Systemless Villain

Chapter 216 Zeus Vs Heavenly Demon

Chapter 216 Zeus Vs Heavenly Demon

216 Zeus Vs Heavenly Demon

Mo Xie's face contorted with disbelief, his exclamation of surprise echoing, "What in the world?"

Before him loomed a colossal dragon cloaked in darkness and an ominous aura, accompanied by a man surrounded by crackling lightning.

"Well, well, what do we have here, a tiny soul?" Zeus jeered mockingly.

"I believe he's stronger than that woman's soul," Shen Long responded, his voice resonating with profound authority.

"Perhaps he'll serve as an excellent energy source," Zeus replied, his grin paired with a sinister undertone.

Listening to the exchange between Zeus and Shen Long, Mo Xie gritted his teeth, feeling his status as a heavenly demon diminished by these entities.

"Do you even know who I am?" he bellowed, his voice pulsating with anger.

"I can't say that I do, but one thing's certain – you're going to be our meal!" Zeus retorted, his tone dripping with mockery.

"Then I'll consume every bit of you!" Mo Xie declared, his voice growing colder.

With that, a resonance echoed through his very soul, and a crimson energy radiated from his form, causing him to undergo a magnificent growth.

His ethereal presence gradually transformed into a flawless soul manifestation. A robust figure adorned with lengthy hair, a red rhombus mark on his forehead, two menacing wings, and twin horns crowning his head contributed to an aura of genuine dread.

His garb mirrored the battle-worn armor of a seasoned general, as though he had weathered through countless wars.

Now, standing at a height equivalent to Zeus and shorter than Shen Long, he emanated a commanding presence.

"Now, who's the tiny soul you spoke of?" Mo Xie sneered.

Upon hearing this, Zeus and Shenlong stood unfazed.

Zeus, sporting an even wider grin, taunted, "Ascending in stature won't grant you parity with us," he mocked.

"Speak your words freely. What's undeniable is that you will become my sustenance," Mo Xie declared, a grin forming on his face as he unsheathed a sword adorned with ancient inscriptions.

Zeus's grin took on a more malevolent edge, "Let me handle him," he stated with a cold demeanor.

Shenlong remained silent, his authority still emanating strongly.

Zeus advanced, raising his hand. Lightning struck, shaping into a sword – the formidable Blade of Olympus.

"I shall consume you, lowly human!" he proclaimed, his voice icy.

Mo Xie's excitement radiated through his widening grin, "Hope you can fill the void I've felt for so long!" he shouted.

With determination, he sprinted toward Zeus, sword in hand, traversing the expansive ocean beneath his feet.

Zeus remained poised, patiently awaiting Mo Xie's approach.

Upon collision, their swords clashed, resonating with a thunderous "CLANK!" that reverberated through the air, accompanied by a dazzling display of lightning.

Mo Xie's initial excitement gave way to a serious expression as he acutely sensed Zeus's overwhelming power.

"Now, my turn!" Zeus declared.

With those words, he disengaged from the clash, launching a barrage of potent sword strikes against Mo Xie.




The symphony of sword clashes persisted as Zeus relentlessly assailed Mo Xie. While Mo Xie could withstand the onslaught, his energy reserves dwindled significantly in the face of Zeus's formidable swordsmanship.


This time, Mo Xie lost his defensive stance, panic twisting his expression.

Seizing the opportunity, Zeus thrust his sword into Mo Xie's form. The blade penetrated, and as it struck true, Mo Xie's body transformed into white smoke, dissipating into nothingness.

Suddenly, Mo Xie reappeared behind Zeus in an offensive stance.

"Gotcha!" he sneered.

His sword advanced, targeting Zeus's vulnerable back. Yet, in an instant, Zeus's figure vanished, transforming into a streak of lightning.

Mo Xie's eyes widened in realization; he attempted to pivot, but Zeus swiftly executed a brutal attack.


Zeus's strike severed Mo Xie's left arm.

Creating distance by moving several meters away from Zeus, Mo Xie's expression shifted to seriousness. Though devoid of physical pain, he keenly felt a diminishing strength within his soul.

Zeus, meanwhile, exuded disdain. "Come on, is that all you've got? You're incredibly disappointing!" he taunted.

