83 Chapter 8The King’s City mourned the loss of their king, some people called him Castellan the peaceful. While others titled him as “King of Stonedance” because they believed he was the one who won the battle and if it hadn’t been Gandalf’s betrayal then there would be a feast in his name but his head was mounted on the top of City’s gates, for everyone to see.

Early in the morning at dawn, all the people of King’s City were called upon inside the doors of the Holy Sept. Thousands of them were eager to see their new king for it was a coronation day, the chronicled tale later on claimed twenty thousand of good folks came crumbling down in the mud streets like twenty thousand rats coming out of their holes even though it was freezing.

Children were also taken by their parents to witness history, there were two sides as who was Gandalf to Prophis. Some said he earned the silver throne and it should be his since Castellan lost the battle, while others condoned him for betraying his once friend and slit his throat in the open.

However, as they always like to remind themselves “Prophisians never forget” what happened to Castellan some of the good folks reminded everyone what King Taelin did to his friend Mithandir. “He slit the King’s throat while he was asleep and took the crown. He was the king’s friend and he usurped the throne, Gandalf fought in Stonedance bravely with his lions and men. If Castellan wanted to live Gandald would have let him, but he challenged the Lion... and now his head rots in the sun” said the so called Swan, she was the Madam of a brothel down the streets.

Those who still defended Castellan insulted the Swan and condemned her to be just a whore who had no head for politics and nor should she speak about them. “What is she good for, rather than sucking a cock. A filthy common whore” men of King’s City laughed at the Swan’s teachings. Although no matter how much divided they were, they all attended the coronation as soon as the gates to the Sept were opened.

Lady Aryan had arrived in the King’s City last night after her brother took Castellan’s head, and she was rather disappointed however she didn’t show it to Gandalf for she only knew how crazy he can be. Even though they fought in Stonedance, this time when they were reunited it was Gandalf who raced to his sister to seek solace and comfort.

Like a little boy Gandalf clung to Aryan’s shoulders and Aryan held him tight while both of them closed their eyes and just enjoyed the moment. Some of the lords who witnessed this act, later on wrote how they had never seen a man loving his kin as much as Gandalf loved his sister Aryan.

When they broke the hug, Gandalf was the first one to complain “You abandoned me in the battle” he said sounding like a baby needing to be wiped off his ass.

Aryan held his right cheek with the palm of her hand “The battle was already won brother; I wouldn’t have left if I knew your life was in danger. What’s the status?”


“I am to be crowned king tomorrow”

“Oh, that is achievement enough. What about Raven, I hear Lord Boross killed our lion”

Gandalf pinched his jaws. They were all inside the council chambers of the palace, Lord Horpes Godwen of Claydall was also there and so was Lord Criston Highrise of Bellward. The only piece missing was the lord of Raven, a very significant city in Prophis and that’s where comfort and wealth came from. Other three lords who served Castellan were also invited inside the council chambers to give their advice in the coming ceremony.

“We will take it back sister, if he hasn’t fled the city already I fear he doesn’t favor his head” said Gandalf. “What about you, where is Olivia?”

“Asleep, the sea wasn’t so silent today”

Gandalf smiled and shook his sister’s hand “Welcome back sister” and he reached out to hug her again. The meeting proceeded with the three lords who served Castellan before giving Gandalf the instructions, wisdom and how to do the ceremony costly without bankrupting the realm.

And by dawn, Gandalf was in silk and satin robe threaded by gold, a black trouser and a golden cloak which had a huge Lion symbol at the back. He was heard when he put on the cloak to say “Let the Lions rule the cold now”

He looked so handsome and his wound had healed so he felt good too. He had grown a horrible beard since the fighting in Stonedance, he had his servants shave them all off and other parts of his body which had hairs.

Lady Aryan stood beside her brother and she made sure to listen and spy on the servants and lords inside the palace. At first she thought King’s City was cursed, and if her brother lived in that palace too then he will sure be cursed. Hence she decided to say it to him as they boarded the royal wheelhouse to go to the Holy Sept.

As usual, it is the High Septon who is supposed to anoint Gandalf under the eyes of thousands and grant him power. The current High Septon of Prophis was called Father Luthar Dundar, and he was accompanied with his fifty men of faith and fifty Faith Crones who never left the Sept.

Gandalf had never been a man of faith and nor did he believe in gods, but he was sure to understand that if there is to be peace in Prophis then he was supposed to adhere to their rules and especially their gods.

Lady Aryan wore the same outfit as her brother, a silk and satin robe with black trouser and a golden cloak with a Lion symbol at the back. Looking alike was another thing, but when they decided to wear the same outfits well let’s say good folks were later on confused. However, it was Lady Aryan’s long black hairs which identified her as a woman but if she had short hairs like her twin brother then no one could tell them apart.

“I have an advice for you, before you take the throne” said Aryan to her brother. They were all alone inside the royal wheelhouse.

“My good sister, always with great advises. Please don’t tell me I have to stop fucking whores...”

Aryan wasn’t so amused and even when Gandalf started laughing, she remained steady and kept the serious look on her face “Will you ever be serious once in your life?”

“Alright, alright... what is it?”

“You should rule from Raven. It’s a great city, with sunshine and more trade and better roads and buildings. For hundreds of years all kings ruled from this stinking cold reek of a city, I say you differ. We are Squires and our lions cannot mate in this cold, we are used to the heat” she laid down her plans.

“Rule from Raven? But there’s no palace there”

“You can build one. I have come with much gold which I stole from Whitebridge, and you can double the taxes in Raven and still the merchants will pay because they need Raven’s ports. Raven is at the center of Silent Sea; it is more wealthy than you can imagine”

Gandalf paid attention closely to his sister’s advice “The Boross’, have ruled Raven for centuries. They know trade and they fill the realm’s vaults with treasures every month, Castellan himself told me so. He said the crown must never make an enemy with Boross’, for they have friends across the sea” said Gandalf seemingly worried about starting another war.

“We have friends across the sea too brother. Take Raven and rule from there, you can leave King’s City to Tommy as his reward for spying during the war” This time Aryan held his brother’s face in her arms “You are meant for more brother, we are meant to rule trades and seas not some unwashed cunts in King’s City. I shall return back home and rule there in your absence, the two Squires will rule both Prophis and Maldonia” she finished and patted her brother’s shoulder.

The talk of power, gold and wealth always excited Gandalf and his sister knew that was the only way to get to him. Aryan wanted her brother to be the most powerful king to ever rule Prophis, and the only way was to rule from Raven. The Freezing Sea was ice cold no ship can sail there, that’s why all ships whether they wanted it or not had to sail in the Silent Sea.

Raven held the biggest port in all the kingdom, that’s where several goods were brought into the city and the taxes are what benefited Prophis and the Boross’ grew wealthier because of that. But Raven’s history was deep rooted in loyalty to the Boross’, taking that away from them would be the greatest challenged Gandalf had ever had but he knew he had to do it if he were to elevate himself as king.

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