"So, what should we do now?" Richard asked while looking at the Demon Relief Squad. They could consider this movement as a threat to the bridge, so he had to ask about their opinions.

Noel had piqued his interest earlier, so Richard observed Noel more than anyone else. And at this time, Noel showed a restless expression as if he was thinking about something bad.

"What's wrong?" Richard came to Noel while furrowing his eyebrows.

All of them soon turned to Noel. The Demon Relief Squad never saw Noel acting this way, so they were curious about what he was thinking.

Noel glanced around as if scanning the area again before explaining the reason for his panic. "This…"

"Explain it to us. We can't understand you if you don't talk." Richard demanded the answer with a strict tone. The last thing they should do was get worked up.

Noel gritted his teeth and explained, "I believe all of you have thought the same thing. The nest should have multiple Peak Level Demons, but the position of this mattress is kind to that of a leader. So, there might have been a Superior Demon in this nest previously.

"No one can defeat the Superior Demon right now. But I'm more worried about the direction where they're going…" Noel paused for a moment and said, "Looking at the trail on the way, it looks like they're going to the plain. But this will change with a Superior Demon. You should know about their intelligence, right?"

Richard nodded. "Continue."

"There is a Demon Hunting Squad's base at the border. And there's no way a Superior Demon can pass them unless there's a big battle where the Demon Hunting Squad's captain is occupied. Hence…"

Richard frowned, thinking Noel was looking down on them. However, what he said made some sense. So, Richard asked to confirm his doubt. "So, you're telling us the Demon Hunting Squad fails to keep the demons at bay?"

"Yes, specifically this Superior Demon. Its existence is a great threat to the kingdom since there won't be anyone to stop it."

"Yeah. It's indeed a threat, but I don't understand the reason for your panic."

"The Superior Demon is extremely intelligent. With how the demons move in the same direction, it's clear they have a leader who can order all the demons in this area. And such a demon is capable of using a strategy… What if they're not moving toward an empty plain?!"

"!!!" In that instant, everyone widened their eyes. They realized the real meaning behind Noel's explanation.

He was implying that the demons might change their direction. And they could go to the tattered Demon Hunting Squad's base or the Baron's city. It would lead to a catastrophe if the demon ever reached them.

"What's the reason? There's no way the demons know about our movements and go further away just to lower our guard, right?" Stella asked.

Jonathan thought for a moment and said, "The reason is not important right now. What we need to do is to split the team into two. The first team will follow the trail and see if there's any change of direction. The team has to tail them and wait until the second team informs Paul and the others and catches up.

"This way, we can strike them from behind. At the very least, this should be enough to buy some time from the Superior Demon. We have to act fast."

When everyone heard Jonathan's suggestion, they looked at each other as if wondering how they would split the team.

Since he was the superior among them, Richard instantly divided the team. "This time, my Demon Hunting Squad will follow the trail. No matter what, we're superior in tailing the demons. And considering the enemies, this time can't be underestimated, it's better to have a superior team doing it.

"It's not like there's any threat to the bridge now since they have left this place. Meanwhile, your Demon Relief Squad will inform those four and catch up to us. According to them, it's been one hour since the ruckus, so they might have gone far. We can't waste any more time.

"If you understand, then let's go!" Richard gave an order. This time, no one objected to his decision.

Richard led Becky and Shawn to follow the trail while Noel and the rest returned to the bridge to inform them what they had found.

They were shocked to hear what happened. Paul even ordered them to drop everything they were doing and immediately chased after the demons.

It would be bad if a Superior Demon attacked a normal city since they were only meant to hold back Peak Level Demons.

It didn't take too long for them to be out of the nest area and headed straight to the plain. But to their surprise, the trail had begun to change its direction.

And the current trail was heading straight to the Baron's city.

"This…" Paul sucked a cold breath and shouted, "We have to hurry. The city might be under siege. No, if it's a Superior Demon, it might have destroyed the city."

The group nodded and increased their pace. While running, Rose couldn't help but move to Noel, wanting to know more about the situation.

"What's going on here? Do you know anything?"

"I'm not sure." Noel shook his head helplessly. Even he wanted to know about the situation since he didn't expect there to be a Superior Demon. He was even more worried about Anna.

Anna was supposed to lead them to the Count's city. But he thought Anna would be heavily injured because of the Superior Demon.

Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, Noel didn't find any trace of fighting. Anna either died without a fight or managed to escape unscathed.

He hoped it was the latter.

"Rose. I have something I want you to do." Noel looked at Rose with a serious expression.

Rose was surprised at first, but it seemed Noel had a plan in mind. When he became like this, it meant the situation was dire.

"Alright. Tell me."

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