Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 724 - Seventy Hundred And Twenty-four: Forgot Her Date With Theodore

Chapter 724 - Seventy Hundred And Twenty-four: Forgot Her Date With Theodore

The third point of view:

By the time they arrived, the team was still setting up their equipment, hence it gave Ailee enough time to get updated with the costume department while Neon socialized with his fellow models. The photoshoot location is an open landscape, a wide and long field expressing nature.

And it was while Ailee was speaking to the designer when out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Mackenzie make her way over to Neon and her face distorted at once.

"Hey Jade, can you hear me?" The woman had to wave her hand in front of her.

"Yes," Ailee answered as soon as she got herself, "And we're done, right?"

"Yes, we are but -" the woman didn't get to finish the rest of her words because Ailee had already walked out.


A voice said behind Neon and he turned around to discover it was someone he didn't know aka a stranger.

"Hi, miss....?"

"Miss Mackenzie," She was quick to introduce herself by thrusting out her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Neon," He took her hand in a handshake.

"Actually, I introduced myself to you last week at the company but you must have been occupied," Mackenzie said with an awkward smile.

"Oh, I must have been," Neon said, smiling nervously. How does he deal with this kind of situation?

"Umm," Mackenzie cleared her throat, "Actually, I wanted -"

"Neon," Ailee interrupted Mackenzie, causing the both of them to turn.

Ailee was almost out of breath as if she had been running but she didn't show it and looked relaxed.

"Ai-Jade," Neon used her fake identity at the last minute and that made Ailee glare at him in a warning. It

At the same time, Mackenzie noticed their coordinated secret exchange and it made her feel like an outsider - like she was interfering with something she wasn't part of. That made her jealous and her fists clenched by her side.

"Oh, Jade," Mackenzie said with a big fake smile, "Nice to meet you again,"

Nice to meet you, my butt, Ailee retorted in her mind. However, she still answered politely, "Nice to meet you too, Jade,"

Ailee then turned to Neon, hoping to untangle him from this witch when she spoke again, "It seems you have something to say to Neon because the both of us are kind of in an important conversation," She was smug.

But to Mackenzie's shock, Neon threw her under the bus, "Of course not, we don't have any important conversation going on,"

Her jaw dropped to the ground, how could he do that to her all just to please his assistant? Mackenzie was so pissed that smoke was literally oozing out of her ears.

"Is anything the matter?" Neon asked with concern seeing that she had rushed over to him.

"I have your clothes," She gestured to the load of them in her arms.

"Then go set it where it's supposed to be, isn't that what an assistant is supposed to do? Do you have to bother him for everything?" Mackenzie retorted. She didn't like the closeness between Neon and Jade. Jade was a big threat to her plans.

"Mackenzie," Neon called her, his brows furrowed and that meant he was annoyed.

"You said I didn't have anything important to say when I took it upon me to improve our relationship since we'd be shooting as a couple," Mackenzie looked pitiful as she bit on her lips.

However, instead of noticing her sympathetic look, Neon was more interested in, "We would shoot as a couple?"

"Yes, in the second round. I was just trying to inform and as well give you some tips as a rookie," She said innocently.

"Oh," Neon realized he might have treated her a bit unkindly.

"I'll go sort out and arrange your clothes, sir," Ailee said disgruntledly, "Just don't get too lost in your informal education because shooting start thirty minutes from now,"

Ailee turned to Mackenzie and added sternly, "You have just ten minutes to teach him the world's most valuable information. If even a minute goes by without him returning to his stand, you'd have his mother?to contend with,"

Before even Neon nor Mackenzie had the time to talk, Ailee had already strode away.

"What's her problem?" Mackenzie asked as soon as she left her.

"She's just looking out for me, do not take it to heart," Neon said, already thinking of words to placate Ailee when he's done.

"Looking out for you?" Mackenzie couldn't believe him, "You're her employee but I feel like she's the one controlling you instead -,"

"Are you giving me some tips or should I return to my stand? It's just one option," Neon was getting irritated by her nosiness. What was her business on how he and Ailee behaved?

"Fine," Mackenzie had to give up on the issue. She was supposed to bring Neon to her side, to make him like her, but the first thing they did was to argue because of that miserable assistant of his.

How annoying. Seeing it was obvious that Jade and Neon had a strong relationship, she realized she had to change her tactics. It was obvious Neon wasn't fazed by her beauty nor popularity, probably because he was a Spencer and had all the riches he wanted. So she had to use the old school way. Awake every man's instinctive ability to protect a weaker vessel. She was going to lose to that nobody called Jade.

Mackenzie went through Jade's background record and found out that she was from a poor background - like a peasant. Sigh, if only Ailee knew the kind of fake background her brother Allen made up for her, she'd bury him alive. According to the report, Jade got a scholarship to attend the same school as Neon, and other than that, Jade was Jade - simply nothing. She wasn't special at all.

Meanwhile, Ailee was already done setting Neon's costumes and was busy observing the time on her phone when it lit up with a call.

Oh shit, Theodore. She forgot her date.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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