104 Chapter 10Peace had finally come to Prophis after the most horrifying battle in the history of battles, Battle of Stonedance. Gandalf had turned out to be a more responsible King in those three months taking his role quite serious alongside his sister, the lords of the small council were so pleased with how much Haniwa changed Gandalf for the better.

The Silver throne was refurbished and constructed to a total new throne, this time it had a huge lion’s head sculpture on top of it. Gandalf called it “The Lion Throne” even though it was still made of silver. A statue of the King was placed within the gardens of the palace – it displayed Gandalf on a lion while raising his sword.

The statue reminded the people of the day Gandalf was crowned King of Prophis, the way he rode his mighty lions. Lady Catherine and her daughters moved from Claydall to Raven since they were now close kins to the Queen. They didn’t live inside the palace but they had respectable apartments in the luxurious streets which housed only the nobles and wealthy families.

This meant Lord Horpes Godwen had to move back to the castle which he did, he felt relieved by the departure of Haniwa and the last of Aubrel’s family. Yet still Gandalf didn’t trust him and he wished he could have him removed, especially since there were claims from Haniwa that he tried to deflower her.

Three months of marriage saw Haniwa already with child, two months long and this had made Gandalf the happiest man on Earth. Things were also looking good between Aryan and Olivia since now Aryan wasn’t so busy because Gandalf had stepped up on his role as King. These two spent most of their free time together just like what Olivia wanted, and maybe it’s this freedom which made Gandalf call out Lord Godwen to the capital.

Lord Horpes Godwen found himself surrounded by Lord Criston High Rise of Bellward, Lord Tommy of King’s City and Lord Howsley of House Blackgard, the Lord was added to the small council by Lady Aryan after he proved his loyalty to the crown. This meeting was discreet and Gandalf didn’t want even Haniwa to know.

With anger and curiosity, Gandalf asked Horpes Godwen “Did you try to rape Haniwa after you took Claydall from the Aubrels’?”

A very confused Lord Horpes was speechless “What is this about Your Grace?” he asked.

“His Grace has asked you a question my lord, you are ought to answer and not ask another question of your own” This was Tommy, the spy.


“Don’t teach me what to do or say Tommy” Now Horpes was occupied with anger and he almost stood up, only to be brought down by Tyriol who forced him to sit. Things weren’t looking so good for him if Tyriol had to intervene, even Horpes knew for sure he was in trouble. ‘

Hence he turned to Gandalf “I did as you instructed my king. I took Claydall for you...” said Horpes trying so hard to be understood.

“Took Claydall? Haniwa surrendered it to you and you imprisoned her and her sisters for a week! I specifically gave you orders not to harm Lord Aubrel’s family, no matter what happened Lord Aubrel was always nice to me and you -”

“I did it for the good of the realm” Horpes shouted. “How can you be King if your people can’t fear you”

Lord Criston High Rise tried to speak some sense “Yet those were not your orders. Ruins Tully lost his head trying to take Raven, you faced no opposition and still...”

It seemed Horpes Godwen wasn’t in the mood for criticism nor did he respect Gandalf “Don’t lecture me on what to do to my enemies. Fuck you all, and fuck you, Usurper” this he said with a loud and arrogant tone, not even Gandalf expected such betrayal from him.

Well let’s say Horpes didn’t live long to keep on harassing Gandalf, he lost his head right there with just one blow from Tyriol. Gandalf intended to serve it to Haniwa during their dinner “I’m going to give it to my wife, as a token of my love for her. Do you think she will love me more?” asked Gandalf when he took Aryan to see the dead body of Horpes Godwen in the Sept as it was prepared for funeral by the Faith Crones.

“Did he really deserve to die? You could have sentenced him to the mines and sell him as a slave”

“The mines? He was a knight with an attitude and he called me a Usurper. He would have fled the mines in one attempt, death was a show of my kindness to him” Gandalf dropped the topic and left the Sept. Aryan followed him.

It was early in the morning and as usual Aryan had just come back from her training, she reeked of sweat and was also worn out from exhaustion.

“He was on our team brother, and he fought bravery for us in the desert. I guess that doesn’t matter anymore since he’s dead now”

“Yes sister, it doesn’t matter anymore” replied Gandalf without looking at his sister, he seemed to be in such a hurry just from the way he walked.

“Where are you going in such a hurry? And please don’t tell me you are in a hurry to tell your wife that you just beheaded Lord Horpes just because he wanted to rape her. She will hate you forever”

This made Gandalf stop and turn back “Hate me? For killing a man who attempted to rape her?'”

“She will hate you because Haniwa isn’t a killer. She is not a soldier nor a fighter, she is soft and my bet is you love her because she is tender and lady-like. The same reason I love Olivia, and may gods help me the day I will serve Olivia with a head of her foe” replied Aryan softly with a hope that her brother will understand, and he did.

Then they kept on walking towards the main palace, although this time Gandalf walked slowly as he leaned on his sister carefully listening to what she was telling him, most it was about trade and how to control them. Raven at large and how to get profit, but most of that time all Gandalf could think about was Haniwa.

Haniwa was sitting calmly on the balcony of the palace with two servants standing behind her, and her own sworn protector, a decorated knight who was also tall just like Tyriol, with only an exception this one could talk and he was rather very friendly with Haniwa. His name was Sir Tommen, his last name was lost in the chronicles and no one ever retrieved it.

Sooner rather than later, Gandalf arrived on the balcony and went straight to Haniwa. He kissed her softly on her lips and she gladly held him close with a smile. “Where have you been my sweet husband?” Haniwa asked between the kiss.

With uncertainty, Gandalf lied “Blame my sister for my disappearance my love, but I can assure you, I haven’t stopped thinking about you”

“So have I, should we go to our chambers?”

A smile escaped Gandalf’s lips, he knew exactly what that meant and he didn’t waste no more time when he swept Haniwa’s feet off and carried her in his arms. Haniwa giggled all the way, like a little child after she’s given a candy or taken to a carnival. This was the man she loved dearly and he was also treating her good and making her happy always.

None of them knew what was going on and that Cregan Lawsend had sailed to Blackmount to plot with their foe. Aryan herself was rather focused on trade, politics, and solving cases when they were brought to the capital. The good folks with matters that needed to be put before the King travelled from every corner of the kingdom to Raven, and Aryan was there to dispute them.

Most of the disputes were land conflicts between neighboring farmers. A daughter refusing to wed was brought to the court by her father and abandoned there, Aryan found the girls a sanctuary within the city and offered ten master at arms to train them. “Not all girls dream of marriage, some dream of holding a sword, that still make them girls” she encouraged tem.

Hence the very first school for girls to train and become soldiers was opened in Raven and those girls who were never lady-like and dreamt of being like Aryan – a decorated war hero and triumph of Stonedance, poured into the sanctuary and fled their homes.

The news had reached Daella in Green Town where she was sipping pineapple juices, eating pork meats and beef and chickens, without forgetting she basked in the sunshine while being attended with servants. “A sanctuary for girls to train is calling me, mother” Daella pleaded to her mother, Lady Allysa who strictly forbade it. She had plans of her own and told Daella she made a marriage pact for her, with a high born son of a wealthy lord in Green Town so she must stay.

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