Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 31 - Sorry I Can’t Call You Beautiful Woman!!

After 'helping' the guys to finish the cake, the girls made their way back to their dorm in the same way as they came.

On their way back, Su Yan kept thinking about Sia's motive towards Lu Jin and An Ran for a long time but was unable to come up with a clear meaning.

Unable to hold in her doubt anymore, She looked at Sia and asked "Bro, can I ask you something?"

"Will you not If I say don't?" Sia asked

Ignoring Sia's words, Su yan asked "Why do you bully Lu Jin? and why do you keep forcing him to call An Ran as his sister in law?"

"Hmm..good question. The reason why I used to bully Lu Jin before was that he broke up with An Ran and hurt her. I thought he was just like those boys who treat girls as a plaything and dump them as they wish but later I understood that he was not like those playboys"

"And why do you bully him now?" Su Yan asked curiously

"It's because he is an idiot and looks very ugly...So" Sia replied with a shrug

"Hmm...then what about the second question? Why do you force Lu Jin to call An Ran his sister in law?"

Pausing on her steps, Sia looked at Su Yan seriously and said " To help him make a choice"

"Choice?" Su Yan asked in confusion

"Yes...It's clear that Lu Jin likes An Ran very much but there is something that is stopping him"

"What can it possibly be?"Shrugging her shoulders, Sia said

"Well, whats the reason...I don't have any idea about that but I do know that it must be something that can bring danger to either Lu Jin or An Ran"


"The only thing I can do is to help him learn An Ran's value when she is still around. Things will not remain like this always. If this continues, one or the other day they will have to separate and by the time he realizes, it will already be late. As an elder sister, I don't want Lu Jin to go through that pain. And, if he is going to make a choice, I want him to come clean. He should either forget An Ran or he should promise to stay with An Ran. I don't want him to be confused between the two choices, this won't do anything good to him and at the end, it will be the two of them who will suffer"

After saying those words, Sia turned around and continued walking towards her dorm.

Staring at Sia back, Su Yan was momentarily dazed. Never did she imagine that the reason behind Sia's tease was this and she could not help but see Sia in a new light.

Looking up at the dark sky, she sighed 'Those two must be lucky for befriending her'Seeing that Sia was almost closer to the dorms, Su Yan ran in big strides to catch up with Sia.

The next day, in school...After attending the same boring classes, the students were left free to have their launch.

On their way back, Sia suddenly felt thirsty and wanted to have a bottle of juice. Hence she made her way to the canteen to get a juice for herself meanwhile her friends stayed out and were waiting for her to come back. just as the group was busy chatting, a tall and fair girl looking like a fairy walked towards their group with her friends and called out "Mu Jun..."

As soon as Lu Jin and the others heard that coy voice, they felt electric current run through their veins.

Turning back stiffly, they looked at the charming girl standing in front, looking shyly at certain someone. "Brother Jun, do you recognize me? I'm Rosy...we met each other at the banquet!"


Not waiting for Mu Jun's answer, Rosy continued to speak "Brother Jun, how are you? How long has it been since we met again? Do you know how much I missed you? I have been longing for you for years and was eager to return to the country to see you but could not. But when I heard that you were going to attend Emperors High, I even fought with my father to enter the school only for you. Do you know how happy I was when I saw you in school? but I was unable to approach you. Sorry for greeting you late!!" Rosy said with an apologetic face.

Just as Mu Jun wanted to say something, Sia walked towards Mu Jun without noticing Rosy and held his hand right in front of Rosy.

Looking at Mu Jun pitifully, Sia said "Mu Jun, can you help me? I'm unable to reach the juice bottle in there...your tall, can you help me get the bottle"Finding her a little cute, Mu Jun smiled faintly and said "Okay"

Just as they were about to leave, Rosy blocked their way and looked at Sia coldly and asked arrogantly "Hey you...can't you see me standing here?"

Sizing her from up and down, Sia replied expressionlessly "Hmm...so? Should I make you sit then?"

As soon as they heard Sia's sarcastic comment, the boys standing behind almost laughed out loud. After spending their time with Sia, they were already aware of her poisonous tongue. Folding their hands in front of their chest, the boys looked at Rosy and Sia as if they were waiting to see a scene.

Looking down at Sia, Rosy sneered coldly "You...how dare you to answer me back? Do you know who I am?"

Rubbing her chin, Sia looked at Rosy thoughtfully and asked

"Are you, Napoleon?""No!" Rosy replied in confusion"Are you Hitler?"

"No!" Rosy replied looking annoyed

"Are you Monalisa?"

"No!" Rosy replied in frustration

"Then perhaps....are you charlie Chaplin?" Sia asked with her brows furrowed

Unable to control her anger and annoyance, Rosy finally burst out "What the hell...I'm none of them"

"Then why should I know you?" Sia replied with a shrug

"You-you...I'm Rosy" Rosy yelled in rage

"So? what if you are Rosy or Greasy? What does it get to do with me?" Sia replied nonchalantly

Frustrated and annoyed, this was Rosy's very first time to meet someone who did not recognize her, and what more...she even looked down at her. Pointing her fingers at Sia, she yelled "You Ugly woman!"

Not taking any offense, Sia bowed slightly and said "Thank you for your praise but I can't call you Beautiful Woman..."

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