Sweet Beauty

Chapter 942: We Must Shoot This Scene!

Chapter 942: We Must Shoot This Scene!

Qin Yu's arrival gave Fan Xiaobo hope. "Yes, that's right. The shooting is almost over. You can all go home and rest. We don't need to fight over this scene. Besides, it'll be just a peck, not deep kissing."         


Even if he were beaten to death, Liang Jiahao wouldn't believe it was going to be just a peck.     

Arthur would take this opportunity to taste his woman!     

Liang Jiahao's face was gloomy and frightening. Just as he was about to say something, Qin Yu spoke up for him. "Director Fan, I don't think this kissing scene is necessary. In the final scene, isn't the couple not dead yet, and isn't this scene just to show the development of the relationship between the couple? It's quite simple."     

"Don't tell me you want to use your eyes again to express your feelings! If you use your eyes in this scene, you won't be able to express the feeling deeply!" Fan Xiaobo interrupted Qin Yu. "Anyway, we can't change the kissing scene here."     

"Director Fan...." Seeing Liang Jiahao almost angry, Qin Yu was also helpless. "Let's talk about this scene again. I think there's a flaw in the plot here. Why don't we take another look at it?"     

Qin Yu took the script from Fan Xiaobo as she spoke. She flipped the page and pointed at the plot. "Director Fan, look here. The bad guys haven't been eliminated yet, and there's one left. After the couple kissed, the portal opened. When the couple stepped out of the time and space portal, the bad guy suddenly threw a knife at the female lead. The male lead turned around and hugged the female lead, blocking the knife for her. Finally, he killed the bad guy with the knife."     

Fan Xiaobo's face darkened. "So, is there a problem?"     

"Of course!" Qin Yu smiled and said, "Think about it. When the couple kissed, they unconsciously let their guards down. But at that time, the bad guy didn't attack them. He waited until the couple stepped out of the time and space portal before attacking them. Don't you think there's something wrong with his brain?"     

Fan Xiaobo stood there in silence. As he thought about it, it seemed to make sense.     

However, there were bound to be many flaws in the movie's plot. Not only in this movie, but also in other movies. Even though they can see it, the audience may not.     

Fan Xiaobo's face darkened. "Am I the director, or are you the director?"     

When Liang Jiahao heard Fan Xiaobo's tone, it looked as if he was shouting at Qin Yu. His expression immediately darkened. It became cold as it can be.     

"Speak if you want to. Why are you yelling at her?" Liang Jiahao's deep voice was full of reprimands. The people around felt the air grow cold.     

Fan Xiaobo was stunned for a moment. He just remembered that Qin Yu and Liang Jiahao were husband and wife, and he just shouted at Qin Yu in front of Liang Jiahao. Wasn't this equivalent to slapping Liang Jiahao in the face?     

Fan Xiaobo, who was a great director, actually admitted defeat in front of Liang Jiahao. His originally ugly face suddenly turned into a smile and he quickly explained, "I didn't yell at her. I just spoke a little louder. I definitely didn't intend to scold her. President Liang, don't get me wrong."     

Qin Yu pulled Liang Jiahao's hand and spoke for Fan Xiaobo. "We're just discussing the plot. It will always be like this. He didn't yell at me. Sometimes, when emotions rise, our voices naturally become louder."     

"Yes, yes, yes!" Fan Xiaobo immediately fawned over Qin Yu. "Qin Yu is right!"     

Qin Yu had no intention of helping Fan Xiaobo because this was a normal thing. During the filming, there were times when she disagreed with the director. Often, she would argue with the director until his face turned red. Although she was the only one who ended up compromised in the end.     

Besides, Fan Xiaobo was a great director. He should behave like this. Otherwise, how could he intimidate his subordinates?     

Qin Yu understood this very well. But at the same time, she also felt that his request was a bit excessive.     

As an actor going to a shoot, it's your job to shoot according to the script. No matter how the script was written, you still had to record it.     

Unless the scene was very unreasonable, you could talk to the director. But if the director didn't agree, you still had to follow the script.     

Qin Yu was really afraid that Liang Jiahao would get agitated and do something that would hurt Fan Xiaobo, so she compromised.     

"How about..." She suggested, "We just do the peck. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"     

Fan Xiaobo shook his head. "There will be many facial expressions that can't be captured if we just do the peck. Viewers wouldn't be able to see the emotions. It's better to kiss."         


Qin Yu did not know what to say. Seeing that Fan Xiaobo was determined to make her do the kissing scene this time, she looked weakly at Liang Jiahao. She thought about how to compromise. But who would have thought that Liang Jiahao would open her mouth before Qin Yu could compromise?     

"If you want to do the kissing scene, just do it."     

Fan Xiaobo immediately felt very happy. "Really? President Liang, do you agree?"     

Liang Jiahao looked at Fan Xiaobo coldly and gently held Qin Yu's hand. "I remember that you guys have a stand-in in the movie. You can ask this stand-in to shoot the kissing scene. When you record Arthur's face, you can use this stand-in to kiss him, and then record Qin Yu's face. That way, you can still capture the emotions you want, right?"     

Fan Xiaobo: "..."     

He had heard of people using stand-ins for stunt scenes, but he had never heard of anyone wanting to use stand-ins for a kissing scene.     

Liang Jiahao was deliberately trying to make things difficult for him, wasn't he?     

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