Systemless Villain

Chapter 108 Love Conflict

Chapter 108 Love Conflict

The night gradually gave way to a cool morning. In the heart of another forest location, Long Tian leaped upwards, Uchigatana tightly gripped in his hand, enveloped in a yellowish lightning aura.

With incredible speed, he slashed forward, cleaving the bodies of the four-legged monsters in front of him into two.

He stood amidst the aftermath of his battle. Numerous trees lay split into pieces due to their fierce encounter.

The opponent he faced was no ordinary creature; it was a three-star soul beast, a blood wolf, as large as a rhinoceros.

"You possess a unique ability; it would be beneficial if it were mine," Long Tian grinned.

With that, he touched the head of the wolf's corpse, closed his eyes, and focused on absorbing its ability.

A few seconds later, a gleaming light emanated from the wolf's head, and three golden rings, each as large as the wolf itself, entered Long Tian's body. Three star marks appeared on his forehead, but they faded quickly.

Long Tian opened his eyes, a satisfied smile gracing his face. He had successfully absorbed the blood wolf's ability: Blood Healing!

It was a skill that allowed him to heal his wounds by merely touching blood.

"Not bad at all; this will prove useful," he remarked, a contented smile lingering on his face.

"Now, where should I go?" he muttered to himself, stroking his chin in thought.

After a few moments of contemplation, he resumed his movement, prepared to leave the area. However, his steps came to a halt as he sensed numerous auras not far from him.

He turned, his gaze fixating on the dense foliage. In the next moment, he was surprised to witness a horde of soul beasts: wolves, hyenas, and many other four-legged creatures, moving in unison.

They weren't heading toward him but in another direction. Nevertheless, an idea crossed his mind. Dragon claw shadows materialized in his hands, accompanied by lightning crackling on each claw.

He then slashed repeatedly at the horde of soul beasts.

From a distance, his strikes created a lightning claw effect, cutting through the trees simultaneously with the numerous soul beasts, slicing through their flesh.

Long Tian grinned, continuing his assault. With each aspect of his strength increasing, he could create a new technique effective against numerous foes. He named it Thunderclaw.

Seconds turned into minutes, and he halted his onslaught. Dozens of dissected soul beast carcasses were visible from a distance, some even burned by the lightning.

Long Tian approached, grinning as he looked at his masterpiece. But what intrigued him more was not just that; it was the direction the horde was headed. It seemed to be moving eastward.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea to follow them," he murmured to himself.

With that decision made, he started moving toward the east.


Meanwhile, at a vast lake situated in the heart of the forest, Xia Qingyue was engaged in battle against hundreds of wild and soul beasts.

Her sword effortlessly sliced through their flesh, its sharpness dozensfold greater than an ordinary blade.

The battle wasn't too challenging due to most of the soul beasts being one-star, and the majority were just ordinary wild animals.

However, their sheer numbers made the fight difficult. The ground was littered with signs of hundreds of dissected bodies, indicating the intensity of her struggle.




Each of her strikes instantly felled the approaching beasts as she moved forward cautiously. Her eyes were fixed on a monkey the size of a human playing a flute. Its tune was melodious but summoned a relentless horde of beasts from various directions, relentlessly converging on her.

At this moment, she leaped out of the beast horde, heading toward the monkey. Yet, as she was about to reach it, the monkey changed its flute melody, creating an unseen note that sent her flying dozens of meters away.

Xia Qingyue gritted her teeth, frustration evident on her face. Every time she approached, the monkey's melody sent her flying with its attacks.

She had to strategize to defeat it.


As seconds turned into minutes, the sun began to cast its hot rays. Near the lake, Xia Qingyue was still battling the horde of soul beasts.


One of the tigers managed to scratch her body, tearing her clothes.

This triggered anger within her.

"You'll regret this, kitty!" she declared, a red aura emanating from her body.

In the blink of an eye, a colossal figure emerged, boasting three menacing faces and six powerful arms, each wielding distinct weapons. This awe-inspiring entity was her martial spirit: the Triad Titan.

The sword in her hand transformed, growing longer with a red aura enveloping it. Yet, as she prepared to attack, she sensed something behind her.


A deafening roar echoed, causing the hundreds of soul beasts to tremble in fear.

A few seconds later, the roars ceased, and a man's figure appeared from the sky, landing right in the middle of the horde of soul beasts.

The next moment, he roared again, this time louder and accompanied by spreading red energy.

The wild animals instantly fell to the ground helplessly, even the monkey playing the flute covered its ears in unbearable pain from the loud roar.

The man, without wasting time, soared toward the monkey.


He seized the monkey's neck, his expression ruthless and his grip incredibly strong.

The next moment, a "Crack!" sounded, indicating the monkey's death.

As the monkey's corpse fell to the ground, he focused his gaze on Xia Qingyue and leaped in front of her.

Yet, he was met by her sharp sword.

"If you take another step, I will truly kill you, Long Guan," she said coldly.

Hearing this, Long Guan raised his hands in placating gesture. "Come on, Qingyue, I have no intention of doing anything to you. Didn't I just help you?" he said.

"I don't need your help. And do you forget what you just did yesterday?" Xia Qingyue said coldly.

"Okay, I was wrong, forgive me for that. I was influenced by anger at that time. But now, I might be getting better," Long Guan responded.

"Who believes your words?" Xia Qingyue retorted.

Long Guan sighed, somewhat frustrated. "Come on, Qingyue, isn't there a chance for me? You won't find a guy like me. Talented, good looking, possessing dual martial spirits... what more do I lack?"

"Even if you were the epitome of perfection, if your name is Long Guan, I would never consider being with you ," Xia Qingyue rejected, her tone unwaveringly cold.

Hearing this, Long Guan's frustration grew, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Is it because of Long Tian? Do you like him?" he demanded.

Xia Qingyue met his intensity with calm resolve. "If yes, then what?" she challenged.

Gritting his teeth, Long Guan's voice dripped with menace, "Then I don't need to be gentle with you anymore. If I want something, I will surely get it, including you, Xia Qingyue."

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