Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 110 - One Hundred And Ten : Nanny With Benefits

Chapter 110 - One Hundred And Ten : Nanny With Benefits

Maya's POV

"Do you need help with that, it sure looks heavy? " Tina asked politely, but the scornful smile tugging at the corners of her lips betrayed her kind gesture.

I ignored the fool and tried to move away but she purposely got in my way. I glanced up, glaring at her to the extent I wished my eyes were a bullet.

Tina's hand flew to her mouth and she said " Oops, my bad. I didn't know you were coming this way "

I rolled my eyes and stepped to the right but she moved along with me too - the first time could have been a mistake but the second time? Definitely not.

"Oh, you are going there too? " Tina pretended not to have known I would come that way.

I clenched my fist tightly, she was beginning to get on my nerves. With a huff, I strode to the left but she moved along with me again, blocking my path.

Okay, this is it, I'm done with her games.

"Leave me the hell alone! " I? screamed and hit her in the face with my duffel bag.

The force from the hit made her fall back to the ground. Tina spat out saliva mixed with blood and she looked up at me with sheer hatred in the depth of her eyes.

"Miss ! " two of her guards called after her before helping her to her feet.

"What are you two idiots doing? Get that bitch! " She ordered them sternly causing my eyes to widen in horror.

Both of them attempted to grab me at once but I moved back, tossed my duffel bag to the ground before stepping to the side, and avoided their grips.

I subtly put out a leg in the way, intentionally tripping over one of them who kissed the ground face first.

The other one punched at me but I dodged on time. He launched another blow without wasting time having sensed I could fight, but I kneeled him in the place where the sun never shines.

His hands went to his crotch as he released a loud cry of pain. He moved back and his knee began to buckle but I didn't let him off that easily. I jumped off the ground and sent him a flying kick that made him fall back to the ground unconscious.

My blood was boiling, I was very angry and the short fight made me all the more thirsty for more - I wanted to transfer my aggression on them.

Turning around, I never expected Tina to kick me in the stomach with her God knows how many inches tall stiletto heel.

I stumbled backward and bent over with my hand crossing my stomach, God that hurt!

A slap met me on the face while her fake nails scratched my skin, but that action aroused more anger than pain.

I stood up at once and backhanded her, drawing blood from her lips as she cried out sharply.

"Oops! My bad, I didn't know it hurts that much "I taunted her, using the same mocking tone she used on me earlier.

"How dare you bit-!"

I backhanded her again, this time sending her to the ground and the words rushing out of her mouth unheard forever.

"Sorry, my hand moved on its own. You were saying? " I squat down to her level while examining my red hands.

Tina's eyes were wide and she was holding her face with her palm while her lips were quivering. She bit on it to suppress her cries as she stared at me with an aggrieved expression.

"I told you, not everybody was trained with a silver spoon; some are mad dogs who won't let go until they chunk off something, " I told her pointedly and she shivered.

I raised my hand but Tina winced and shrank back thinking I was about to hit her, but I simply ran my hands through her hair eliciting an odd look from her face.

"Tsk Tsk " I clicked my tongue " Even your hair speaks of luxury yet you're not satisfied with it "

Suddenly my eyes darkened and I clutched a fistful of her hair so tight she cried out in pain.

"I'm normally a good person but not when I'm pushed to the wall. There's a limit a person can take and you have been crossing that lately Christina. "

Tears slipped down her eyes but it didn't move me at all, if anything, it made me want to hurt her the more - heartbreak must have really turned me into a psycho.

With a deep sigh, I reluctantly let go of her hair and gripped her chin instead, lifting her face to my level and reminded her.

"Unlike others, I am all alone in this world so I've got nothing to lose. I have nothing but myself to take care of, family? None. So perhaps, the next time you think about ruffling my feathers, remember I'm willing to die alongside you If push comes to shove " I told her with every seriousness in me and I hope she got the message into her head.

I let go of her, picked up my duffel bag, and glared at one of her men on his feet that was torn between fighting me and helping out his missus.

"Trust me, I'm a blackbelt, " I told him, hinting he should make his choice wisely and even went ahead to crack my fist.

The moment he saw my gesture, the conflicted look on his face was cleared instantly and he went to Tina's aid. What a chicken.

With a devil may care manner, I flung my duffel bag over my shoulder and walked out of the mansion. My taxi was still waiting and I bet the driver must have enjoyed the drama from earlier, even though there was a scared expression on his features.

"I'm not a gangster, don't call the police, " I told him as soon as our eyes connected through the rearview mirror.

He gulped, then nodded a reply and started the engine. I was going back to my old place and thankfully have a good rest while putting everything behind me.

The fight with Tina somehow calmed me down - must be the adrenaline or something - but I'm thankful to her for that.

I was not afraid of Tina calling the police since she fought back anyway, and she values her reputation more than anything. If videos of her getting her ass whipped by me surfaces, she would probably go into hiding until the buzz dies off.

Thankfully I kept my apartment. I wondered what I would have done in this situation.

It took about an hour to reach my place and I settled the driver who drove off as if the devil was on his heels.

But the moment I tried to step into the building, uncountable camera flashes blinded my eyes and I had to shield my sight with my hand.

As if someone shouted, "Action! " paparazzi swarmed out from God knows where in a twinkle of an eye and encompassed me.

"Maya, what would you say about your relationship with Niklaus?! "

"Did you really come between him and Tina?! "

"What would you say about his engagement to Tina?! "

"Are you really a gold digger?! "

"Did you approach Niklaus Spencer on purpose?! "

"You were the nanny to his daughter, was it a job with benefits?! "

My head was spinning, there was no space to breathe, not to talk of moving. Cameras and mics were being shoved to my face as they peppered me with questions.

"Get the hell out of my face! " I roared at them and tried to move away but there was no path at all - I was trapped.

"Ouch! " I cried out in pain when someone grabbed my hair from behind just to get my attention.

"Seriously, let me the hell out of here!"? I cried out but my voice was drowned out by their own clamoring.

I could now understand why celebrities hated being caught in this kind of situation without security, no matter how much I struggled I couldn't find a way out.

Suddenly, a Mercedes-Benz came to a halt in front of the house and two other cars of the same model followed suit.

Everyone turned around to satisfy their curiosity while men dressed in black suits stepped out of the car and moved towards them.

They forcefully created a path until they reached me while I stared on in confusion.

"Come with me, you're in safe hands," One of the men said to me, while the others pushed back the reporters, using their body as some sort of shield.

With no choice left, I nodded and he began to lead me out of this hellhole until I climbed into a car.

"You! " Eyes wide, I shouted while pointing at Eden who was in the back seat with me and going through a newspaper.

Eden looked up at me, "What century are you from? " he chided me to my utmost surprise "Don't you ever read the news? How could you put yourself in danger like that? "

He dropped the newspaper on my laps and that was when I saw the headline.

"FROM MODELS TO NANNY: Has billionaire playboy Niklaus Spencer's standard dropped? "

And that was just one of the many others.

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