Sweet Beauty

Chapter 955: Are You All Soldiers Or Bandits

Chapter 955: Are You All Soldiers Or Bandits

Liang Jiahao nodded. "I give them all to her. Qin Yu only gives me twenty thousand as pocket money every month."         


"Then there must be some left, right?" Qiu Yang hurriedly urged Liang Jiahao. "Brother, just pay as much as you have now. Don't waste time."     

Liang Jiahao sighed and took out his phone. During this period of time, he saved eighty thousand yuan. He was not willing to spend it all. Now, he had to give it all up. A man who could do what he was doing now was truly amazing!     

From now on, he could only be a commoner.     

Liang Jiahao scanned the code and transferred the money.     

When Qin Yu heard her phone ring twice, she immediately picked it up joyfully. When she saw the text message about the transfer of eighty thousand yuan from the bank, she was very happy. "Xiao Liang is really an honest person. He actually gave me all his personal money."     

She raised her head and looked at the sisters who were eavesdropping in the doorway. "Let him in."     

"No way!" The girls smiled. "My brother-in-law has handed over the money to you, but we haven't received the red packets yet!"     

Qin Yu: "...."     

Alright, you guys can play as you wish!     

However, Liang Jiahao had run out of money. All the money was in Qin Yu's hands.     

Liang Jiahao put down the phone. "Can I come in now?"     

At this moment, a girl's laughter rang out from the room. "No, brother-in-law. Not yet. Where are our red packets?"     

Gong Enlai immediately became unhappy. "Didn't we agree? As long as Brother Liang gives all his private money to sister-in-law, you will let us in?"     

"That's for our sister. Just because brother-in-law gave her the money does not mean we will take it too. Brother-in-law, if you want to come inside, you have to pay for the toll. Give us red packets!"     

Liang Jiahao sighed and took a step back. He pointed at the door. "Go, do it for me!"     

Gong Enlai and the others immediately understood the meaning. Qin Shanyuan saw what was happening and immediately retreated to the side.     

Gong Enlai raised his hand and knocked on the door.     

"You are surrounded by the police! Open the door! If you release the hostages and surrender, we can let you go easily. Otherwise ..."     

Qiu Yang was protecting Jiang Bao. Jiang Bao took out a wire from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole. He twisted the wire slowly and heard the sound of the door unlocking. Gong Enlai shouted and pushed his way in with Qiu Yang.     

Qin Shanyuan and Qin Xiurong's eyes widened when they saw this.     

"This ... this works too?"     

"This operation is too great! Are you all soldiers or bandits? How do you know all this?"     

The girls inside did not expect the door to open suddenly. They blocked the door with all their might.     

But Gong Enlai and the other two were not vegetarians. In their eyes, it was like hitting a stone with an egg.     

"Brothers, charge hard!" Gong Enlai instructed. The three of them exerted their strength together. In just one round, they mercilessly pushed open the door.         


They even pushed the door to the floor.     

Suddenly, there was a scream. Gong Enlai and the others were so startled that they immediately let go of their hands.     

Quickly, the two girls pulled the door out of the floor. They looked at the girl who was almost flattened by the door and showed sympathy.     

Liang Jiahao swaggered into the room. He thought there weren't many people in the room, but...     

The whole room was filled with people!     

Gong Enlai and the others knew that they had committed a great sin today. They did not want to be hounded after this wedding. Immediately, they pulled Qin Shanyuan. Without waiting for him to move, they began to touch his body.     

Qin Shanyuan exclaimed helplessly. "I will do it myself. I can do it myself!"     

Gong Enlai and the others did not care about it. They took out all the red packets on him and fawned over everyone in the room.     

"Little Missy, I hope you will have great fortune all your life."     

"Sister, I offended you earlier. Please forgive me."     

"Little Missy, we are new here and we are not reasonable. Please be magnanimous, my lord."     

The people in the room took the red packets and their anger disappeared by more than half.     

Gong Enlai and Qiu Yang saw Liang Jiahao standing dazed in front of Qin Yu. The two of them walked over, and one of them grabbed Liang Jiahao by the shoulder and pushed him down forcefully.     

"Kneel down!"     

Liang Jiahao was completely off guard. He was forced to kneel by his groomsmen.     

He turned around and looked at Gong Enlai and Qiu Yang in confusion. "What are you doing?"     

Gong Enlai retracted his neck but still said honestly, "Brother, you must lower your head when you are under someone else's roof. There are so many of them here, we have no choice. We have suffered great losses, but fortunately, we managed to bring you in. From now on, we can't help with anything else. You should pray for your own good."     


Before Liang Jiahao could say anything, Qiu Yang said, "Sister-in-law is so beautiful. Get down on your knees, and don't get up!"     

"Yes!" People around started laughing. "Kneel down! Don't get up!"     

How else were they going to make up for the shock they had just suffered?     

Shouldn't they torture Liang Jiahao for that?     

Liang Jiahao sighed. "Alright, I'll kneel down."     

Qin Yu saw Liang Jiahao kneeling in front of her and felt her heart ache. She pursed her lips and reached out to him. "Stand up."     

"No, he can't." Gong Enlai put his hand on Liang Jiahao's shoulder and pushed Liang Jiahao down when he tried to stand up. "Brother Liang needs to sing "Conquer". He could only get up after he finished singing."         


Liang Jiahao: "...."     

Were they really his groomsmen?     

He was more tormented by them than by the bridesmaids' group. It's even more torturous!     

But there was nothing he could do about it. He had to take the bride away today.     

Liang Jiahao cleared his throat and began to sing loudly. "I was conquered by you just like that and cut off my path to retreat. My heart is strong..."     

This was the first time Qin Yu had heard Liang Jiahao singing. She really didn't expect that he could sing so well.     

Even the girls next to her started clapping. "Brother-in-law sang well!"     

After Liang Jiahao finished singing, he looked helplessly at Gong Enlai. "Can I get up now?"     

Gong Enlai coughed. He looked at the girls standing next to Qin Yu. "Sisters, do you think he can get up now?"     

In terms of survival, Liang Jiahao really admired Gong Enlai.     

Why the hell did he hire a traitor!     

Qin Yu looked at the younger sisters beside her. "Alright, that's enough. Let him stand up. The floor is very cold."     

One of the girls said, "Since the bride loves you so much, you can get up now."     

Liang Jiahao stood up happily and walked toward Qin Yu, but he was stopped by Qin Xiurong.     

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