69 Debauchery

Mimi paced up and down the hallway restlessly. She didn’t know what to do especially after discovering that the man she hit was no other than her teacher.

She had shamelessly come for lessons the day after and yesterday intending to apologize for her ill behavior that day but her teacher didn’t even step out. And when she asked the men around, they said he was out.

How could he be out when they had lessons? Who does that? Mimi didn’t need a prophet to know that Victor – as she has come to know his name – was intentionally punishing her. He was bearing grudges against her.

But then Mimi was hot-headed as well and planned not to talk to him or even initiate an apology – he deserved the punch – but she would be wasting Marcel’s time and energy.

Sooner or later, Marcel would require her services, and then what would she be able to present? As much as it hurt her pride, it seemed Victor was more skilled than her else Marcel wouldn’t make him her teacher.

So as much as she hated this, here she was again, trying to get his attention – and forgiveness. Unfortunately, they told her again that the bastard was not around and by now, she knew it was a lie.

Victor doesn’t want to see her. But then she wants, no, she needs to see him. It was time to lay down her pride for the greater price.

“Fine, I would wait for his return in his room,” She said to the staff who came to relay the news of Victor’s absence.

“I’m sorry miss but his room is off-limit to – ” The man was still saying when Mimi interrupted.


“Either you get me to his room or I would get on my phone....” She raised it for him to see she meant business, “And inform Marcel that a certain staff is obstructing my job,”

At that threat, the man’s eyes grew wide confirming her thought that Marcel was greatly feared. Then why had Marcel been kind to her?

Whatever, Mimi rolled her eyes mentally. That was not what she came here for.

“Miss....” the man’s voice was firm yet a bit shaky this time, but it was obvious he still had reservations about her threat. Apparently, Marcel was not a man that can be accessed easily.

So Mimi stepped closer to the man till they were barely inches apart, staring him straight in the eyes with intensity. She raised her hand and the man was rattled slightly, probably thinking she wanted to hit when Mimi only buttoned the first part of his shirt that was left open.

When Mimi was done, she tilted her head only to whisper into the man’s ears, “You see, Marcel and I share a very special relationship and he would be really, really, mad to learn you denied me anything,” she said suggestively.

Although nothing was going on between her and Marcel, Mimi could tell that the man was sexually active with a glance. So what’s bad with claiming she’s one of his bitches if this would get her what she wanted. Who cares what others think?

Mimi could sense the man’s wall falling but there was still a look of doubt in his eyes.

So she added, “You can ask the others, Marcel told them not to deny me anything,” Well that part was true to point.

Marcel asked them to provide her with whatever she wanted and right now she wanted Victor. What’s wrong with a little misinterpretation of his words?

“Fine,” He said at last, “Whatever happens is on you,”

Mimi rolled her eyes towards heaven, what’s the worst that can happen?

With him leading the way, Mimi fell behind him and they began to climb up the staircase, the marbles sparkling clean and reflecting the light.

Mimi sighed, what she would do with so much money? This was quite unfair.

It wasn’t long before they came up the second floor and she still couldn’t help but wonder what Marcel was doing with so many rooms.

She heard that some of the workers here, especially the ones on patrol, lived here. That made her more confused, she wondered if Marcel was running a voluntary organization. He was a strange man.

“Here,” The man stopped at a room that bore a tag saying, “To all who embrace love.”

Mimi’s brows raised when she read that, something was definitely wrong with her teacher.

“Whatever happens is on you,” the man said, ready to have her assurance that she won’t implicate him in whatever suicide plan she has.

“Do I know you?” She smirked at him.

With a look of satisfaction, the man left her while Mimi released a deep breath. Why was he trying to make it sound like Victor was scary? The man embraces love for Christ’s sake – as the tag on the door says.

“Well, here we go,” Mimi took a deep breath once more and went in.

She went through a small passage that led to a luxurious living room. The decoration had a masculine tone but unlike Marcel’s, it was subdued a bit as the room was trying to say the owner had a soft spot inside of him.

“Hello?” Mimi said when she noticed there was nobody inside.

However, she heard music playing from the other room that must be his bedroom and smiled.

That bastard!

She knew the staff had been lying about his absence all along and now she confirmed it with her eyes, it filled her with great anger. Does he think she has nothing to do? How could he look down on her like this?

With pure range shimmering in her veins, Mimi threw away all thoughts of forgiveness and strode into the room that had its door open.

“You son of a fucking – oh my God-!” Mimi would have screamed further had she not quickly cupped her mouth with her hands.

What in the name of debauchery was this?

Mimi hardly stepped into the room when her eyes fell on the naked form of Victor as he leaned against the walk-in closet door while a lady was on her knees giving him a blow job.

It now hit Mimi, why the man was incessant on not letting her into the room, he knew this was going on. That asshole! He could have warned her but he let her see this firsthand as punishment.

If Mimi hasn’t been annoyed, she would have been able to see their clothes sprawled on the floor on her way coming into the room or the sounds of their moans beginning to drown out the sexual music that was now playing.

On the bright side, the two lovers haven’t noticed her presence and Mimi took that as her cue to leave even though her eyes lingered a bit on them. She had to admit, the scene was hot.

Intending not to make a noise since Victor’s gaze was downcast, staring at the beauty working him, Mimi took a step back – and it turned out to be a mistake.

When Mimi stepped back, she searched blindly for the knob and all that did was to push the door that closed with a click, trapping her in and as well, alerting the enemy of her presence. Wonderful.

As she expected, Victor looked up at that sound and their eyes met. A shaky exhale left her lips when she met his dark and hungry gaze. His grey ones were like a dark abyss that wanted to devour souls.

To her shock, it turned her on.

Mimi was quite adventurous and had once gone to a sex club with one of her dates that lasted more than a month – because he was good with his tongue. And she had to admit, watching the other parties go at it was quite exciting.

But unlike then, this was more intense because now one of the participating parties called Victor was staring right at her while he was being pleasured. It was erotic.

Mimi couldn’t help her curious mind, so her eyes ventured down, watching his well-sculpted body. She hasn’t taken time to observe Victor until today and she had to say, he was God damn sexy.

She could run her hands all day through those hard lines of his stomach while his powerful hands squeeze...

Gosh! Mimi was jostled back to reality as if she realized she was walking down a dangerous road.

She looked up guiltily only for her eyes to connect with Victor and she shivered, a blush creeping up her face.

He knew.

Victor knew what she was thinking.

So it was not surprising when a wicked knowing smile crossed his lips.

He was enjoying this.

Suddenly his breath deepened and Mimi looked down to discover that his lover was now taking him faster.

Mimi’s heart skipped a beat and her core throbbed. So when Victor came with a loud groan and released inside his partner’s mouth, Mimi could have sworn her back arched off the door.

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