598 We Are Over

Luca was being Luca because as soon as Arianna made it out of the bedroom, he was already hovering around her like an annoying fly and that made Arianna groan inwardly.

She turned to him, “Can’t you go incognito or something? You are kind of ruining it for me,” Arianna hinted at the fact that both of them weren’t a good combination for this party.

Arianna wore a nude blouse and a mini golden skirt accompanied by her heel. She had curled her hair and added a bit of makeup, looking ready to party, but Luca was around her like a sour taste and it didn’t look good at all. The man was huge and intimidating, there was no way on earth she was having fun tonight with him by her side.

“Tough luck, Arianna. I left you alone with one of us today and I almost had my head cut off by the boss after you fainted. There’s no way on earth I’m not keeping my eyes on you tonight, else he might really do good on his threat,” That was his excuse.

No wonder Marcel let her dress however she wanted because he knew Luca would be hard on her tonight. Damn! Marcel was a sly man.

Arianna was so stressed. Why can’t she have a bit of freedom around here without one of them ruining her life?

When it wasn’t Elijah causing problems for her, it was Luca hovering around her like a second shadow.

She was becoming sick and tired of this. Arianna wasn’t a child that required babysitting, and knew the concept of right and wrong. Even though she was living with the wrong kind of people. Well, story of her life.

Arianna was tempted to pick up her phone and call Marcel, telling him to send Luca away from her, at least six feet apart, but then, she was done complaining. If Luca was determined to glue himself to her side, then she would find ways to make him fuck off by all means.


By the time she made it downstairs, music was already blasting from the speakers and Victor was at the entrance, welcoming his friends and visitors.

Arianna sat down on the couch, with her arms folded across her chest. She blew the strands away from her face with an exasperated breath, already in a sour mood. Luca was standing behind her and seeing that made her groan again. She was already sticking out like a sore thumb.

She did not plan to drink tonight, but if she was going to be miserable tonight, Arianna hoped the drink would take away the sting. So she ordered one from a passing waiter, but before she could take the flute, Luca beat her to it and took a sip from it.

“Seriously?” She threw her hands up in the air in disbelief.

“I had to make sure it wasn’t poisoned.”

Arianna reminded him, “This is Victor’s party? Are you trying to say he would poison his guest? I don’t see any trust there.”

“You are a target, I’m not taking any chances,” He claimed.

“Of course, I’m Marcel’s woman. Every bad guy in town wants a piece of me,” She generalized it, instead of pointing it down to Elijah alone.

“At least you know that and shouldn’t be careless about it.” Luca took her arm and made her look at him. He said to her with every ounce of seriousness, “I’ve been observing and it seems you still don’t understand what Marcel’s affection means to you. Boss is head over heels in love with you and that already is a weakness. If one of his enemies gets a hold of you, I’m not sure we’d be able to glue back his broken pieces together,” He let go of her arm, having made his point.

Arianna blinked, expelling a shaky breath. Somehow his words kind of scared her. But then she lifted her chin saying, “I get your point and I’ll be a lot careful. But if that’s your way of trying to manipulate me not to have fun tonight, then you’re in for a loss. It’s bad enough I can’t leave these walls, I won’t give up my chance of being normal for just one night.”

Out of the corner of her eyes, Arianna saw someone and a smirk lifted the side of her lips, “And I think you should really have a taste of your own medicine.”

Before Luca could ask what she meant by that, Arianna already waved her hand, “Over here,”

And that was when Luca saw him, his eyes widening at once. “Oh shit!” He cursed.

“Exactly,” Arianna had a devilish smirk as she leaned back comfortably into the couch, watching in amusement as Leon made his way over to them and Luca was looking like a dry autumn leaf. Payback was quite sweet.

“Arianna!” Leon leaned over her to place a peck on her cheek.

“Leon,” She welcomed him.

He straightened up and looked at the man behind her, “Luca,” Leon called his name and Arianna watched their interesting reaction, her glass pressed to her lips and hiding her mischievous smile.

“I’ve been calling,” Leon said.

“Did you?” Luca pretended not to have a clue what he was talking about.

“You haven’t been picking up.” Leon pointed out.

Arianna turned to Luca and let out a mock gasp, her hand pressed to her chest humorously, “Quite shocking, Luca, why haven’t you been picking the poor Lad’s call? I didn’t take you for a heartbreaker.” She was being dramatic.

Luca glared at her for butting into his business and she dared him back with a raised brow. Guess who has been butting into her business ever since.

Unable to take it anymore, Luca walked over to Leon, “Come here,” he grabbed him by the hand and was leading him away when she shouted after them.

“I hope you both have fun!” Arianna hinted at something naughty, laughter spilling from her lips.

Luca gave her the finger without taking his eyes off Leon. He took him to a secluded spot and pushed him up against the wall, growling in his face,

“I told you never to bother me. You are a huge distraction to me, Leon. we’ve had our fun and it’s over.”

“Says who,” Leon retorted and before Luca could respond, took his face in his palm and kissed him hard.

It was a brief kiss because Luca pushed him away with wide eyes and the both of them stared at each other. However, in the next minute, Luca was the one crashing his lips over him.

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