115 Chapter 11Artemis rose him up and they greeted for the first time. “You must be worn out after a long journey my lord. Welcome to the capital” said Artemis, he didn’t even know why he said that because Leoric looked neither pale nor exhausted, it’s the exact opposite.

Leoric sighed “I am Your Grace, but you called and I responded”

“Thank you Lord Walsen”

Leoric intervened “Just call me Lord Leoric, I dropped the last name” he smiled, this time he looked at the whole table which was full of strange faces he never met.

It’s no surprise none of these lords from powerful houses in Maldonia never made a trip to the Mines, they all had the notion of the old tales about the place. “It’s where people go to die” those were the words.

Somehow the ten years under Leoric’s rule since he was fifteen had changed the city and there was a whole new town far from the mines. A town full of colorful lanterns, mansions, market squares and lots of pleasure houses. Leoric literally lived inside the brothels with his ladies, he was so fond of them and they loved him back because he gifted them a lot of gold.

Leoric found his sit and exhaled, he loved being inside a council chamber, it was his dream and now it came true. Artemis started the meeting, mostly it was about trades, treasury and security to the crown. They talked about Battle of Stonedance and what it means for the crown.

The starving villages in Sea Tone, the good harvest of apples, grains and oranges in Green Town. The fall and rise of House Old City and the future of Iron Falcon. Artemis let it to his lords to choose a suitable punishment for Lord Finnian.

“He’s a traitor Your Grace” Lord Maurin of Copperstone blazed angrily. “What he did was treason, to you and to the realm. For that he should lose his head”


Lord Angun disagreed “The man has apologized Lord Maurin, if we are to kill every man who commits treason to His Grace then we may be left with none. All of us in here have done one or two crimes, we are not perfect either”

Artemis remained silent, he chose to observe than talk. The debate went on from morning to late afternoon, the screams and disagreements were heard between the halls of the corridors. Lord Petrus wished to go inside and listen, but he wasn’t a Maldonian lord, he was just the princess’s husband.

He retired back to his chambers and there he found Aeryn, as usual sitting all alone in deep melancholy state. Petrus sighed “My love?” he called out.

Princess Aeryn turned to look at him, she loved him still but she loved her son more. They barely talked in those two weeks, and Petrus wasn’t so hopeful they will now. However, he chuckled softly and climbed on the bed.

“I saw a black Lord today, wrapped in silk and smelling of perfumed oil. He must be so rich, his slaves wore golden collars”

Aeryn was stunned “Lord Leoric is here?” her eyes widened with amazement. “He is the Lord of the Mines; I was to have luncheon with him”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, I...” Then suddenly the excitement in Aeryn’s voice faded and she went back to her melancholy state. “It doesn’t matter now”

“What doesn’t matter?”

“I wanted to ask him about my father’s bastard, Aprophil”

This was new to Petrus, he leaned on Aeryn and asked “A bastard?”

“Yes, a bastard with a slave woman named Jordy. I have no clue where they are now, I thought Leoric would tell me”

“Well... he’s here, I say let’s go to him” Petrus tried to have Aeryn’s mood lifted. It had been long and he didn’t like seeing his wife in that state.

It took almost an hour of convincing and finally Princess Aeryn agreed to talk to Lord Leoric. A servant was sent to Lord Leoric when he was feasting with his fellow lords inside the great hall, Aurora was present this time. She left Jahery with her grandmother in Aurora’s Hill, she was glowing with her red satin dress, golden jewelries and her brown hairs heavy with scented oils.

Artemis thought Aurora looked so beautiful that night, he complimented her frequently and whispering in her ears. The feast was everything the lords expected and more, Artemis called it the new dawn for Maldonia. There were meats of different flavors, from roasted beef to goat stew, bacon so freshly cooked it had the guests wanting more. Fried up fishes mixed with varieties of spices and it was hot too, breads of different shapes, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes and most importantly – the lemon cakes.

The lemon cakes were Artemis’s favorites and it was Aurora who asked Mrs Gibillis for that special. Lord Leoric brought wine from Arkala and Whitebridge, the most delicious honeyed wine and by the end of the night, Artemis asked if he can have more caskets delivered to the capital. “I shall personally deliver it to you, Your Grace” replied Leoric with a smile.

It seemed Lord Leoric was so taken by Aurora’s beauty, he couldn’t stop himself from looking at her. Because of constantly travelling and running the mines, he wasn’t available during the royal wedding but he heard of Aurora’s beauty and her lack of station. His spy who delivered the news to him said “A servant rising to be Queen of Maldonia” and he was so excited to see her.

Now she was sitting across him, wrapped in red satin and glowing like a lovely dawn. All his life he’s met beautiful girls, he bedded all of them and fathered a few bastards but never did he come across a woman as beautiful as Aurora.

With a small chuckle which resulted from Artemis who licked her neck, Aurora turned around to see Leoric so smitten with her. He was staring at her and he didn’t seem to want to hide it. “Where is your wife my lord?” suddenly Aurora asked.

The laughing and chattering stopped inside the great hall, it seemed every noble inside there wanted to know where was Lord Leoric’s wife. Lord Akirbus added “You don’t seem like a man who can be pinned down my lord” and everyone laughed, even Leoric himself.

“I’m afraid I am yet to marry my Queen, I haven’t found the right one yet” replied Leoric and then he poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all.

Artemis intervened “I’m sure you will find the one my lord, and when you do...” This time he turned to Aurora “You will be the happiest man in the world” and he finished this with a smile and kissed Aurora’s lips.

The cheering continued and they all celebrated the love between Artemis and his Queen. There were musicians and acrobats invited inside the great hall to entertain the high lords of ten hourses, this caused a distraction and hence the servant who was sent by Princess Aeryn walked to Lord Leuric and delivered the message. “The Princess would like a word my lord, she is in the gardens” and then she left.

Lord Leuric stayed for a little bit of time for fear of being suspected when he leaves so urgently. Just when everyone was taken by the drums and the ballads, that when he silently sneaked out of the great hall, this time not even Lord Balrus saw him.

Princess Aeryn was all alone in the gardens and that’s because Lord Petrus was in the great hall for the feast, he couldn’t have missed it for the world.

Aeryn wore all black from head to toe, she was still mourning her son and she planned to mourn him for another two weeks. Lord Leoric arrived in the gardens and walked straight where he saw a silhouette under the stars, he knew it was Aeryn even though he hadn’t seen Aeryn for a long time. To make sure it was her, he called out “Princess?” and Aeryn turned back.

“Lord Leoric”

“My princess” Leoric approached with his hands forward. He was in a blue satin robe and black sandals, still smelling like a garden full of roses and he was leaving sweet aroma whenever he passes.

Princess Aeryn couldn’t help herself “You smell heavenly my lord” she blushed.

“My deepest condolences my lady, I heard about your unfortunate turn of events”

Aeryn sniffed, she was quick to tears “It’s hardly unfortunate my lord, my son was robbed from me to give way to unnatural creatures” she reached out for a small piece of cloth and wiped her nose. Leoric was stunned, he wanted to press and ask but Aeryn quickly changed the subject “I wanted to meet you, once...”

“Did you?”

“Yes, I want to know more about my father’s bastard, Aprophil. I know you are well informed about him; he was your slave wasn’t he?”

“No, Aprophil was never a slave because her mother, Jordy was freed long before she gave birth to him. He never stepped foot in the mines, all that you hear is people sugarcoating it, believe me my lady when I tell you Aprophil lived like a King in the mines and he still does in Whitebridge. He has a son, and he named him Arteides” said Leoric making his movements towards the princess.

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