Talent Swallowing System

Chapter 494 Ancient Beast In The [Nether Ice Prison]


A new mission [Save the Void Dragon King's Family] has been issued.

Before Leo could get the rewards from the previous mission of reuniting the Void Dragon King with his family, the system released another mission, making Leo raise his eyebrows.

'For a moment, I thought everything was going smoothly. Finally, an obstacle appeared.'

From the earlier roar, Leo could tell that the roar he just heard belonged to a powerful beast… according to his guess, it must be much more powerful than the Fire Void Dragon King that he killed a few moments back.


The host has entered the [Nether Ice Prison].


The host can't use his [Space Manipulation] talent to teleport inside the [Nether Ice Prison]. Nevertheless, he could use other effects of the [Space Manipulation].

Just as he set foot in the [Nether Ice Prison], Leo received two system notifications; however, it didn't surprise Leo much as he already guessed about it.

If teleportation was available, the Void Dragon King would have directly teleported into the [Nether Ice Prison] instead of flying.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop Leo from not entering the [Nether Ice Prison].

'Let's see what that beast is.'

Leo didn't waste any time as he rushed into the [Nether Ice Prison] and at the same time, he didn't forget to check the mission details.


Mission Name: Save the Void Dragon King's Family.

Objective: Even though the Void Dragon King has successfully reunited with his family, his sudden appearance in the [Nether Ice Prision] attracted the attention of an Ancient Beast that was lurking in the [Nether Ice Prison]. Save the Void Dragon King and his family from that Ancient Beast.

Reward: The reward entirely depends on the performance of the host while completing the mission.

'Ancient Beast? Interesting.'

Leo felt it was interesting as he wondered, 'I wonder whether I can tame it.'

Since Leo has the super special talent [Godly Beast Tamer] that had already reached the Legend Grade, Leo thought of taming the so-called Ancient Beast in the [Nether Ice Prison].

Even though Leo has so many monsters and beasts and with the help of the [Godly Beast Tamer] he could raise their potential to the God Grade, Mythical Grade and Legend Grade.

However, having an Ancient Beast that had already reached the peak legend grade was not a bad thing.

'If I can tame it, I can get another trump card that could save my life in difficult situations.'

Instead of raising a beast or monster to the peak Legend Grade, if he could get such a powerful beast directly, Leo didn't mind putting some effort into it.

Nevertheless, Leo knew that it was not as easy as it seems and checked the information on the [Godly Beast Tamer] to see his chances of taming the Ancient Beast in the [Nether Ice Prison]

'Wait a second…'

While checking the information on the [Godly Beast Tamer], Leo suddenly saw something on the holographic screen that nearly made him fall to the ground.

'T-this is…how could I forget about this effect.'

Looking at a special effect that was unlocked when he upgraded the [Godly Beast Tamer] to the Legend Grade, Leo facepalmed with his right arm and looked at his missing left arm.

[Beast Suppression]: Upon activation, all the beasts below the Mythical Grade will freeze in their movements for one minute.

Earlier when he was fighting the Fire Void Dragon King, if Leo used this special effect of the [Godly Beast Tamer], he could have avoided losing his arm…at least that's what he thought for a moment.

Because he had completely forgotten about the existence of such a special effect.

'Nevermind…even if I used that to stop the Fire Void Dragon King, it could have made no difference as I don't have enough strength to kill the Fire Void Dragon King without the help of the [Nether Rage Booster].'

However, when he thought about it, Leo felt he did the right thing and stopped thinking about it.

'Anyway, if I can't tame it, I can use that [Beast Suppression] to freeze the Ancient Beast and escape with the Void Dragon King and his family.'

Soon, he started creating alternate plans to complete the recently issued mission.



"Once someone enters the [Nether Ice Prison], they are not allowed to leave."

As Leo was rushing deeper into the [Nether Ice Prison], he heard a loud and eerie voice from the depths of the [Nether Ice Prison].

"They should be frozen to death before becoming my food….Keke."

The same voice resounded as it ended its words with an eerie chuckle.


What followed after the eerie chuckle was an explosion which made Leo hurriedly contact the Void Dragon King using his [Telepathy]

'Stay alive and protect your family. I am coming.'

What Leo was trying to do right now was to give some hope to the Void Dragon King. As long as someone sees hope, they could survive for a longer time rather than those who don't see any hope.



Just after running for two minutes into the depths of the [Nether Ice Prison], Leo finally saw the Void Dragon King who was standing in front of another Void Dragon who was barely maintaining her consciousness.

'This…Ancient Beast….is gigantic.'

Leo heaved a sigh of relief to see the Void Dragon King and his wife were still alive; however, he felt chills on his spine when he saw the beast that the Void Dragon King was facing.

The Void Dragon King was already more than 10 meters in height; however, the so-called Ancient Beast in front of the Void Dragon King, it looked like a gigantic mountain.

The gigantic ancient beast was a dragon and even when Leo tried to use the system to get its name, the system was unable to show anything.

'If the system is not showing its information completely, this beast must be a Mythical Grade beast.'

In no time, Leo came to the conclusion that the Ancient Beast was not a peak legend-grade beast but it was beyond that.

'It might even be possible that it was not a Mythical Grade Beast but beyond that.'

Leo finally felt that the mission issued by the system has a 'Nightmare-level' difficulty.

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