Sweet Beauty

Chapter 868: Liang Jiaying Has Gone Missing I

Chapter 868: Liang Jiaying Has Gone Missing I

Thinking about this, Liang Mingyu suddenly felt guilty. He said with a long sigh. "It seems that I've dragged my sister down."         


Another nurse was cutting an apple for him. Hearing his words, she laughed softly. "Don't worry about her. Jiaying is a very smart child! To be honest, I envy the relationship between you and your sister. My brother and I don't have that kind of relationship. Even if I disappeared for a year, I don't think he'd worry about me."     

As she said this, she had a lost look on her face.     

"No way!" Liang Mingyu kindly consoled her. "There's no brother in this world who doesn't care about his sister. Your brother must care about you, it's just that maybe he's not very good at expressing his feelings, or maybe he's estranged from you for some reason, but I believe that if something happened to you, your brother would be more anxious than anyone else."     

"Yes." Another nurse came and brought the rest of the dinner. "They all said that brother loves sister the most and sister loves brother the most. It's true, though."     

The said nurse didn't speak, she just had a faint smile on her face.     

After eating an apple and watching TV for a while, Liang Jiaying still didn't come back. Liang Mingyu began to worry. "Bai Shui, can you call my sister for me?"     

Bai Shui nodded and took Liang Mingyu's cell phone, looked for Liang Jiaying's number, and dialed it.     

The cell phone rang for a moment before the call was finally picked up. Bai Shui asked with a smile, "Jiaying, where are you? Your brother is worried about you."     

The other party heard her voice and hung up loudly.     

Bai Shui was stunned for a moment and thought that she had dialed the wrong number. She took the cell phone off her ear and carefully checked the number. "It's her number, but why did she hang up?"     

Liang Mingyu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"     

Bai Shui pursed her lips tightly. "She hung up the phone as soon as the call connected."     

"Hung up?" Liang Mingyu frowned. "Please call her again."     

Bai Shui nodded and dialed Liang Jiaying's cell phone again. The call was connected immediately. Bai Shui immediately asked anxiously, "Jiaying, you -"     


The call was disconnected again.     

Bai Shui immediately realized that something must be wrong. She asked Liang Mingyu frantically, "She still hung up! What should we do now?"     

"Don't worry." Liang Mingyu hesitated for a few seconds and then told her. "Can you find Qin Shanyuan's number there? Call him and ask him where Jiaying is now."     


Bai Shui followed Liang Mingyu's instructions and searched for Qin Shanyuan's phone number.     

One evening, Liang Mingyu was afraid that something bad would happen to Liang Jiaying at work, so he asked her for Qin Shanyuan's number.     

Thank God he thought long and hard. Otherwise, he would be dying of worry now.     

"Hello..." Qin Shanyuan's faint voice sounded from the receiver. "Who is this?"     

"Hello, please hold for a moment." Bai Shui didn't know Qin Shanyuan, so she decided to let Liang Mingyu take the call. She put the phone to his ear.     

Liang Mingyu immediately asked, "Shanyuan, do you know where Jiaying is?"         


"Jiaying?" Qin Shanyuan immediately leaned against the headboard, coughed twice, and shook his head. When he realized Liang Mingyu couldn't see him, he said, "No, I haven't gone to work for two days."     

"No?" Liang Mingyu's heart was beating fast, and the bad feeling grew stronger as he had a hunch about what had happened to Liang Jiaying.     

Qin Shanyuan coughed again and asked. "What's wrong? She's not back yet?"     

"No..." Liang Mingyu's forehead was covered in a cold sweat. He can't move now. If he could, he'd jump out of the bed and rush out to find Liang Jiaying.     

"After she left for work today, she didn't come back. I thought she'd gone to work at the nightclub again."     

"Cough! Cough!" Qin Shanyuan took a sip of warm water to moisten his throat. "Liang Mingyu," he said. "Have you called her?"     

"I did!" Liang Mingyu didn't know what to do at this moment. He couldn't do anything and couldn't save his sister. His only hope was Qin Shanyuan. "But the call was hung up as soon as it was connected. I'm afraid something bad has happened to her."     

When Qin Shanyuan heard Liang Mingyu's words, he immediately coughed violently. From the speaker, Liang Mingyu could hear it.     

Qin Shanyuan was coughing violently as if his lungs were almost going to burst out of his chest.     

"Forget it. Shanyuan, you're too sick. Don't think about this anymore."     

Liang Mingyu was about to hang up, but Qin Shanyuan's voice suddenly came. "Liang Mingyu, don't worry. I will come and find you right now." He said before hanging up the phone.     

Liang Mingyu looked at his cell phone. For a moment, he was lost in thought.     

He did not know why, but when Qin Shanyuan said he would come and help him find Liang Jiaying, he (Liang Mingyu) felt less nervous and worried.     

As long as Qin Shanyuan said he would help him, Liang Mingyu felt he could do it.     

It was strange, though. Liang Mingyu and Qin Shanyuan hadn't known each other for a long time, and Liang Mingyu did not even understand Qin Shanyuan's character, but out of nowhere, he had such a strong sense of trust and dependence on him.     

Liang Mingyu smiled slightly. Maybe…Just maybe Qin Shanyuan was not that bad.     

And it was so much better dealing with this matter with two heads.     

Since Qin Shanyuan wanted to come, Liang Mingyu calmed down a lot. He sat on the bed and quietly waited for him.     

The two nurses, Bai Shui and Lei Ning, looked at Liang Mingyu, who was sitting on the bed calmly, with curious expressions.      

"Mingyu, shouldn't we go find your sister now?"     

The corner of Liang Mingyu's mouth suddenly pulled up a helpless smile. "What's the point of us rushing? I'm already like this now, there is no difference if we go look for her now or later."     

The two nurses understood and kept quiet.     

• • • •     

Qin Shanyuan was sick and his sickness was very serious.     

Han Szeto asked the family doctor to examine him. The doctor said, "He hasn't been sleeping well and not eating for the past few days. He can't cope with the diet. Besides, he may not be in a good mood, so he got sick as soon as the cold wind blew."         


After Han Szeto heard the doctor's words, he made fun of Qin Shanyuan.     

He became sick when the wind blew.     

Wasn't this a child's sickness?     

Qin Shanyuan lay on the bed after taking the medicine. He felt dizzy and didn't want to do anything.     

Lin Xiu was worried about him. After hearing from the doctor that Qin Shanyuan was in a bad mood, she came to lighten his mood.     

"Xiao Yuan, did you fight with Liang Jiaying?"     

Qin Shanyuan shook his head, "No."     

Even if he were, Qin Shanyuan would not tell Lin Xiu either.     

Qin Shanyuan had many worries, and he could tell about them to Qin Yu, to Liang Jiahao, and also to Liang Zixuan, Han Yuanjun, and Han Szeto. But never in his life, he would tell them to Lin Xiu and Qin Shaoqiang.     

There were many unknown things between him and Liang Jiaying.     

He himself was not sure if Liang Jiaying really had a fiancé or if she still had feelings for that man.     

He could not tell his parents about them when everything was still unknown.     

Just like that day when Lin Xiu found out that Liang Jiaying had stolen his wallet. Lin Xiu immediately could not stand her and spoke to her in a strange way.     

Qin Shanyuan did not want anything like that to happen again.     

He did not want Lin Xiu to get angry again, and he also did not want Liang Jiaying to get hurt again.     

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