Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 114 - One Hundred And Fourteen : Isabella Likes Her

Chapter 114 - One Hundred And Fourteen : Isabella Likes Her

Nik's? POV

Though I was slipping in and out of consciousness, I grabbed her hand the moment it went to my face, Maya.

"You came back? " I whispered, holding her hand so tight, afraid it would disappear once I let go.

Though the sight was blurry, I could still make out that charming yet shy smile of hers and those two dark orbs full of life.

" Niklaus " She whispered and cupped my face, tears fell from her eyes.

She gasped, "You're having a fever. " she withdrew her hands and tried to stand on her feet but I tugged her back to the edge of the bed.

"Don't go " I pleaded desperately, I just wanted her beside her. I can't tell why I was behaving this way but I felt? she would become a dream I made-up if I dare to let go.

There must have been a hesitant look on her face cause she chewed on her lips and said, "But your body is too hot - "

"Just stay with me, I don't care about my temperature. I'm good "

Her gaze rested on my bloodied appearance but I winced slightly when her hand touched my back.

"Why are you like this? Are you really a sucker for pain, why would you put yourself in danger for… for… "

Tears must have clogged her throat cause she found it out voicing out the rest of her words.

"I thought you were never coming back? You made it quite clear today. What changed your mind ? "

She hesitated for a while before answering with an emotion-filled voice, "What do you think? Niklaus, I love you. I love everything about you, but why do you care only for that… "

"For what? " I queried curiously.

She swallowed and I watched the way her lips moved and my groin tightened.

"Why do you care only about yourself? " Her question snapped my gaze away from her lips.

"Of course, I care about you "

"But you don't love me " there was a trace of sadness and disappointment in her eyes and it hurt my heart.

I didn't like the look on her, it doesn't fit her personality. My personal sunshine should never dim and so I decided to open up to her for once.

"Maya, I'm afraid to love you. I'm afraid if I love you, you would end up the way Kay did. The guilt still eats me and I don't think I would be able to take that same guilt a second time "My hands reached out to her hair and I gladly ran my hands through it.

But the light must have performed a trick on my eyes cause for a moment, I saw Maya's hair flash blonde but it reverted back to its brown color immediately .

I blinked and my brows furrowed together, " Did you cut your hair by chance? It seems shorter "

I have always loved playing around with Maya's hair because of its length and silkiness. So it came as a surprise to me when it became shorter than the last time I felt it, which was approximately last night.

She laughed, nervously "You're just having a fever Niklaus, there's nothing wrong with my hair "

I suddenly had a foreboding that something was not right and that was further confirmed when she lowered her head to kiss my lips.

My nose crinkled as she drew near. What was that nauseating smell?? Perfume? But Maya doesn't use perfume.

As if a veil was lifted off my face, my hazy vision cleared on-time to see Tina puckering her lips and drawing near, about to abuse my lips. How delirious was I with a fever that I would mistake her for Maya?

I shot up to my feet at once, pushed her back to the bed, and wedge my elbow against her neck in a stranglehold.

My eyes flashed, "What do you think you're doing?!" I boomed at her but Tina just kept struggling beneath me and hitting my arm.

"Answer me! " I roared.

"B-bre… .breath...cant "

Blinded by my anger, I didn't realize how lethal the chokehold could be. I pushed away from her at once while she gagged and started a coughing fit.

With her hand massaging her throat, she looked up at me with sheer fear mixed with disappointment.

"Do you want to kill me that much? "

I gave her a dirty look, " If it were that easy, I would have considered it right after the Gala yesternight "

An apparent look of disbelief crossed her features, "You must have really lost it Niklaus! "

"No, you lost it! " I spat back at her, " You lost your freaking mind the moment you started desiring what you knew would never be yours! "

Her mouth hung open but I wasn't done with her,

"You of all people Christina! You clearly knew what you were getting yourself into from the very start, it was a deal. And you know? I totally understand you falling for me, but what I won't permit, is you going behind my back and hurting the one I choose. Now get out of Maya's room! "

I pointed to the door while my chest was heaving from the anger boiling inside of me but Tina remained frozen on the bed.

For a moment, nothing was said between the both of us. We just regarded each other slowly until she decided to break the silence.

"So you're trying to say…" She rose up to her feet and approached me "That I can't have what I want? "

I scowled at her statement, was she playing games with me?

She arched a brow "You decided to have Maya and I decided to have you, what's the difference between the both of us? "

I worked my jaw, she was definitely trying to irk me.

"Niklaus, there's no difference between the both of us " Tina smiled and tried to touch my face but I sent her a warning glare.

"I'm sorry but opposites attract. Now make that door your friend " I ordered her? but she was set on proving our likeness.

"The both of us are strong and determined people, we both know what we want and we go fit it "

"Yeah thanks for saying that cause I know what I want and it's not you "

Her eyes darkened and she said in an outburst," What's so special about that b*tch! "

There was a sharp glint in my eyes "Oh, you want to know what's so special about her? "

I took a step forward and she stumbled backward out of fright upon realizing all smiles were gone from my face, replaced by a cold emotionless expression.

"She's trustworthy; I don't have to worry about her cheating behind my back "

I saw the way her expression shifted, she was definitely counting the number of affairs she thought I didn't know about in her head.

"Maya has a heart of gold and she is a queen every man wants by his side, but you? You want to be the king and unfortunately, two kings can't rule a kingdom. One has to forfeit his right and I'm sure as hell, I wouldn't be the one doing that "

I saw the way her fists clenched at her sides, fine keep in your anger as long as you want.

"And last but not least, Isabella likes her and this particular reason covers every other reason. So that's what makes her so special and different than you. Now get out of this room this instant ! "

A slap met my face and my gaze hardened.

"Wake up, I'm your fiancée !" She said through gritted teeth and furious bulging eyes.

I laughed then touched the place where she slapped me, "Sure fiancée? knock yourself out with the title " came my nonchalant comment, then grabbed her arm and began to tug her out of the room.

" Let me go " She struggled but her strength was no match for mine.

Opening the door, I pushed her out of the room and she fell to the ground and turned her head, giving me a hateful look.

"I don't hit women but if you ever step into this room, I wouldn't hesitate to do so. Go and live your life "

Then shut the door.

"You bastard, Open this damn door!" Tina began to pound on the door but I ignored her, instead called up my security to toss her out of there.

I finally realized where I had done it wrong: unlike the other girls I dated, I gave Tina too much liberty. I let her do whatever she wanted without bothering to look into it and that gave her the impression, she was the only one for me.

I took off the bloody sleeved shirt and tossed it to the ground while checking my body through the full-length standing mirror. My upper body was a purplish-red mess and though Amanda did a good work of treating my face, the bruises were still there - Adam was kind enough not to give me a black-eye.

I walked into Maya's bathroom but my sight fell on her strawberry shampoo resting on the vanity.

The perfume was what gave Tina away.

Maya never uses perfume unless she was going for an important occasion and it's applied subtly.

But Tina's was so overwhelming, I felt like throwing up but thanks to it, I snapped out of my reverie.

I wonder what Tina would have done to me in that state, she clearly knew I was not in my right state of mind yet, she manipulated that.

It seems I have to tighten my defenses from now on.

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