Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 712 - Seven Hundred And Twelve: Date Neon

Chapter 712 - Seven Hundred And Twelve: Date Neon

The third point of view:

"Hey," Eve felt someone tap her on the shoulder and turned around only to stare into a face that knocked the breath out of her. The golden yellow eyes on that handsome face reminded her of the fantastical wolves described in books. It was enthralling.

However, when she saw who those eyes belonged to, her face fell at once. Eve Donovan glared at Allen Spencer who still had that charming smile on his face.

Allen knew his look was damaging to the female species and used his charm to attract as many as he could into his bed. His blessed face had also saved him many times out of punishment and that was why he used that weapon on Eve and just as he expected, she was charmed. Unfortunately, his charm didn't last for long.

Eve glared at him and then banged her locker shut, intending to leave when Allen sneaked around her and blocked the path.

"What is your problem?!" She didn't bother to hide her displeasure. Eve hated the sight of Allen, how could such an animal even exist?

"I want to speak to you, but before then have this," He said and stretched the flower to her. Allen braced himself because he had an inkling she would hit with the flowers but to his surprise, she took it from him without hesitation.

"Aww, the roses are so good," She swooned, taking a whiff of the flower that smelled good.

Allen was stunned, that was not the reaction he expected from her, nonetheless, it's good. It seems Eve was already into him and had only been playing hard to get. Anyway, it made everything easy for him.

"I want to apologize," Allen began, rubbing his palm together, "I knew I was a jerk -"

"A big jerk," she interjected, causing him to grimace. Was he sure he was into him? No lady taken by him would retort in that manner. Well, she had an attitude from the very start, anyway.

"Yeah, I was a big Jerk," Allen admitted, "But then, I've realized how wrong I am and the fact that I'm a sore winner as you said," He acknowledged that as well to her surprise.

He went on, "And for that, I'm truly sorry. I know that you may need time to be able to forgive me -"

"I've forgiven you," Eve said so quickly that he was stunned.

She forgave him just like that, confusion filled Damon. Allen was expecting her to get back at him by giving him a hard time. But then, she has forgiven him? It sounded too easy to be real.

"Really?" Allen's gaze narrowed at her suspiciously, "You don't bear grudges against me anymore?"

"Do I need to say it twice or were you born with insecurity issues? Is that why you are the way you are?" She asked while staring him straight in the eyes.

Allen felt uncomfortable with the way she scrutinized him, so he tore his gaze away and put on his normal playboy smile," Of course not, why would I have insecurity issues when I have the perfect perfect family and life?" he smirked.

Allen leaned closer, "So to apologize for my bad behavior, would you mind having dinner with me this evening?"

Unfortunately, it was at that moment when they were intimately close to each other that Ailee came to find her new best friend only to see her in such a compromising position with her brother.

Tears stung her eyes at once and her heart felt as if it was breaking into a thousand fragments. Ailee didn't want to watch them lock lips, but she had misunderstood Eve previously and the both of them being intimate with each other was proof that she had been fooled once more. As much as it would break her heart, she had to see it.

"Dinner?" Eve was interested in the sudden request and she didn't even bother to create some space between them. If Allen wanted to play, she was game.

"Yes," Allen was excited by the glint in her eyes, "It's my way of thanking you," His voice dropped to a whisper as he leaned more closer such that their noses were touching and would be a kiss if he tilted his head. Allen smirked, he never knew Eve was such a tease.

"And then what happens after dinner, Mr. player?" Eve asked all of a sudden, shattering the connection that rippled between them seconds ago.

"What?" Allen suffered a mental whiplash from the sudden change in her attitude. Her tone that had once been playful and seductive was suddenly cold and sharp.

"I guess after dinner, you have great plans of getting into my pants, isn't that so, Allen Spencer?" She smirked, having seen through his plan.

"Putting it that way is quite crude, lovemaking is heaven's gift to mankind," He defended himself.

"Yes, of course, it is. But then, it is called love-making, sadly, all that matters to you is sex," she corrected him.

"Is it so bad?"

"Huh?" she stared at that crazy guy.

"Having sex involves two parties who mutually agree for the sake of pleasure," Allen stepped a little too close for her liking which made her lean back.

"You would not regret a night with me," He enticed her the way the witch must have bewitched snow white while giving her the apple.

"Sorry," Eve rejected his offer without remorse, "But I'm not in search of penises and even if I wanted one, your white ass would be the last of them,"

Allen was supposed to feel insulted however at the mention of his white ass, a smile crossed his lips. He cocked a dark brow at her, "You still think about my white ass, huh?"

At that moment, an embarrassed blush crept up her face and if her eyes were bullets, Allen would have been dead because she glared at him intensely.

She at once shoved the flower at his chest, "Sorry, but I'm allergic to flowers," Eve then pushed past him and turned, only to see Ailee at the corner of the hallway staring at them.

Anger like no other filled Eve, Allen must have seen her and yet still played around with her. Without a word, she strode back to Allen and stomped on his feet so hard he yelped in pain.

"Better," Eve was relieved and walked over to Ailee cautiously, wondering if she would still take her back after what she saw.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," Ailee replied, her expression unreadable.

"I swear to God, nothing happened between...." Eve didn't get to finish the rest of her statement because Ailee walked up to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"I know," Ailee rested her chin on her shoulder with a satisfied smile. She was so happy, this was the first time someone was able to resist the charms of her brother. She was so happy!

"Come on," She grabbed her hand excitedly, "Let's go to class," Ailee ignored her brother and went ahead with her loyal friend.

Although Allen was hopping around on one foot in pain, his gaze was clear and filled with determination. He was headstrong and had never for once backed out from a challenge. Right now, he saw Eve as conquest and he would do everything in his power to get her.

In the end, victory would be his. Moreover, he knew how to pull the heartstrings of women and Eve was no different from the others. He would not give up on her.

"So you're going on a date with my brother? I'm so happy for you!" Eve was excited by the news.

"You could come along as well," Ailee extended an invitation to her, "Who knows?" She wriggled her brows suggestively, "Something might happen between you and my brother, Neon,"

They both laughed at her silly matchmaking skills. As much as Ailee didn't want any girls around Neon, Eve was her best friend and an exception. From the short time they've spent together, Ailee was sure she would make Neon happy.

"No, thanks," Eve rejected her offer without hesitation.

"What? Why?" Ailee feigned hurt, "Don't you like him? He's intelligent, considerate, loving and most of all, handsome. What more do you want?"

Eve nodded, "I agree that he's a good person but…."

"But what?" Ailee was eager to know why she rejected Neon. Who in their right mind doesn't want to be with Neon? Sure, Allen was the star boy of their school, but Neon was second in place. A lot of girls would kill if this offer was extended to them.

Eve stopped and said, "He's too quiet for my liking,"

"What?" Aimee could not understand her. She didn't like Neon because he was quiet? She laughed, "That doesn't make sense,"

"Don't you know the quiet ones are the most dangerous," Eve said, "I prefer the guys whose intentions are transparent and easy to deal with - Neon is a huge piece of work. Moreover, his eyes are set only on you, his sister, no one else. Such devotion is rare to find and also disturbing to his relationship with the opposite sex, "

Ailee could only laugh nervously.. At this rate, she would have to find a good girlfriend for her brother sooner than she thought.

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