Fifteen minutes earlier.

Anna was standing on top of a tree, staring into the distance.




This one word kept echoing in her mind. This was the side effect of having the Thunder Berserker Spirit in her body.

Due to its berserk nature, the Thunder Berserker Spirit kept letting out its instinct to challenge everyone.

Even she had a hard time stopping it in her past life. In fact, she kept practicing under her teacher's guidance in the past to control this nature.

Only when she had controlled this nature did she come out and experience the world. But it was already too late because Noel had grown strong enough to keep tricking her.

But this life was different. She had gained control over the berserk nature and amplified her ability from the very start.

"This is…" Anna sucked a cold breath because her sense was tingling. It was clear that there was a powerful being in front of her. "My instinct is telling me that proceeding forward is a bad decision."

Anna couldn't confirm it, but this was an instinct she had honed in her past life. Even though her body couldn't sense anything from that place, her soul was shivering in fear.

'I guess this is it. I can't confirm whether they're humans or demons, but it's clear that there is danger looming around. If we ignore this, we'll be facing our own annihilation.' Anna took a deep breath.

Although she was disappointed that she couldn't even come closer, she still turned around, leaving the area.

But to her surprise, not long after she went back, she felt another presence roaming the area. The presence moved nimbly around the hill while stopping in a few places as if finding traces.

Anna hurriedly erased her presence and leaped away from him, not wanting to alert the enemy. However, she was convinced that the danger she felt earlier came from humans, meaning that the dangerous place was the Supreme Devil Organization camp.

She never expected that the presence she felt actually came from Zion, who was desperately finding her.

At the same time, this also showed how sharp her sense was. She could feel Zion's presence from the berserk nature.

​ "This is getting annoying," Anna muttered inwardly. "In my past life, this instinct almost took over my mind multiple times. And in this life, I have some control over it. My mind and soul are strong enough to withstand nature, but my body still can't accept this berserk nature…

"Sadly, there aren't any treasures that can help me control this instinct. And even that Thunder Berserker Spirit wouldn't help me. He's truly an insane spirit for asking for more blood…" Anna took a deep breath to calm her mind before continuing her journey.

She didn't want to be away for too long since it would make them worried.

"…and that's the story. I didn't expect the presence I felt earlier was yours." Anna made an apologetic smile. She was too restricted by time, so she didn't check on him.

Zion scratched the back of his head, embarrassed to know that Anna could find him instead of the other way around.

"This is truly interesting. To think Zion would be losing." Rose smirked, teasing Zion.

"I'll be training my perception after this." Zion clicked his tongue. Though, he didn't forget to say, "But at least I'm glad that nothing happened to you."

"Mhm. Sorry to make you worry." Anna smiled.

"Anyway, we have a lot of work to do today. Don't relax just yet." Jonathan nodded, confirming everything.

They resumed their work after eating. Zion, Rose, and Anna went to the dangerous area to find the dangerous existence. Zion couldn't find the presence, but Rose, whose senses were far stronger compared to the rest of the group, confirmed its existence. In fact, she was surprised that Anna could feel it from far away.

Meanwhile, Noel and Jonathan kept testing a few things to make sure that the treatment would be perfect.

As soon as they finished their jobs, they recalled Zion and the others so that they could go back to the city.

"Alright. We've finished our job. It's time to go back," said Jonathan while walking to lead the group.

The rest nodded their heads and followed him, but Noel couldn't help but notice something amiss on Anna's face.

Her face was slightly pale. It seemed she was a bit uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, Anna? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, it's fine." Anna shook her head with a smile, not wanting to worry anyone. In fact, she had been feeling the instinct getting stronger and stronger ever since he felt that presence. Even she didn't know what was wrong with it.

"Is that so?" Noel was still curious since this was the first time Anna had acted this way. In the end, he walked at her pace, making sure he was beside her if she ever needed assistance.

Anna thanked him for the gesture while gritting her teeth.

'What's wrong with my spirit? This is the first time I've ever received this backlash.' She muttered inwardly. 'What's wrong with you? Can't you calm down?'



Her vision gradually turned red as if her eyes were covered in blood. The cool wind made her shiver.

'This comes out of nowhere…' Anna wrapped her body with gentle Spiritual Energy to ease her instinct. This happened all of a sudden. 'What is truly happening to my body…'

She maintained her silence the whole time, wanting to go back to her room to meet the Thunder Berserker Spirit.

Inside her body, a muscular man was sitting on top of a boulder. The yellow lightning sparked all over his body, rampaging around.

Despite all the lightning discharged from the body, this spiky yellow haired man maintained his calm expression as if he'd gotten used to this situation.

He was sitting alone, waiting for his host to arrive.

"It seems she hasn't realized anything… Even in her past life, she never bothered about my power. All she did was try to control this power and ignore all my words. I wonder what she will do in this life."

A sly smile appeared on his face as if he was planning something by exerting all his instinct to influence Anna's mind.

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