Chapter 481: Chapter 481 Hehehe, Role Play

Translator: 549690339

In the capital city of Eagle Country, Lun Dun.

An Nuonuo looked around curiously, “Hey, isn’t it said that foreign countries are very prosperous and modern? How come…”

Jiang Xu smiled and said, “You mean it seems pretty similar to the small cities back home, right?”

An Nuonuo nodded slightly.

Jiang Xu: “It’s normal; it’s always like this. It’s just that some of our fellow citizens have a very strong filter when it comes to these countries.

In reality, if we talk about infrastructure, they can’t compare with our country’s.”

An Nuonuo felt as if her eyes had been opened.

Sometimes, it’s just like this.

Without going out and seeing for yourself, you have no idea how strong, prosperous, and safe your own country is.

Before long, they arrived at the company.

An Feng had purposely bought an office building in the most bustling part of Lun Dun.

The company was named after An Nuonuo.

‘Nuonuo Investment Limited Liability Company’.

The company had been informed in advance of their new boss’s arrival.

They were waiting at the door bright and early.

Don’t listen to what they say online, about how foreign employees don’t understand human relations, acting indifferent when they see the boss.

Anyone who believes that is an idiot.

At first glance, the female staff accounted for eighty percent.

It seems An Feng had been very thoughtful.

The remaining male employees, upon seeing An Nuonuo, all instinctively opened their mouths wide.

They had never seen such a beautiful female boss before.

An Nuonuo followed Jiang Xu’s teachings.

When facing these employees, it was essential to maintain a powerful aura and a cool demeanor.

Otherwise, they would think you were weak and easy to bully.

Especially abroad, this is amplified many times over.

She gathered everyone for a meeting.

She was cold throughout the entire process.

Jiang Xu watched from the side, nodding in satisfaction.

An Nuonuo could be quite formidable too.

Maintain this state, and there’s no need to worry about being bullied.

After the meeting ended and everyone else had left, An Nuonuo collapsed, entirely drained.

She hugged Jiang Xu tightly, her tone soft and sticky: “Oh, I’m so tired.”

Jiang Xu laughed and said, “It’s okay, you’ll get used to it.

How about you play the role of the domineering female CEO tonight?”

An Nuonuo’s face turned red: “No, you’re bad.”

Recently, Jiang Xu had developed a liking for role-play games.

He had already had An Nuonuo play several roles such as teacher, schoolgirl, and working sister.

Of course, Jiang Xu would also take on some roles.

Like the friendly neighbor big brother, the plumber, the delivery boy, and others.

In short, the couple was getting more and more into their games.

After that, Jiang Xu accompanied An Nuonuo in getting to know the company’s operational processes, human resources, and such.

Currently, the company’s investments were only in two areas.

Natural gas and the internet.

Drawing from the news he had seen in his previous life about this country, together with his understanding of future trends,

Jiang Xu outlined over a dozen investment directions for An Nuonuo.

Not to say that all the projects would definitely make money, but they definitely wouldn’t incur losses.

Being new, she needed to achieve results to assert her authority.

It was well past ten o’clock at night when they finally left the office.

There were Chinese restaurants here too.

They had a casual meal before heading home.

An Feng had bought them a villa near the company, one with strong security.

An Nuonuo had no desire to go out.

All she wanted was to be with Jiang Xu, after all, he was leaving tomorrow.

Despite the reluctance, the time to part soon arrived.

Early in the morning, Jiang Xu got up stealthily, washed up, and headed out.

He didn’t want An Nuonuo to see him off.

He didn’t want to see An Nuonuo cry.

It was almost midnight when Jiang Xu finally got back to Magic City.

Returning once again, he suddenly felt a kind of emptiness inside.

This damn love-struck brain of his.

As soon as he got off the plane, he sent a message to An Nuonuo right away.

The time difference between them was eight hours.

It was about eight in the morning over there.

An Nuonuo called him back immediately.

“I miss you so much.”

Her voice had a slight crying tone to it, which made Jiang Xu’s heart clench all of a sudden.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Xu spoke in a heavy voice, “Get ready, I’ll pick you up and bring you back.”

“It’s okay,” An Nuonuo sniffled, “Dad is right, I need to grow up, so later on, I can be of more help to you.

You hurry home and rest, I’ll be okay after I get used to it.”

Jiang Xu: “Don’t force yourself.”

An Nuonuo: “I won’t, I’ve also come to understand that I can’t always be under your protection.

I need to experience some hardships, otherwise, I’ll be too fragile, which isn’t good for me either.”

Yes, that’s right.

An Nuonuo wasn’t an object, she had her own personality, her own thoughts.

Talking as they walked, they quickly got home.

Jiang Xu paused in his steps and said to An Nuonuo, “You go to work; I’ve arrived home.”

“Okay, bye.”

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xu looked at Jiang Xiaoyan standing at the door and said moodily, “What are you doing here so late at night?”

Jiang Xiaoyan raised the lunch box in her hand, “I made you a late-night snack, try it and see.”

“Sss!” Jiang Xu gasped, instinctively stepping back, “What grudge do you have against me that you’d do this?”

The incident in the kitchen on Jiang Xiaoyan’s birthday was still fresh in his memory.

Even now, thinking about it made him shudder.

Where did this woman get the confidence to dare and cook again?

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s with that expression!” Jiang Xiaoyan got angry, put a hand on her hip, and glared with her almond eyes, “If you don’t give me a clear explanation, I’ll make your life miserable, believe it or not.”

“Don’t you have any idea of your cooking skills?” Jiang Xu asked back.

“Can’t I improve, can’t I grow?”

“Sure you can, but I don’t want to eat.”

“No, you have to eat it or I won’t leave.”

Jiang Xu turned and walked away.

Damn it, I have so many other houses; you think you can threaten me?

“Ying ying ying, don’t be like that, brother, I was wrong,” Jiang Xiaoyan ran over again, pulling on the hem of Jiang Xu’s clothes.

Pity stirring, those tearful cries of ‘ying ying’ tugged at his conscience.

“Alright, alright, you win,” Jiang Xu felt absolutely drained, “We had a deal, I’ll eat and then you’ll leave.”

Jiang Xiaoyan immediately smiled triumphantly, “Thank you, my handsome man.”

Jiang Xu:

They went inside.

Jiang Xiaoyan opened the lunch box and tipped out the contents.

It was ginseng black chicken soup.

Appearances aside, it seemed quite decent.

Jiang Xu took a tentative sip of the soup.

“Hmm?” He looked at Jiang Xiaoyan with some surprise, “It’s actually drinkable, has your cooking improved that much?”

“Of course,” Jiang Xiaoyan said proudly, “I’ve put a lot of effort into it, okay? Hurry up and finish it all.”

Jiang Xu was actually a little hungry.

Although the taste wasn’t exceptionally delicious, it was tolerable.

He finished it all in a matter of minutes.

Burping contentedly, he told Jiang Xiaoyan, “You can go now.”

Jiang Xiaoyan’s eyes flickered, “Okay, first I’ll borrow your kitchen to clean the lunch box.”

Without waiting for Jiang Xu’s response, she went off to the kitchen on her own.

Jiang Xu waited and waited; half an hour passed, and Jiang Xiaoyan still hadn’t emerged from the kitchen.

Upon walking in, he immediately flew into a rage.

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