Sweet Beauty

Chapter 891: Trouble Arise II

Chapter 891: Trouble Arise II

The black SUVs had no intention of letting go of Liang Jiahao's car. The four cars were driving at high speed. One in front and one behind, one on the left and one on the right. They were equal.         


When the cars around them saw what had happened, they immediately pulled over and stopped. No one knew what had happened. They just knew that if they did not stop, they could be involved in the accident.     

At this moment, another gray business car was suddenly driven out of the road in front of them. The driver of the MPV seemed to have identified his target. He did not care whether he would be dead or alive because he stepped on the gas pedal and crashed into a black SUV.     

The driver of the SUV was shocked. He quickly turned the steering wheel and swerved to the side.     

But the road was only that wide. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car crashed into the pavement and hit a tree.      

When pedestrians saw a black SUV driving around like crazy, they got scared and ran away.     

When Liang Jiahao and Qin Shanyuan saw this situation, the two of them had an implicit understanding and proceeded to catch another black SUV in the middle.     

"Jiaying, sit tight. Hold on to the handle tightly!" Qin Shanyuan suddenly shouted.     

Liang Jiaying immediately grabbed the handle of the car with both hands and looked at the SUV calmly.     

Liang Jiahao also said, "Qin Yu, Sister Mo, Hou Fen, this time you must hold onto the handles firmly!"     

The three women grabbed the handles of the car without saying anything. Qin Yu was so nervous that she closed her eyes.     

Bang! Bang! Liang Jiahao's car and Qin Shanyuan's car crashed into the SUV in the middle. The car immediately emitted a loud screech, and the people inside were hit by a strong vibration. In addition, they were also seriously injured.     

"Son of a bitch!" Philip shouted angrily, "Where did these two cars come from!"     

"Mark, are you okay?"     

"John, what about you?"     

"My leg is injured. Quick, we need to run now!" John said while hissing in the pain. "Don't let them catch us!"     

Facing the two cars that suddenly appeared, Mark was unsure. According to the intel he had received, only Liang Jiahao would follow Qin Yu to the set. Why did so many cars appear out of a sudden?     

Moreover, one could tell from the driver's driving skills in Qin Yu's car that he was not an ordinary person.     

If they got caught, they would most likely die!     

When Philip heard John's words, he did not care how badly the car was hit, and he did not care how many people in the car were injured. He suddenly increased the speed and fled to the side.     

Liang Jiahao saw the car trying to run away. From the rearview mirror, he saw that another car had crashed into a tree on the side of the road. He suddenly turned the steering wheel and made a U-turn in that direction.     

Qin Shanyuan was stunned for a moment. "We are not chasing them anymore?"     

Liang Jiaying looked out the rear window and immediately understood Liang Jiahao's intentions. "Shanyuan, stop chasing them. Uncle Liang went to another SUV. Maybe he's afraid that the two bodyguards will not be able to subdue those people. How about we help him?"     

Qin Shanyuan said nothing. He turned the car around and drove in that direction.     

The car came to a stop. Liang Jiahao quickly unbuckled his seat belt and kicked the door open, jumping out of the car.     

There were five people in the SUV. Except for the driver, they all jumped out of the car and fought with the two bodyguards.         


Obviously, the four had good fighting skills and were very strong. Although Han Szeto had paid a lot of money to hire the two bodyguards, they could only fight to a draw.     

Liang Jiahao threw himself into the fight. The original unfavorable situation had suddenly changed. Liang Jiahao grabbed one of the man's hands and pulled him back forcefully. Then he gave him a backhanded blow. At this time, Qin Shanyuan also joined the fight. Liang Jiahao threw the man at him. "Catch him!"     

"Alright!" Qin Shanyuan used his martial arts skill to subdue the man and push him firmly to the ground.     

The remaining three men were immediately thrown to the ground by Liang Jiahao and the bodyguards with a few moves.     

Then Liang Jiahao said to the women. "One of you call Han Yuanjun, and the other call the police. Hurry up!"     

Qin Yu did not hesitate and dialed Han Yuanjun's number. Meanwhile, Mo Shan called the police.     

After Han Yuanjun heard about it, he and Han Szeto immediately put down their work and hurried to the scene together. The police were only ten seconds faster than them.     

"Something like this happened the moment you went out?" Han Szeto patted one of the criminals on the head. "Qin Yu, you are really great. It seems that your life is quite valuable. The other party went through a lot of effort just to deal with you."     

Qin Yu: "...."     

Why did these words make her feel so uncomfortable?     

She really didn't want herself to be so valuable until many bad guys suddenly sought her life.     

The police pushed the criminals into the police car, and the group also went to the police station to record a statement.     

After the statement was made, they all stood outside the interrogation room and watched the police interrogate the criminals.     

The criminals seemed to have gone through rigorous training. No matter what the police asked, they were all of the same calibers.     

The police asked, "Why did you attack Qin Yu?"     

Criminal 1: "Because she is rich!"     

The police: "How do you know she is rich?"     

Criminal 2: "I saw the promotional video earlier and knew she was a female lead who was from a foreign country. It was easier to find information about her, so I took her down."     

The police: "What organization are you from?"     

Criminal 3: "There is no organization. We are just a gang hanging out on the street."     

The police: "Who hired you guys?"     

Criminal 4: "Nobody hired us. We just wanted to get some money."     

No matter what the police asked, the criminals' answers were always the same. They did not admit that they were hired by someone, nor did they say what group or organization they belonged to.     

The police were furious, but they could do nothing about that.     

Liang Jiahao looked at the police questioning the criminals and shook his head. "We're not getting anything out of this."         


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