Systemless Villain

Chapter 240 Evening Escapades

240 Evening Escapades

Liang Zhi emerged from the mansion, dressed in his evening finery, and made his way directly to the garage to reveal his sleek sports car.

Upon entering, the engine roared to life, the exhaust growling with the might of the high-performance vehicle.

Approaching, Long Tian examined the car. "This is indeed a fine car."

"Get in," Liang Zhi said with a smile.

Long Tian responded with a nod and promptly settled into the car.

"Where are we heading?" he inquired.

"We're going to Suisei Pavilion, situated on the border between Tianzhou and Tianhai. It's not too far from here," Liang Zhi responded.

Long Tian nodded in agreement.

With that, Liang Zhi stepped on the gas pedal, the exhaust roared, and they accelerated toward Suisei Pavilion.




The sound of a powerful punch echoed through the air, as a poorly dressed thug crashed onto the floor in the midst of a lively traditional market.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, reveling in the unexpected turn of events.

Two other thugs stood, visibly trembling.

"He's so strong, boss got taken down!" one of them stammered, shaken.

His friend beside him merely nodded, nervously swallowing, a hint of fear evident. Their usual thuggish activities had never met resistance before, making this encounter particularly unsettling.

Lin Fan stood confidently, wearing a satisfied smile after dealing with the thug now sprawled before him.

His gaze shifted to the remaining two thugs. "Do you fancy a fight too? Come on!" he taunted, a mischievous grin on his face.

The two thugs, panic-stricken, exchanged glances and promptly fled the scene.

Witnessing this, the crowd burst into cheers and applause. These troublemakers had been a persistent nuisance for the market's sellers and buyers.

Various praises and accolades were showered upon Lin Fan.

Lin Fan acknowledged the compliments with a pleased smile, clearly reveling in the positive attention.

Then, his focus honed in on a young man around his age. Without hesitation, he strolled towards him – someone who appeared strangely familiar, Xiao Jun.

Despite the unwelcoming atmosphere in Xiao Jun's expression, Lin Fan pressed forward.

"You can set aside your concerns about those thugs, brother Xiao," Lin Fan reassured.

Xiao Jun's demeanor retained its unfriendliness. "This won't alter my opinion of you, Lin Fan. And don't address me as 'brother.' We're not brothers!" he declared with stern resolve.

A sigh escaped Lin Fan, a tinge of sadness in response to Xiao Jun's lingering resentment. However, undeterred, he locked his gaze with determination.

"I'll prove it to you, brother Xiao. In two days, there's a celebration at the Jun family residence, and then the truth will be revealed," he asserted earnestly.

"Oh really? I just hope you won't embarrass yourself," sneered Xiao Jun, turning away.

Lin Fan was on the verge of responding when Xiao Jun walked off.

Fists clenched, Lin Fan stood his ground.

"Just two more days, you wait, brother Xiao," he murmured to himself.

Without lingering further, he departed.


More than 30 minutes elapsed. At this moment, a car glided into the parking lot, finding its place among the array of vehicles.

With the engine hushed, two young men emerged – Long Tian and Liang Zhi.

As the vehicle went silent, they advanced toward the imposing structure in the distance, resembling a modern pagoda with its three floors.

A grin played on Liang Zhi's lips. "Here we are, Suisei Pavilion. You won't be disappointed once we step inside," he declared with a smirk, glancing at Long Tian.

"Well, I hope it lives up to my expectations," Long Tian responded in a laid-back manner.

Liang Zhi simply smiled, and together, they made their way towards Suisei Pavilion.

Amid the bustling crowd, they made their entrance through a grand glass door that swung open generously.

As they stepped inside, an immediate wave of vibrant energy engulfed them – lively music filled the air, dazzling disco lights painted the scene, and a diverse array of outfits adorned the people.

Suisei Pavilion mirrored Tianjia Pavilion, resembling a mall but with a twist. Instead of conventional stalls and shops, it embraced a dynamic mix of entertainment venues, wine bars, gaming spaces, a casino, and even a lively bar. Notably absent were fighting arenas or competitive zones, making it a haven solely dedicated to pure entertainment.

With a mischievous grin, Liang Zhi couldn't resist a playful shout, "Ladies, wait for Daddy!"

"Let's go, Long Tian!" he added with enthusiasm.

Long Tian responded with a simple smile, seamlessly blending into the vibrant atmosphere as he followed Liang Zhi.


Long Tian and Liang Zhi seamlessly integrated into a group of five others – two women and three young men.

Liang Zhi wore an exuberant smile. "Who would've thought I'd find you all here. How long have you been enjoying this?" he inquired.

The five individuals reciprocated the familiar expressions upon seeing Liang Zhi.

Su Zhe, a tall and striking young woman, responded, "Good evening, Liang Zhi. It's been quite some time since our last encounter, and you've brought a new companion," her tone tinged with curiosity as she cast a glance at Long Tian.

The other four also displayed curiosity about the newcomer Liang Zhi had introduced.

Liang Zhi continued to smile. "Let me introduce you to my friend. Meet Long Tian, the young master of the Long family from Beijing," he announced, his grin widening.

Upon hearing this, the five individuals exhibited surprise, clearly unprepared for Long Tian's distinguished identity.

Long Tian, in response, offered a casual smile. "My name is Long Tian," he greeted.

The five individuals swiftly returned to focus, donning warm smiles.

"Ohh, young master Long Tian, it's truly an honor to meet you here. By the way, I'm Chou Yun, from the Chou family of weavers in Tianzhou," a neatly dressed young man with slicked-back hair expressed amiably.

Long Tian replied with a subtle smile, "Nice to meet you."

Another person chimed in with an introduction, "My name is Jiao Tan, still in high school; maybe we're in the same batch," he conveyed warmly, accompanied by a friendly smile.

Before Long Tian could respond, another, a young woman, stepped forward. "And my name is Diao Lin, I'm in my final year of high school," she introduced herself with a smile.

Once again, before Long Tian could reply, a young man introduced himself, "And me, Jiang Feng. I'm a student at Linjiao Academy."

Long Tian maintained his smile, "Alright, nice to meet all of you. I think we've done enough introductions. You know my name, and aren't we here to have fun? So, let's forget the formalities and savor the night," he suggested with a smirk.

Everyone responded with nods and laughter.

"Hahaha, I like you, Long Tian. Turns out you're quite chill."

"Well, let's kick off the night with some wine!"

And so, Long Tian, alongside Liang Zhi and the others, immersed themselves in the vibrant festivities at Suisei Pavilion.

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