Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 680 - Six Hundred And Eighty: Evidence

Chapter 680 - Six Hundred And Eighty: Evidence

The third point of view:

Isabella barely chased Anabelle out of her studio when Jean returned with his own report. The instant he arrived in her office, the smile that Anabelle managed to put on her face vanished at once.

She had a strong feeling that whatever she was about to listen to was bad news. Perhaps, Isabella might have figured it out already but she just needed evidence. And the evidence was all Jean had.

"The result of the investigation you asked me to carry out," Jean said, dropping the file on her table.

Isabella then left everything she was doing and picked the file. She glanced through the papers and it was a background check Jean had done on Natasha.

"Natasha Gheaven, twenty-four years old and was born in a family of two," Isabella said out loud as she went through the record," Her?younger sister lives in the city while her parents reside in the countryside,"

She was a smart woman, Isabella could tell from the report which pointed out she won a scholarship that covered all of her university expenses. No wonder Pedro had hired her, she was efficient enough.

The next, Isabella picked out a small envelope from the folder and it was filled to the brim with pictures. She took out the stack of photos and began to stare at it one after the other while Jean explained.

"It was quite a tough one but I was able to capture the past months they worked together through neighboring cameras," and I can safely say nothing happened between them at that time, Jean held that thought to himself.

He knew why Isabella ordered this investigation but it was not in his place to say anything. He had served her for ten years and she has become dear to him in the same way a daughter was to a father. He didn't want to see her get hurt. Unfortunately, this one was going to hurt her real bad.

Isabella glanced through the numerous photos and it was all pictures of both of them working. As Pedro's PA, Natasha followed him almost everywhere, and sometimes they worked late into the night.

Why had Isabella even let him have a female personal assistant??It had been Pedro's choice and she took it as an opportunity to work on her jealousy. Moreover, after everything they have been through, she trusted Pedro would never betray her.

Nothing seemed to be wrong with any of the pictures until she got to one and her brows furrowed at once.

Isabella turned the picture to him, asking in a stern voice as she couldn't recognize the club, "Where was this taken?"

"Outside the country. Pedro had a?meeting with some investors and they had a drink or two. Didn't you know?"

"What I don't know about is Natasha joining him on the trip,"

"She goes with him on every trip," Jean reminded him.

And yet nothing happened until now, Isabella had the feeling. However, she kept on going through the pictures all culled from the club's surveillance cameras with the time frame on them.

It was mostly pictures of Pedro sharing drinks with the investors; clicking glasses and conversing with them. Isabella who was interested now hooked on the storyline was furious when she discovered there were no more pictures.

She glanced up at Jean, "What is the meaning of this?" her tone was grim.

"You don't have to do this," Jean pleaded with her.

"Give me what's left, Jean," she demanded sternly.

"Are you sure of this?" He wanted to give her the choice here.

"As sure as the day I was born," Isabella said with an intensity in her eyes. Her head was clearer than ever and she was finally seeing things the way they are.

"Give it to me now," She stretched out her hand expectantly.

With a sigh, Jean pulled out his phone and handed it to her. Isabella didn't hesitate a moment to snatch it from him and played it the video.

It was taken from the camera of the hotel and it showed Pedro stumbling down the passageway with Natasha trying to support him. It was obvious that he was dead drunk and Natasha was the only thing keeping him from messing around. However, the way Natasha held him made Isabella's hands clench tightly, how dare she lay a hand on him. Pedro belonged to him.

The next thing Isabella saw was the both of them walking into a room that she figured out to be Pedro's. At once, Isabella's breath hitched as the door closed behind them, a possibility of what was going on in there going through her head.

Isabella clutched the edge of the phone so tight that Jean gulped, he loved that phone. Isabella didn't see anything else after the door closed but the time frame told her all she needed to know because the next moment Natasha left the room, it was in the morning and she was in a hurry.

Isabella didn't even know she wasn't even breathing until the video came to an end. She couldn't explain it but there was this suffocating feeling in her chest as if there was no more oxygen she could take in.

"Isabella?" Jean asked out of concern. She almost looked like she would faint anytime soon, "Are you okay?"

"I will be okay once you get me that bitch!" She growled at him, "I don't care how you do it but get her to me!"

"Fine," the man stood up to his feet, ready to leave. His heart went out to Isabella who intentionally was glancing out the window, her back turned to him.

Jean shook his head and walked over to the door, he grabbed the knob and was ready to leave when he heard a thud. That sound made him turn around to see what happened only to find Isabella on the floor.

His heart skipped a beat and he rushed over to her, "Isabella!" He cried out, shaking the unconscious woman.

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