Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 112 - One Hundred And Twelve : Like An Asthmatic Camel

Chapter 112 - One Hundred And Twelve : Like An Asthmatic Camel

Maya's POV

Eden's gaze was really scary, he looked really angry. But why was he so concerned over it? I wasn't even his sister nor girlfriend.

"It's nothing "

He growled a warning," Maya? " then his eyes narrowed together suspiciously as he asked an outrageous question

"Did Niklaus hit you by chance? "

My head jerked up just as my jaw dropped."What rubbish are you talking about? Of course not! Why would he hit me? Why would you think that way? " I gave him a dirty look.

"Just because a lion cub is trained amongst human from birth doesn't mean he won't kill when it has its first taste of blood "

I sighed, " English please "

Eden pinned me with a look but explained anyway, "Just because you changed Niklaus for a few months doesn't mean he won't revert to his old ways. It's innate. So forgive me if I doubt he's incapable of hitting women "

I scowled at him, "Niklaus might be an asshole but he doesn't hit women, I can assure you of that "

Why was I even defending him? *sigh* Maya, you can't be salvaged seriously.

"Let's hope so, " said Eden.

I looked away and finally confessed, "A rabid dog kicked me in the stomach while I was butchering its gang "

There was a trace of confusion on his gaze before he understood what I was implying.

"Who won? "

I formed a fist and gave him a look, "Who do you think won? "

He picked up his newspaper and snapped it open as he said, "Good because I don't sit with losers "

I looked the other way and screwed my face in ridicule, was he boasting of his achievements? Wasn't it because he was born with a silver spoon that he could stand where he is today?

"That rabid dog " he brought up the topic again leaving me surprised. I thought the issue had died off already.

"There is no treatment for dogs with rabies, so should I put her in quarantine? "

Because we were communicating Ironically, I couldn't exactly gauge the extent of his "quarantine".Sometimes these Spencer's are serious with their words. I had to be careful when dealing with them, so I don't wish for something I might come to reconsider or regret later.

I raised my hand " You don't need to worry about the dog, after all, rabid dog die within ten days "

His expression said he was unsatisfied with my reply but I'm good. The last thing I wanted was owing to a Spencer a favor; I would handle Tina my own way.

"Also, You don't need to worry about your reputation, my PR is already working on damage control. All you have to do is stay low for a while and revitalize your body and soul. Thankfully this scandal gave your popularity a tremendous soar, you're now one of the most followed personalities on Instagram - You should even thank Niklaus for that " Eden said to me before going back to the newspaper that had Niklaus's picture on it.

The picture seems to have been taken on the night of the Gala cause he was wearing that same blue dinner jacket.

Niklaus wasn't intimidated but looked straight at the camera while pasting a slight smile on that breathtaking face that makes women fall into a swoon and throw themselves on him.

My eyes welled up and I blinked, looking away before Eden would notice I was becoming emotional. I hated being a crybaby but I couldn't help it, the tears just fell without my permission.

I want to be strong, firm, and apathetic like Isabella - I must really be going crazy, looking up-to a ten-year-old smart-ass? Really Maya?

"Where are we even going? This is not the direction to your place? " I asked with a hint of panic, having noticed we were already out of the city.

I had already poised my body, ready to attack or swiftly jump out of the car - in my imagination - in case Eden was planning to try something stupid. I had to be ready for him.

Eden lowered his newspaper, looked outside the window, then back at me before answering concisely,

"I have a property in the countryside. It's quiet and relaxing, the reporters can't find you there ."

I pursed my lips, the countryside doesn't sound that bad, moreover, it would give me time to go through my thoughts and put myself in order.

"Will Annabelle be there? " I asked curiously.

"Do you want her to come? " He asked back.

I bite on my lips and shrugged,

"Maybe? I don't really know but I'll love her company. She's a nice kid"

And Isabella is a nice kid too, although misunderstood most times due to her attitude. But she belongs to Niklaus. I can't ask her over, I no longer have the right to do so.

"Alright " Eden acknowledged to my delight.

"You should have a rest, you look distraught," he told me and I quickly tilted forward and checked my appearance through the car's rearview mirror.

Due to the distance, the view wasn't excellent but I was able to makeout puffy skin around my eyes, probably from crying - but I didn't cry much, just a few drops or so? Ah, that time with Amanda.

There were three long bloody scratch marks on my left cheeks - that one should be from Tina and her fake claws, not nails.

My hair was disheveled thanks to the reporters - I can't believe they took pictures of me like this.

In summary, my appearance was a total mess, if I had walked down the streets in this state, I would be assumed mad.

"Take a short nap," He said but it was obviously an order.

I didn't question his command and simply sat back comfortably on my leather seat, resting my head against the window.

Truthfully, I needed sleep, my muscles were aching and I was emotionally exhausted.

Easier said than done, I had imagined it would be hard falling asleep, considering the number of thoughts whirling around in my head,? but the sleep overtook me the moment I shut my eyes close.

I must have slept for a long time because when I opened my eyes, it was evening and my head was lying on someone's shoulder.

"Oh my God " I awoke startled and jerked away from Eden's body as if I was electrocuted.

He cocked a brow " You're awake now? "

I wiped my face and the drool with my hand, "I'm so sorry " I apologized for his shoulder and looked around our surroundings.

"We're here? " I was surprised, the car was no longer moving and it was packed in front of a building.

"Yeah " came his curt reply.

"When did we arrive? "

" An hour again "

I gave him a baffled look, "Why didn't you wake me? "

Eden wrapped his arms across his chest and spoke with a straight face "Because you wrapped yourself around me like an octopus and was snoring loudly like a generator, I didn't know where to begin "

"That's outrageous! " I cried out with a look of disbelief, "I don't snore in my sleep…."

I was yet to finish my sentence when Eden picked up his phone suddenly and played a recording.

Loud and ragged breathing was heard through the speakers, the sound of someone bellowing from their throat almost like an asthmatic camel.

I refuse to believe this.

"This is a lie! " I quibbled on his claim "You must have downloaded the snoring sound online! I sleep like an angel"

Eden paused upon hearing my statement, then he told me "Think whatever you want thy who sleeps like an angel " he taunted me and stepped out of the car.

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