Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 147 - One Hundred And Forty-Seven : I Want You

Chapter 147 - One Hundred And Forty-Seven : I Want You

Maya's POV

Angela stormed out of my house, fuming with anger. She was probably going to confirm if I had purchased some shares in their company as I claimed.

But she left her mother behind -works fine for me anyway- but not when granny is playing matchmaker.

"Maya dear, come and take a look at this one" She called me as I let go of her foot and sat back beside her on the couch.

I was manicuring those uncared nails of hers but I had to stop to glance at the pictures

"I just chatted my friends now and they sent their son's pictures over, you just need to make a choice "

I stared at the first picture, the guy didn't look too bad; blonde hair brushed and gelled to the nape of his neck; teeth that looked too white they were almost sparkling; dimples on his cheeks -ooh, I love dimples - and attractive hazel eyes.

On a scale of one to five with five being the highest, I'll rate him four - he was really good looking but he just didn't appeal to me.

"How's he? Not bad, right? And to crown it all, he's a successful dental surgeon "

Tsk tsk, no wonder his dentition is top-notch - I swear I could see my reflection in those teeth.

"Do you like him so we can set you both on a date?" There was an anticipatory look on grandma's face which made my heart hurt, she was working so hard to give me a better life.

"Grandma, I - "

I wanted to tell her the truth that I wasn't interested in any relationship at the moment but she didn't let me finish.

"Are you seeing someone?"

"No "

"Are you sure? What about that man your mom mentioned?"

My heart skipped a beat. I don't care what people say and think about me, but not to people close to my heart - I can't have my grandmother thinking I sold my body for fame and riches.

"Mom was just talking nonsense, he was my employer but I don't work for him any longer" I explained briskly.

"He's the one who the media said you seduced?"

"No, I didn't seduce him granny" I clarified firmly, "He's filthy rich so the media is just scooping for gossip; nothing happened between the both of us" I lied through my teeth.

It was better that way, Niklaus and I had already ended, there was no use bringing up a touchy closed case.

Moreover, it would break my granny's heart knowing I was rejected by his father because of the difference in status.

In fact, matters involving Spencer's are complicated and dangerous; the lesser she knows, the safer she is.

There was no need to worry, my grandma trusted and believed me as usual.

"So you're not in any relationship at the moment?" Granny asked again just to be sure.

"No, I'm not and I prefer being single"

"Then there is no reason to reject this date "

"Ma'am" I protested but she made a shushing gesture.

"Listen to me Maya, you see him first and if you don't like? Both of you go? different ways, simple as ABC"

I reasoned it and found out the idea wasn't that bad. Besides, she had worked hard to find me a date, I didn't want her to feel her efforts were for nothing.

"Fine "

"Alright then, I'll be taking my leave " She announced as I helped her to her feet just as her maid came to take over.

"I'll see you off then"

God must have touched Angela's heart cause she left a chauffeur to drive her mother home - seems she was a silent lover.

"You brat!" Granny pulled my ear when I wasn't looking, "Remember to visit me often from now on "

My face distorted in pain,"Ouch! Yes, yes, I'll visit you from now on, easy with my ear!" I assured her with immediate effect, pleading for mercy.

Gosh, this woman was such a big bully, does she secretly practice martial arts? I wondered how she lived with my grandfather all those years - may his gentle soul rest in peace.

I rubbed my ear when she let go of it, such a rough woman, I complained inwardly-but that still didn't stop me from waving her goodbye.

"Be careful so you live long enough to see my grandchildren" I teased her just as she was helped into the car.

Granny blew air noisily through her nose, "Of course, this granny is still strong enough to carry not just one but twins"

I chuckled, twins my butt, who would give birth to them, me? Whose [email?protected] opening would suffer that much strain-dear grandma, I'm good with one?

I continued waving until their car drove out of sight, did I return to my place - welcome back to loneliness.

With a deep breath, I lay on my couch just idling my time when my doorbell rang.

A heavy frown twisted my face, who was it this time? Perhaps, grandma unknowingly left something behind?

I rushed to the door and without looking through the peephole, opened it.

"What did you leave be… ."

The rest of my words died off as my sight settled on the figure standing right in front of me.


We both stood staring at one another.

Niklaus had a tired and haggard look to him but I was not to be fooled, this man here was a master of deception- for all I know, he might be faking this sympathetic look.

However, just as I opened my mouth to ask what he was going here, he sealed it with a fierce kiss.

My head swam, what was going on here? He was kissing me? I wanted to push him away, he had no right to touch me since we were no longer together but as usual, my body failed me.

I found myself kissing him back, he tasted of whisky - he must have been drinking. But it made me worried, he hardly drinks unless there was an issue bugging him, what was going on with him?

We pulled away for air, using that opportunity to regard him slowly. Chest heaving, his gaze searched mine while I stared back with a questioning look.

The sparks flying between us were undeniable and as if a cue was given, Niklaus' hoisted me up in his arms and pushed me against the wall just as my legs wrapped around his waist.

His mouth ground harshly against mine which I reciprocated, pouring all my fear, anger, and insecurity into that kiss.

"I want you, Maya," He said to me, raw desire evident in his voice.

I hesitated a bit, going through the implication of what I was about to get myself into but hell, I wanted him too.

My kiss answered him; the dam was finally broken. There was nothing gentle nor slow as we plundered each other's mouth.

"My bedroom," I told him breathlessly.

"Gladly" He answered while his arm went around my waist, bracing me against him as he strode towards the direction of my room.

We kissed along the way to our destination, our clothes loitered in diverse places. By the time we made it successfully to my bedroom, I was in nothing but my undies while he had only his pants on.

Both of us fell on the bed before he sat up with me in his arms, guiding me down on top of him while he relaxed against the headboard.

Niklaus deepened the kiss, his tongue making its intrusion as I played and chased it, he smiled against my lips.

His hand went to my bra and unhooked it, his eyes taking in the two glorious peaks on my chest.

"It's bigger than the last time"

Before I could lash out at him for his atrocious comparison, he took one into his mouth causing pleasure to scream? through me.

"Niklaus" I trembled, my nail digging into his shoulder while he continued licking and grazing my nipple.

He pulled away, paying homage to the other twin while kneading the previous one already brought to an erection. I clutched his hair tightly, the unmeasurable pleasure coursing through my veins.

Niklaus' lips returned to mine, swallowing all of my moans as he grabbed my hips and began to rub me against his hard arousal through his pants.

God, I couldn't take this any longer.

"Just take me now " I cried out with my breath ragged,the sensation was just too much to bear.

This wasn't my first time but this was the first time of being driven to this level of pleasure.

Sex with Andrew had been wonderful but this one with Niklaus was totally mind-blowing- he knew just the right place to touch

"Not yet " he answered, his teeth skimming over my neck and sucking on my sensitive spot.

I shivered, holding tighter unto him while he caressed my butt, his hands making its way between my legs and began to rub me with his finger through my panties.

"Oh my God," My eyes rolled back just as his finger further found my throbbing nub, stroking me.


"My sweet Maya " he murmured against my ear, nibbling it as my hips buckled under his touch; the first orgasm hit me.

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