"Congratulations, Gar!" Kalle stood up, about to go hug the blushing male. But Gar shook his head.

"I mean, thank you," he said quickly. "I'm really happy, but… she was a part of their… forward guard, I guess you could say. She was sent ahead to study and learn and send back information. She's a traitor to them and she's telling us everything. But it means that we know for certain: They've known about the traverse for a long time, and they've been using it regularly for months. They sent a team after her because she started having second thoughts when we… when we got to know each other. I almost killed them. I might have killed them," he said, shifting in his seat. "So we're waiting, because we know even if none of them survived—I had to get her out of there—the people here are waiting to hear from them. And when they don't…"

"They'll come," Gahrye said, his voice faint and hoarse.

Kalle put an arm over his shoulder and squeezed, her eyes wide and sad. But Gahrye's heart was breaking.

She was so strong.

"So there's… there's definitely two traverses? You have no doubt?"

"None," Gar said. "She's crossed the other one. And she knew… she's been through it."

Gahrye nodded and closed his eyes, swallowing back the pinch in his throat—and the burning rage that wanted to consume him. Because with that final piece of information, the last of his hope died and it all made sense.

Two traverses. Of course. That explained everything.

He looked up at Kalle, who stared down at him, and he didn't think he'd ever seen her face look sadder. She turned, cupping his face and pulling him into a long but chaste kiss. He knew they shouldn't be making this display in front of the others, but as he put his hands to her face and held her in the kiss, he was way past fucking caring.

She was his mate, and… god, how was he going to do this?

When they finally pulled apart, Kalle's eyes shining with tears, Gar was staring at them.

"What's going on?" he asked in a low growl.

Gahrye stroked Kalle's cheek with his thumb, then turned back to the males, ignoring the horrified look from his son.

"Nothing, I… we've just been preparing for this," Gahrye said to Gar. "But unless there's more, you two need to—"

"Gahrye, what the fuck is going on?" Gar growled, getting to his feet. "We're past secrets now, did you hear me? The Anima know. The time has come. We can't hide things anymore."

"I heard you," Gahrye said sternly, gripping Kalle's hand. "And I'm not keeping secrets from you, Gar. There's somethings that… depend on certain people and until they know their roles, it's utterly unfair for anyone else to be told."

"There might not be a chance for people to be told, Gahrye," Gar said striding towards him. Gahrye pushed to his feet, teeth gritted against his frustration at Gar's youthful misunderstanding. "We're going to bring Elreth here, but—"

Reece appeared from nowhere, standing between Gahrye and Gar and putting himself in Gar's face.

"Reece," Gahrye said.

"You back the fuck off, Gar."

Gar's eyes flashed and he held Reece's gaze. The two were of a height, but Gar had to outweigh him by fifty pounds or more. Plus he was a predator. It didn't matter how dominant Reece was—

"Get out of my way," Gar muttered and Gahrye felt the weight of the Alpha authority thrumming in those words.

"No one needs to get out of anyone's way," Gahrye snapped. "Reece, Gar isn't going to hurt me, and you aren't going to fight my battles, even if he tries to. Back off."

"He's the one who told about the prophecies, maybe he wasn't even supposed to. It's his mate that's a human, maybe he's the traitor?"

Gar snarled, his beast snarled from within him, his eyes flashing the lion's gold, and that growl ricocheted through the room. Aaryn was on his feet looking like he might try to step in and Gahrye didn't know which way he was going to lean. Everyone was just too fucking tense.

Gahrye stepped forward and pulled Reece away, who wasn't giving an inch. Then he stepped into Gar, meeting his eyes evenly, calmly.

"I know you aren't a traitor, Gar. And you know Reece didn't mean that. Everyone's just having a rough day. So listen—I'm not holding anything back from you. There are just people I need to speak to first, that's all. I'm coming over and I'm going to fill everyone in on everything we know."

"Who?" Gar snapped.

"Your mother and father," Gahrye said without hesitation.

Gar blinked. "But… she was… she's done her job. She got the Protectors started. She did her part."

Gahrye didn't answer, but he also didn't drop Gar's gaze. His heart breaking as he watched fear dawn in Elia's son's eyes. Gahrye put a hand to his bicep and held him.

"I'll explain everything," he promised. "Just… just give me a day. If they're already in Anima, you two need to get back because this is going to happen quickly. I'll follow you tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. I'll talk to your parents, and then we'll sort it all out. Everything."

Gar stared at him. "But, you don't understand. Elreth's coming—"

"No, Gar, you don't understand," Gahrye insisted, his heart dropping, even as the conviction rose to match the need. Creator's mane… he knew. He knew what this was going to take and he couldn't let Gar give him a reason to delay. He was never going to find the courage otherwise. "There's no time. I've got a couple details to sort out, a handful of things, but with this information… I know what's needed. Elreth doesn't need to come here. I have the answers—or I will. If you want the Anima to survive we have to get this done now."

Behind him, Kalle began to sob. 

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