Sweet Beauty

Chapter 855: A Single Dog Has No Right To Be Jealous

Chapter 855: A Single Dog Has No Right To Be Jealous

"Enough!" Lin Xiu lost her temper and pushed Qin Yu, who was clinging to her body like a koala, then sneered. "Don't try to persuade me again! If your brother really has such abilities, shouldn't he with Liang Jiaying by now?"         


Qin Yu blinked and blinked again. She suddenly understood what Lin Xiu meant.     

Lin Xiu was a stubborn woman, but at the same time, soft-hearted!     

On the surface, she pretended to dislike Liang Jiaying and disapproved of Qin Shanyuan's relationship, but in her heart, she felt sorry for her precious son.     

No matter how despicable he was, Qin Shanyuan was still her child whom she'd carefully raised.     

Qin Yu laughed out loud, "I understand, I understand."     

Lin Xiu feigned anger and frowned at Qin Yu. "What do you understand?"     

Qin Yu stood up and walked towards the door. She turned around and walked backward while smiling at Lin Xiu. "Mom, trust big brother. He can definitely do it!"     

Seeing Qin Yu's unruly smile, Lin Xiu could no longer hold it back.     

"Puchi," she laughed out loud. "Let's just watch him. If he fails to capture Liang Jiaying's heart, don't blame it on me."     

Qin Yu immediately stood at attention. Following Liang Jiahao's example, she saluted Lin Xiu. "As you command!"     

Seeing Lin Xiu's smile, Qin Yu sighed in relief. She put her hand on the door handle and turned the handle hard. When the door opened, she saw Liang Jiahao leaning against the wall, waiting for her.     

Qin Yu immediately closed the door, walked up to him, and hugged him. She raised her head and snickered, "How's it going over there?"     

Liang Jiahao raised his eyebrow and said proudly, "Is there anything at all that I can't do in this world?"     

"Hee hee..." Qin Yu was overjoyed. She got out of Liang Jiahao's arms and turned him around. Then she jumped onto his back with a loud thump. "My man is really awesome. He knows martial arts, is good-looking, and earns more money, but saves it for his wife. He is truly a high-quality male god!"     

Liang Jiahao carried Qin Yu on his back and walked downstairs easily.     

"As a high-quality male god, won't my rewards be the greatest tonight?"     

Qin Yu smiled mischievously. "Guess?"     

Liang Jiahao nodded seriously, "Absolutely!"     

Liang Zixuan, Han Yuanjun and the others were eating downstairs, but they weren't eating as calmly as they thought of the people upstairs.     

Suddenly, they saw Liang Jiahao carrying Qin Yu downstairs. The two of them talked and laughed, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.     

"Qin Yu, would you like some hotpot meat?" Liang Zixuan pushed the pot that the chef had just prepared towards her.     

Liang Jiahao put Qin Yu down. Qin Yu was two meters away from the table, but could still smell the delicious aroma of the food. "I want it!"     

She sat down and took a piece of meat. The spicy taste gave her a pleasant feeling. "Delicious! It's very delicious. Just from one bite, I could tell the taste is original."     

After Liang Jiahao sat down, the servant brought him a bowl of rice. Liang Jiahao was not a picky eater, and previously, while he was on the missions, he had eaten everything, so what kind of food didn't matter to him as long as he had enough to eat.     

Qin Yu wanted Liang Jiahao to have a taste of it. She picked the meat and wanted to put it into his bowl, but he stopped her gently. "No need."         


He leaned over and bit into Qin Yu's chopstick.     

Han Cihui, the single dog: "...."     

"Baby, the shrimp have been peeled. I dipped them in vinegar for you." Han Yuanjun brought a plate of peeled shrimp to Liang Zixuan and even carefully placed a small plate of vinegar next to her hand. "You like sour food, so if the vinegar taste is not enough for you, dip them again."     

"Thank you, hubby." Liang Zixuan took one of the shrimps and put it in her mouth, and chewed it carefully. As expected, the vinegar taste was not enough. She dipped it in vinegar before putting it in her mouth at the next meal.     

Han Yuanjun was taking good care of her. "You have to eat the tofu too. Eat the shrimp with the tofu."     

Liang Zixuan actually did not like eating tofu because it did not taste very good and was light. However, since she was pregnant, she had to eat a lot of high-protein food, so she forced herself to eat it.     

Liang Zixuan picked up the tofu and dipped it into the seasoning. She didn't expect the tofu Han Yuanjun gave her would be so delicious. Her eyes immediately lit up as she said, "This is so delicious, get me some more."     

Han Yuanjun took the plate of tofu and put it in front of her. When he saw Han Cihui staring at him, he snorted disdainfully, "What are you looking at?"     

Han Cihui: "..."     

Who did he offend in his past life?     

It was just a meal here, but it suddenly became a token of affection. Before, it was fine when it was just Han Yuanjun and Liang Zixuan, but now, with Liang Jiahao and Qin Yu here, it had turned 360 degrees.     

He couldn't avoid it.     

Han Cihui clenched his chopsticks tightly. When he saw that there were more dishes, he immediately felt better. "This is just a plate of tofu. Since sister-in-law likes to eat, let her eat more."     

After Han Yuanjun helped put the tofu into Liang Zixuan's bowl, he casually raised his eyelids and glanced at Han Cihui. While eating, he poked Han Cihui's heart. "Yeah, it's just a plate of tofu, but there are some people who don't even deserve to eat the tofu."     

Seeing Han Cihui's confused face, Han Yuanjun sneered. "A single dog has no right to be jealous!"     

Han Cihui was so angry that he rolled his eyes.     

After hesitating for a long time, he decided to put the food on his stomach instead of arguing with Han Yuanjun. He picked up his chopsticks and was about to continue eating, but Liang Jiahao mercilessly took away the dish that was in front of him.     

Han Cihui looked at him with hidden bitterness. "Brother Liang, can you leave some for me?"     

Liang Jiahao placed the plate right in front of Qin Yu. "Uncle, your niece will join the film crew in a few days, she needs to eat a lot."     

Han Cihui: "..."     

Forget being angry, he was so furious right now.     

There were so many people at the table, yet no one helping him. It was one thing for Han Szeto not to speak for him. Even the elders pretended not to see him.     

Besides, those dishes had to be eaten by everyone. Why didn't anyone open their mouths and scolded Han Yuanjun and Liang Jiahao for being too excessive?     

Just as he was thinking this, Tian Qihua stood up and pushed a plate of chicken to Liang Zixuan. "Zixuan, eat more."     

Liang Zixuan sweetly replied, "Thank you, mom."         


Qin Shaoqiang straightened up and pushed a plate of sweet and sour ribs in front of Qin Yu. "Qin Yu, this is your favorite food. Eat more."     

Qin Yu looked up and smiled sweetly at Qin Shaoqiang. "Thank you, dad."     

Han Cihui looked at Zhang Xiuying, but she didn't look at him at all. It didn't matter that she didn't look at him, but she pushed the remaining dishes to Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu. "Look at you two, here eat more."     

Han Cihui: "...."     

Son of a bitch!     

Zhang Xiuying was his mother!     

Was there a mistake?     

Don't single dogs have human rights too?     

Should a single dog be abused?     

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