Mo Xie gritted his teeth, experiencing a level of mockery he had never faced before. Focusing his power on his left arm, he miraculously regenerated it in the blink of an eye.

His steely gaze locked onto Zeus. "If you seek a true challenge, I'll gladly oblige!" he declared.

With determination, Mo Xie ascended into the air, where six dark orbs arranged themselves in a circular formation behind him. His wings assumed a more menacing aspect, and his teeth morphed into sharp fangs, while his eyes took on an eerie demonic glow.

"Now, let's begin!" he proclaimed.

With that, he soared directly toward Zeus, wings cutting through the air, casting a menacing shadow with dark orbs enveloping his form.

Zeus, in response, wielded the Blade of Olympus with an almost imperceptible speed. The clash of their swords created a symphony of lethal melodies echoing across the ocean.

Bolts of lightning shot from Zeus's hand, forming a scythe of lightning that sliced through the air, aimed at Mo Xie. Yet, Mo Xie deftly evaded, sliding forward with incredible speed.

Once again, the two clashed swords, the resonating echoes reaching every corner of the vast ocean. Mo Xie's aggressive strikes generated a swirling mix of dark and red energy, saturating the battlefield.

Zeus maintained composure, skillfully evading each of Mo Xie's attacks with precise movements. His Blade of Olympus, a testament to divine strength, emitted flashes of light upon contact with Mo Xie's sword.

In an instant, Mo Xie transformed into a shadow, reappearing behind Zeus, attempting a strike. However, Zeus, anticipating this maneuver, swiftly spun and countered the assault with the Blade of Olympus.


The resounding impact rippled through the ocean like a tsunami.

Adjusting his strategy, Mo Xie relied on speed and strength to elude Zeus's direct assaults. Moving as swift as lightning, he encircled Zeus like an elusive shadow.

Zeus laughed with arrogance, "Do you believe you can escape your destiny?"

Mo Xie remained silent, but with lightning speed, he unleashed an even stronger and more precise attack. Zeus, possessing god-like senses, swiftly swung the Blade of Olympus, clashing swords with Mo Xie and igniting sparks of energy that filled the entire ocean.

Out of nowhere, the red energy emanating from Mo Xie's sword intertwined with the blue lightning from the Blade of Olympus, resulting in a spectacular explosion that bathed the surroundings in an otherworldly glow.

Their intensified attacks elevated the battle, and their formidable powers competed, creating a dazzling display.

The clash between Zeus and Mo Xie persisted, each exhibiting their full strength, causing the very ocean to tremble with the impact of their extraordinary attacks and defenses. Their relentless engagement pushed the boundaries of their powers, unfolding an intense battle that captivated the entire scene.

In the midst of this spectacle, Shenlong remained a silent observer, displaying no inclination to intervene.


In the midst of the escalating battle, the Blade of Olympus vanished from Zeus's grasp, replaced by a fist cloaked in ominous black lightning.

With surgical precision, he delivered a thunderous strike to Mo Xie's face.


The resounding impact reverberated through the air as Mo Xie was propelled violently into the sky.

Yet, Zeus showed no mercy. Moving with the speed of lightning, he materialized beside Mo Xie, delivering another merciless punch enveloped in crackling electricity.

Mo Xie, tossed again by the relentless assault, endured Zeus's brutal barrage, each lightning-infused blow creating thunderous echoes across the heavens.

Even in his formidable full demon form, Mo Xie couldn't withstand Zeus's relentless assault. His expression turned grave, devoid of any opportunity for retaliation.

In a final act of brutality, Zeus's punch connected with Mo Xie's visage, sending him hurtling down into the ocean depths.

Zeus, suspended in the air, extended both arms, his eyes flashing with lightning.

In the next heartbeat, millions of black lightning bolts cascaded from the heavens, assaulting the vast expanse of the ocean. The resulting cacophony echoed with a deafening roar, stirring turmoil at the ocean's floor.

The once serene sea transformed into a maelstrom of chaos, a testament to Zeus's devastating power.

This spectacle endured for several heartbeats before Zeus ceased his celestial onslaught.

His unwavering gaze fixated on the depths below, and without a moment's hesitation, he descended into the turbulent waters.

After a brief interlude, Zeus emerged, hovering in the air with an unwavering grip on Mo Xie's neck.

