Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 674 - Six Hundred And Seventy-four: Have Their Wedding Together

Chapter 674 - Six Hundred And Seventy-four: Have Their Wedding Together

The point of view:

"What?" Isabelle was dumbfounded by the news, "What are you talking about?" she asked her.

She pouted her lips, "Well," she dropped the plate still containing a few slices of apple on the desk, " Since Julie and I would be getting married, I figured out that I would take time from work and organize my wedding. So I'm not taking any more jobs and I'm working hard on finishing my ongoing ones this week at the latest. Also...."

Anabelle bit on her lips which made Isabella narrow her gaze at her, trying to figure out her intention.

"Also...?" Isabella pressed, wanting to hear what she had to say.

"Can we have our wedding together?! "

"No!" Isabella shouted immediately as if she knew what was on her mind.

"Why not?!" Anabelle threw a tantrum, "Our parents had their wedding together? Why can't we? What's wrong with doing it together?" she complained.

"Well, one," Isabella started, her voice was firm, "Unlike our parents who had months to plan theirs, my wedding is just two weeks away and you should know by now that I'm very meticulous to the smallest details. It took me months to create a wedding of my choice and I can't risk any altercations. Not to mention the fact that you're a sophisticated person and would like to bring great change to my arrangements, I can't allow that,"

"We can still make do," Anabelle didn't give up on convincing her," Sure, it would bring some alterations but I believe we can meet on common ground here. I can manage and speak about time, we have enough resources to make all necessary adjustments. I believe we can make this happen, Isabella," She was hopeful.

"Sorry, Anabelle, but I'm not in for late-minute adjustments. Moreover, a wedding is a one-time event you have with your current partner. I wouldn't want you to lose your dream wedding just because you want to make this work. Sorry, Anabelle, but we're too different. The dual wedding is impossible," Isabella wasn't ready to change her mind either.

"But -"

"Did you forget the fact that you are supposed to be my maid of honor?" Isabella reminded her.

Anabelle was taken aback by that comment, she almost forgot about that.

"If that's what you're worried about, then you should not worry, I have a lot of model friends that can -"

"You should know by now that I'm not comfortable with strangers taking such an important role on my special day," Isabella said.

Anabelle's mouth closed on its accord. However the girl was still persistent, "Then what about Ailee? She's grown up and can fill the -"

"Anabelle!" Isabella cautioned her, "My decision is final and if you can't respect my decision, that means you have no respect for me as well. Also, if you brought these thingsā€¦" She gestured to the portrait and the food she hadn't even touched yet, "as a bribe to help convince me to change my mind, then you can gladly take that on your way out," she was furious.

"No!" Anabelle defended herself immediately, "Of course not! It's not a bribe! I can't go that low," She confessed and that stopped Isabella from showing her the way out of her office.

Anabelle sighed, "It's more of an apology anyway," She said absent-mindedly and unfortunately, the ever smart Isabella picked it.

"An apology?"

"Uh-oh," Anabelle froze, when did she say that?

"Apology for what?" Isabella probed, noticing how Anabelle was too nervous to meet her gaze.

"What apology?" Annabelle laughed nervously, "When did I say something like that? You must have heard wrong?" she attempted to fool her - as if Isabella was easy to fool.

"Anabelle!" Isabella growled a warning.

Anabelle bit on her lips, Isabella was going to kill her today.

"I didn't mean to say it! It just slipped out of my mouth and Julie figured out the rest," She confessed.

Isabella's heart began to pound hard in her chest and even though she had an inkling of where this conversation was going, she didn't want to acknowledge it until she heard it from her cousin's mouth.

And just like that, Anabelle began to narrate what happened and how Julie came to know the truth of her pregnancy. Call it instinct or something but she was hardly through her story when something flew in her direction and she ducked at once, narrowly escaping from the impact.

It happened that what Isabella had thrown in her direction was no other than her telephone. Gosh, does she want to kill her or what?

"You told Julie about my pregnancy?!" Isabella fumed, striding over to her.

But Anabelle was smart enough to move away, "It was just a mistake and I convinced him to keep it a secret as well!" She shouted from behind the couch in the office.

"You're fond of making mistakes, who knows who else you'd spill it to?" Isabella pointed out, failing to catch Anabelle who sneaked to the next seat.

There were a total of three couches in the office and were arranged to face one another. In one word, Anabelle and Isabella were tactically playing a game of run and chase with a mix of hide and seek in her office.

"Obviously, because I am human!" Anabelle retorted, still vigilant.

"I hardly make mistakes!" Isabella claimed.

Anabelle rolled her eyes, "Well, not everyone is an alien as you are,"

"Anabelle!" Isabella lunged at her but the girl was quick to move onto the next seat.

"Just tell Pedro the truth!"

"Of course, I will tell him the truth, you idiot! But that secret is meant to be a surprise!"

"Telling him now or later, it's going to be a surprise anyway. What's the big deal?!" Anabelle couldn't understand how Isabella's mind worked. It was strange.

"Of course it's a huge deal! My child is a huge deal! Now come here?!" Isabella charged at Annabelle but it was a false move. She pretended to have chased after Anabelle by only moving her upper body yet remained at the same spot, thus scaring her to move.

The scared Anabelle who realized at the last minute that it was a false move tried to return to her previous position however she slipped from the tiled foot and fell.

A victorious smirk crossed Isabella's expression, this was what she expected from that move, and rushed to go claim her prize, Anabelle.

However, she overestimated herself and didn't get to see that Anabelle's earrings had fallen off when she slipped. So she stepped on it in a hurry and found herself on the ground the next minute.

Stunned, both women peered at each other from their various positions, and before one could say, "Jack Robinson," Anabelle and Isabella burst into laughter.


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