Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 70 - Seventy : An Enemys Enemy Is A Friend

Chapter 70 - Seventy : An Enemy's Enemy Is A Friend

Niklaus and Sakuzi were like fire and ice, they couldn't and would never coexist with each other . Kay issues set aside, there was a reason why Nik had to avoid love at all cost.

The Spencer family were in constant danger because of the nature of their business , potential competitors whether legal or illegally would go to any length just to bring them down .

So using their love interest to blackmail or threaten them was a common occurrence which never bothered Niklaus cause he had no real feelings for his playthings.

But unfortunately he has being captured by cupid's arrow even though he wouldn't admit it, but just caring for Maya alone has created an avenue for his enemies to step in and not just his enemies but his enemy of all enemies - Sakuzi

Nik's bad blood with Sakuzi wasn't something that could be resolved with mere words of apologies but with the death of one of them - two alphas can never exist in a pack, one has to submit or die.

" If Sakuzi is looking into Maya's background then nothing good can come out of it " Eden commented rubbing his jaw thoughtfully.

"Possibly true, we all know this feud began after that incident that caused lady Kay's death " Liam opined, adjusting his tie.

"Nik has made a huge mistake this time, he has gone soft, he let Maya weaken him while forgetting the crown is on his head "

Eden knew whoever bears the thorny crown of

the Spencer family must have a heart of stone which is the only way of trampling upon their enemies.

At this rate, Eden was sure Adam would never agree to this marriage Niklaus was planning - Maya was like a touch of sunshine and was slowly infiltrating the darkness - Adam would never stay still and allow such a thing to happen.

Eden chuckled, humorously ; It seems he would get Maya sooner than expected cause an internal war would soon begin in the Spencer family.

Though Nik might be as stubborn as a mule but Adam was as tenacious as a bulldog and if push comes to shove - he might even conspire with Sakuzi just to set his son straight - that was just how scary Adam was.

" What do you think about this? "

" Huh? " Liam looked up surprised " What do you mean sir? "

"Do you think it's just a coincidence that Sakuzi returns the moment Nik is receiving a bit of happiness after so many years? "

Liam's brows knitted together " Are you suggesting someone must have tipped Sakuzi off about the girl... " he trails off.

Eden met his eyes and smiled " Bingo ! "

" Who would do such a thing? Niklaus would definitely skin that person alive if he gets an idea of this "

"I know that but Sakuzi has been lying low, waiting patiently for this moment and God has finally answered his prayers "

But Liam tilts his head to the side, a look of doubt on his face " What if you're mistaken and all this is nothing but a coincidence? "

Eden throws his head back and gave out a hearty laugh " That's the problem, Liam! I don't believe in coincidence but in causes and effects ! Just like now " He said and his eyes darkened scaring the hell out of Liam.

Liam feeling something was not quite right instinctively took a step back and was about to flee when a muffled crack of thunder filled the room as a figure came out from under Eden's desk and pulled the trigger once... twice...thrice... until he dropped to the ground.

The room was enveloped in a cloud of smoke which soon cleared away, revealing a figure which had the same face with the Liam lying on the ground in his own pool of blood.

"I told you?the barrel is threaded for a suppressor, and would work just fine " said the original Liam blowing smoke from the end of the Beretta M9A3 barrel.

Eden ignored him and walked towards the fake Liam convulsing rhythmically on the ground and squatted down beside him " I told you I don't believe in coincidence but causes and effects; you trying to fool me is the cause while I ending you is the effect "

Eden's hand then moved to the fake Liam's neck and pulled off the fleshy mask, revealing a different face beneath it " This is your real face, isn't it? " He said scrutinizing his features "Tsk tsk , what an eyesore "

" Clear the body , that face can give me nightmare for ages " Eden stood to his feet and commanded Liam who didn't look too shocked.

" Why do you think Sakuzi sent him if he didn't want to assassinate you ? " asked Liam curiously, eyes still fixed on the corpse resting in the middle of the room.

A smirk curled up Eden's lips " He never wanted to hurt me in the first place , it was just a welcome gift " his eyes twinkled " I wonder what gift he sent to my dear cousin Niklaus "


Kim looked left and right before she climbed into the luxurious leather seat beside her. The car was packed at the entrance of an abandoned warehouse, away from prying eyes.

" Why did you ask to see me? " Kim asked the lady who turned to face her with an unreadable expression on her face.

"You should have known by now why I requested this meeting, Kimberly " Tina said, calling Kim by her full name and flashed her usual killer smile "Cause you're a very smart woman"

" What would a socialite like you possibly require from a commoner like me " Kim acted coy but inwardly she was delirious with joy.

Though Debra group wasn't a conglomerate like the Spencer group but the girl has family members in diverse high-ranking governmental positions. If she could befriend her, it would benefit her family and company a lot.

Tina sneered inwardly, she could already tell what this idiot was thinking - but who cares if she can get what she wants.

"I'm sure you heard the news " She told Kim who nodded her head. Of course how could she not , everybody in the socialite circle had seen and knows the truth even though the commoners might see it as just a publicity stunts

"It seems my dear sister has bite off more than she can chew and awoken the sleeping giant in the process " Kim said to Tina who looked entirely pleased with her bootlicking.

"Then what do you suggest we do? " Tina asked, albeit a test she set on purpose.

A malevolent smile appeared on Kim's face " Of course cut off her claws , but then ..." She hesitated, a frown wrinkling her forehead " You can't take away a cub in front of its mother "

Tina perfectly understood what she was implying, as far as Nik still cherishes and protects the girl, there was little to nothing they could do to her.

Tina breathed deeply " Don't worry about Niklaus, I have my own way of dealing with him. So you should focus on your own task " She said and brought out a check before inscribing some numerical figures on it and handed it to Kim.

"I believe Niklaus's tantrum must have caused some setback on your side, so take this and recuperate and I believe we have a deal already "

"Of course " Kim smiled, accepting the cheque " An enemy's enemy is a friend "

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