Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 721 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-one: Manipulation

Chapter 721 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-one: Manipulation

The third point of view:

"Just because a human says he's sorry, doesn't mean he's sorry. Ninety-nine percent of tears around the world is a form of manipulation," Isabella thought in her head as she zoned out.

Right now the activities going on in Isabella's head was like watching a game of chess. If a device could measure her brave wave right now, it would overload with her chaotic thoughts.

"If a newborn mammal does not cry out, it is unlikely to get the attention it needs to survive.?As the child gets older, crying becomes a tool of social repertory: grief and joy, shame and pride, fear and manipulation. The child having studied his mother knows if he doesn't cry, the mother wouldn't listen. So he sobs and manipulates the mother into giving more food even when he has enough," Isabella thought to herself as Pedro's incoherent murmuring increased on her door.

"Isabella, open up, it's me!" Pedro kept banging on the door. She surmised he was drunk else he wouldn't be this inconsiderate to her peace.

Well, Pedro has been inconsiderate throughout the day by hovering around her door. The only time he left her door was to answer nature's call - and of course to drink.

It was manipulation in this purest form with him trying to force her to forgive him. She needs to make her decision without being coerced and he wasn't exactly giving her that choice.

So Isabella made up her mind, as far as he remained by her door, she would remain indoor as long as possible. She had water to drink but not food, nor was she hungry. Fortunately, human beings can survive as long as fourteen days without food, she would like to put that theory to test.

Isabella laid down on the bed staring at outer space. Although she was mad at Pedro, it still brought her a sense of comfort knowing that he was outside her door. He was not with that woman.

Isabella wanted to hurt him and at the same time didn't want to. Something must be wrong with her. Her hands went to her stomach and stroked her stomach that now has a little bump. Perhaps, it was a good thing that she and Pedro were fighting else he would have his suspicion once he saw her body.

"Don't worry little one," She spoke to her unborn baby, "I'll give you a perfect life. No one would take away your rightful position or father," Isabella promised her child, her eyes now having a malevolent glint as she recalled the mission she gave to Jean.

She was still thinking when she picked up movements and a voice she recognized as Anabelle. Of course, that busy body would not leave her alone.

Isabella didn't move a muscle even when Anabelle threatened to spill her secret - she doesn't have the guts. She'd kill her if she does that - she means it.

She relaxed or so she thought until that trouble maker appeared. Isabella's brows furrowed at Julie's appearance, nothing can ever go well with him around.

"What do you want me to do for you to forgive me? Should I rip out my heart and serve it to you in a platter?"?she heard Pedro's grieving yet hardened her heart. She can't let emotions get in the way of her decision-making.

"What about reversing the time?" Isabella answered in her head. It was impossible but there was no harm in wishing.

"Sure, do that. I'm sure Isabella would appreciate it," Julie answered and Isabella's eyes narrowed at once, what was that asshole trying to do? Doesn't he know Pedro was drunk and really emotional right now and that made him susceptible to suggestions?

Her fists clenched by her side, she would kill that asshole once she gets out. Get out? Damn, Julie was trying to manipulate her into leaving her room. Isabella exhaled noisily through her nose, do they think she was easy to manipulate?

"You're saying I should rip my heart out? She would like it?" the stupid Pedro was listening to his suggestion.

Isabella who was previously lying down on the bed now stood up. She took a deep breath, Julie better not crossed the line.

Outside the door, Julie said to Pedro, "Of course, my man. Right now, Isabella doesn't want to speak to you because she wants you dead. So why don't you demonstrate your great love for her?" he had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Okay," Pedro slurred then clawed his chest as if trying to pull his heart out but as expected, failed miserably.

"I can't," Pedro huffed because he had been putting so much effort into it and only ended up bruising himself.

"Don't worry, I have a better idea," Julie said, and that caused Anabelle's brows to furrow. Her fiancé was treading a field filled with mines right now. Isabelle would kill him if he tried anything funny with Pedro.

"What is it?" Pedro accepted his idea without a second thought.

At that, Julie smiled and went over to him, saying, "You see the wall?"

"Yeah," Pedro staggered over to the wall, positioning himself properly.

"On the count of three, bang your head on the wall with enough force to crack your skull open. Only when you die, Isabella would be happy," He announced.

"Julie!" Anabelle called him, uncomfortable with his games anymore, "What are you doing?"

"Relax," Julie shrugged it off, "I'm sure Isabella would come to save him before he really does it, right?"

Back in the room, Isabella was now pacing up and down her room while fuming in anger. She would skin the life out of Julie if she gets out. How dare he try to force her hand? This was none of his business!

"Alright, Pedro, are you ready?" Julie asked him, prepared to start his counting.

Pedro turned to him, "If I do it Isabella would be happy, right?"

"Of course, you can trust me," Julie assured him.

"That's the opposite of what he should be doing right now," Anabelle retorted. She was, really trying to be brave right now.

"Alright," Julie gestured to Pedro to turn and face the wall, "At the count of one….. two….. three!"

Anabelle screamed and closed her eyes as Pedro smashed his head into the…...

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