Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 691 - Six Hundred And Ninety-one: What Are We?

Chapter 691 - Six Hundred And Ninety-one: What Are We?

The third point of view:

"Oh no, he can't do this,"

Akim failed miserably when he tried to confront her. The instant Anika looked into his eyes, he just stood still like a bamboo tree.

Akim had never seen himself as shy, in fact, as a prince, he was raised to be outspoken and confident. But in front of Anika? He was simply rendered powerless. Worst part? She knew the power she had over him and used it to the fullest.

Why was he this way?

"Come on, stop being such a slowpoke!" She grabbed his hand again, intertwining their fingers once more without care, and pulled him along.

How could she be so cool after what happened between them? She kissed him on the lips the other time and now, she pecked him on the cheek. Who knows what she would do next?

His free hand unconsciously went across his chest protectively and Anika caught that move.

"What are you doing?" she asked, scrutinizing him.

"Nothing," He said, clearing his throat, "Let's go then,"

Contrary to his expectation, he and Anika explored the markets of Lincolnshire and he had to say it was an eye-opener.

Akim received a lot of inspiration from the journey and realized he had a lot to offer his people. It was almost as if he came closer to his people enough to understand their daily needs. And he swore at that moment to not fail them.

Time flies while having fun. Night came quicker than they thought and both decided that the beach would be their last bus stop before calling it a night.

High waves rolled in on the beach and they've walked enough. Right now, they both laid down on the incalculable grains of sand of the beach taking in the starry night sky.

None of them said a word, just lost to their own thoughts until Anika decided to ask, "What is it to be a prince?"

"Huh?" He was surprised. Of all the questions, he had not expected that one from one.

"You heard me right, Akim," she said nonchalantly without even looking at him.

Of course, she was the only one who dared to call him by his name. Perhaps, that was why he was more comfortable with her, she treats him like a normal human being irrespective of his status.

He took a deep breath, "Predictable,"

"What?" she turned this time.

"I can already tell my beginning to the end. Be a prince, get educated, learn how to run the kingdom, get married and then produce heirs that would take up the legacy, inculcate the same teachings from my father and the cycle continues. When you know your end, you find out that every day is always the same, " He answered, turning to face her and this time didn't look away.

Anika readjusted her position, such that her head was resting on her folded arm and completely faced him, the bits of sand hanging onto her skin.

She asked him, "What if you don't have to be a prince, what would you do then?"

Akim's brows furrowed, thinking over her words, "I seriously don't know. Bring a prince is all I know,"

"So you've never had a dream?" Anika probed, "Even as a kid?"

Uncomfortable with the way he strained his neck while looking at her, Akim turned his body the same way Anika did to hers which was much more comfortable. Thus, they lay face to face.

"The thing is..." He took a deep breath, "I have two fathers,"

"What?" Anika was surprised by that news. Even her mother Fiona didn't tell her that. Well, she must have thought it was unnecessary to know that. Unfortunately, anything that concerned Akim was her business and she must know it all.

"My root is pretty complicated," Akim said and went ahead to tell her in detail the history of his late grandfather, Adam, his mother, Emily, and of course, the kind of man their now powerful king was - a commoner, although in disguise.

"Even when I lived as governor Ahmed's son, I was groomed to be an heir. To follow the steps of my then father in order not to bring a stain to his great name and political aspirations. My career was forged already and I had no complaints following it. So no, I don't really have a dream," He answered her question.

For a minute nobody said a word until Anika reached out and placed her hand on his palm as she began to caress his cheeks.

"It must have been hard on you," She said and for once, there was a trace of sympathy in her gaze. Surprisingly, he was not revolted by her pity because he knew inwardly she wasn't looking down on her. He knew her that well now.

"It's nothing," He said like it cost him nothing, "It was something I had to do. Moreover, none of it was harmful and was for my own good," yet he leaned into her touch, craving the comfort.

Akim closed his eyes with a sigh, covering her hand that she had on his cheeks with his much larger ones. Then he opened his eyes and looked into her green orbs that didn't break contact with him either.

He summoned courage and finally asked the question that had been on his mind, "What are we, Anika?"?It was time they defined this strange relationship they had.

But Anika replied, "I don't know," While stroking his face with his hand still on top of hers. She asked him as well,

"What about you, Akim? What are we?" she needed his response.

"I don't know," Akim gave her the same reply as her, however, he added, "But I know this for sure,"

Before she could say a word, he moved towards her and covered her lips with his. Anika's eyes remained open as she didn't expect that move from him - she was always the one taking the lead.

"I feel something for you," He confessed after the rather brief kiss.

Anika didn't say anything, she simply smiled and without warning, pushed him to his back and kissed him with fervor.

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