In stark contrast, Zeus appeared majestic, untouched by a single blemish, while Mo Xie languished in utter powerlessness. His once formidable full demon form began a gradual retreat, yielding to its original state.

Zeus's gaze dripped with condescension as he spoke, "Now, you shall become a fragment of that kid's might," a smirk etched across his face.

With a disdainful toss, Zeus propelled Mo Xie high into the celestial expanse.


Abruptly, the resonant roars of dragons reverberated, and two black dragons materialized, soaring from the cosmic depths towards Mo Xie.

Their menacing fangs closed in on Mo Xie.

In a ruthless display, they tore asunder Mo Xie's very soul, his essence dissipating slowly into the cosmic void.

Mo Xie, despite the brutal disintegration of his being, displayed no signs of anguish. As the heavenly demon, one on the cusp of immortality, he met an unanticipated demise.

"I will not..."

His defiant words trailed off into silence as one of the dragons severed his head, reducing his form to a nebula that gracefully ascended into the celestial expanse.

The cosmic void, once vacant, now bloomed with the birth of new stars.

However, from Mo Xie's remnants, a black horn descended into the ocean, sinking into its profound depths.

Zeus maintained his perch above the ocean, an embodiment of authority. "The boy should gain new power," he declared.

"I hold onto the hope that he may tread in my footsteps, hahaha," his laughter echoed, resonating as his form gradually dissipated into the cosmic tapestry.


Back to reality, Li Yue'er meticulously continued combing Long Tian's hair, who remained ensconced in unconsciousness for a duration surpassing ten minutes.

Bi Han, Mo Yuegang, and Ling Han stood by, their collective anticipation palpable as they awaited the return of Long Tian's awareness.

"Is his condition critical?" inquired Mo Yuegang.

Bi Han offered a subtle shake of his head in response, "I cannot ascertain. At this juncture, he resides within the recesses of his subconscious."

Mo Yuegang acknowledged this with a nod.

As Mo Yuegang poised to speak further, his utterance faltered, arrested by the sudden revelation of an aberration upon Long Tian's physique.

A crimson rhombus-shaped mark materialized abruptly on Long Tian's forehead.

Li Yue'er and the rest mirrored the astonishment, their countenances etched with surprise.

"What's happening to him?" inquired Ling Han.

"It should be the effect of the healing. I hope it's a good thing," Bi Han responded.

Ling Han nodded, returning his scrutiny to the unconscious Long Tian, the mysterious mark adding an enigmatic layer to the unfolding events.

As the passage of time unfolded, the crimson mark on Long Tian's forehead unfurled dark runes that dispersed throughout his entire being.

In the ensuing moment, his corporeal form began to exude a dark aura akin to billowing black smoke.

Bi Han's countenance adopted a grave mien, and he voiced his concern, "This is demonic qi! His body is saturated with demonic qi!"

Li Yue'er's features mirrored worry as she inquired, "Is that a bad sign?"

"It's a good thing if the demonic qi maintains a balanced proportion within his body. However, the prevailing abundance of demonic qi raises uncertainties about the consequences," Bi Han elucidated.

Upon hearing this, concern etched itself across Li Yue'er's expression. She hoped to help with the power of her martial spirit, but she had tried earlier with no results.

Meanwhile, Mo Yuegang sought alternative solutions, questioning, "Are there no other methods to heal him?"

Bi Han momentarily pondered before responding, "There is one. I recall the sacred pool within our sect, capable of neutralizing and even stabilizing demonic qi. If Young Master Long is conveyed there, he may experience recovery."

Mo Yuegang hesitated, contemplating the significance of the sacred pool—a vital asset of the heavenly demon sect with water drawn from a source of unique essence.

However, Ling Han looked at him intently. He certainly knew what Ling Han meant.

I request personal safeguarding for my sect in exchange. How does that sound?" he suggested.

Ling Han assented unequivocally, "As long as the young master recuperates," he affirmed.

A grattified smile adorned Mo Yuegang's visage. The prospect of additional protection from a cultivator at the pinnacle of the golden core stage was certainly not unwelcome.

"Very well, let us transport Young Master Long to the sacred pool," Mo Yuegang declared, signaling a decisive course of action.

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