kind of feels depressing, huh."

After walking for some time, Nathan inevitably noticed a few things about this fantasy market.

Although there are a lot of stores in this place and the vendors are shouting to the top of their lungs to attract customers, their stores are still deserted.

Because, there ain't even a single soul in here beside him!

Nathan can't help but complain in his heart, 'Why are you yelling when it's only me in here? I can hear you well, I'm not deaf!'

Of course, he did not say this.

It was because there is something that Nathan is unsure of.

Staring at a vendor from a stall nearby, Nathan frowned,

"They look just like normal people… But why is it that my appraisal isn't working on them?" He murmured,

As he was exploring the market earlier, Nathan tried appraising the things that are being sold around here.

Just like usual, his appraisal showed the properties of the items that he used it on.

Out of curiosity, Nathan tried it on one of the vendors to see their status, however, to his surprise, after being casted, the appraisal did not show him anything!

Not even question marks like that time with the Demon Temer showed up!

Because of that, Nathan tried it on every vendor that he passed by, and just like the first one, every other vendor showed up with nothing on their appraisal.

That's why Nathan can't help but question their existence.

Leaning on the bench, Nathan sighed, "Hais, this is making me confused!"

"To begin with, from their movements and words, it seems like there are other people around them, even though it is clearly just me in here."

Just in time, Nathan saw a fruit vendor not far away talking to no one.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Oh, really, you want 3?"

"Of course, of course, all my products are the best!"

"Pick one that you like, young miss."

That is just one example of the many unusual movements of the people here that confuses Nathan.

In the end, Nathan gave up and decided not to think about it anymore.

"Arrgh! Whatever, it's not important anyway."

Saying that, he stood up from the bench and started walking again.

"For now, I should go and check out that potion shop from earlier. I can take some and give it to Natalie later."

When Nathan arrives at the stall of the potion store, the vendor is smiling widely while talking to no one.

But by chance, Nathan saw something that made him dumbfounded.

The vendor picked up a vial of red potion and seems to be handing it to someone.

And the next second, the vial of potion suddenly disappeared!


Nathan subconsciously let out a sound out of surprise, causing the vendor to turn his head at him.

Smilingly, the vendor said, "Dear customer, is there anything I can help you with?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ Nathan was not able to reply immediately, but when he recovered, he said, "Oh, uh, yes, I want to buy some potions."

The vendor clapped his hands and asked, "Good! Good! Then customers, please feel free to take a look at my goods and bring them to me."

Nathan slowly nodded, "Uh, oum…"

After that, the vendor turned his head beside him, seemingly talking to a new customer.

Glancing on the side, Nathan saw no one.

Shaking his head, Nathan stopped thinking about it, 'Aish, I should really just do what I need to do and stop caring about these things!' he thought.

Nathan turned his gaze to the merchandise on display.

Each color of potions has a shelf of its own with the name of it plastered on each one.

Looking at a red potion called Health Potion, Nathan used his appraisal at it.

[Health Potion]

[Rating: Common]

[Description: For 5 seconds, heal any minor wounds and injuries in your body.]

The description was short, but that was enough for Nathan.

Picking 50 of those Health Potions, Nathan called the vendor again.

"Hello, I'll be taking these."

Surprise was visible on the vendor's face when he saw the amount of potions in Nathan's hands.

Looking between those potions and Nathan, the vendor unsurely said, "Uhm… are you sure, sir?"

Tilting his head, Nathan answered, "Yes, why?"

"Uhm, a Health Potion is 10 Null Energy Stones, so 50 of it is 500 Null Energy Stones."

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