Sweet Beauty

Chapter 835: I'm Not As Good As Liang Jiahao And Uncle

Chapter 835: I'm Not As Good As Liang Jiahao And Uncle

"Stop shouting!" Qin Shanyuan roared angrily, "Can't you see I'm trying to give you the money?"         


His hands had touched almost every part of his body, even unspeakable parts, but he still couldn't find his wallet.     

Where's his wallet?     

Where's his wallet!     

Qin Shanyuan immediately woke up and ran back to his seat. He searched the couch, the tea table, and the floor, but he couldn't find his wallet.     

He almost went crazy. "Oh my God! Where's my wallet? Did it fly?"     

The waiter's face immediately darkened. "Looking at the way you're dressed, you're just a rich con man trying to get food and drink for free."      

"You're still here?" Qin Shanyuan rose from the floor and cursed back angrily. "I lost my wallet here, and I haven't settled the score with you yet, and you actually dare to accuse me of being a con man?"     

The waiter's attitude got worse. "What does it have to do with me that you're losing your wallet? Maybe you don't even have a wallet and you come here to rob us! Could this be a new kind of scam in your country, where you think we're very gullible and easily fooled?"     

"You!" Qin Shanyuan was so angry that he couldn't say anything. He pointed his finger at the waiter and could only say one word, 'you'.     

The waiter was completely unfazed by it and called the police. "America is a law-abiding country. Since you dare to eat and drink for free, I'll make you spit out everything you eat and drink!"     

Two hours later, Han Szeto bailed Qin Shanyuan from the police station.     

Throughout the journey, Qin Shanyuan didn't say a word. He just sat in the passenger seat with his head down, thinking about when he'd lost his wallet and who'd stolen it.     

Since Qin Shanyuan didn't say anything, Han Szeto certainly wouldn't blame him. It's quite sad that the kid can't go home after being bullied as soon as he arrived here.     

Qin Shanyuan even mustered up the courage to go to the nightclub and was even arrested by the police.     

To be honest, Han Szeto sympathized with him a little.     

When Qin Shanyuan was brought to Han Szeto's house, almost everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for him to return, except for Han's elders, Qiao Hongya and Luo Yanyun, who were old, and Liang Zixuan, who was pregnant.     

After Qin Shanyuan changed his shoes and went inside, he just asked Han Szeto about his room and wanted to go upstairs.     

Lin Xiu's temper immediately rose. "Qin Shanyuan, stop right there!"     

Qin Shanyuan's feet suddenly stopped.     

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Xiu said angrily, "I told you to come here, but instead, Szeto had to pick you up from the police station. It's already late, and we all have to sit here anxiously waiting for you even before the jet lag disappears -"     

Being lectured in front of so many people by his mother, Qin Shanyuan felt wronged and uncomfortable. The anger he'd pent up in his heart erupted like a volcanic eruption. "I didn't ask you to wait for me! I didn't ask you to care about me either! Why are you blaming me for your misfortune!"     

Lin Xiu didn't call him all day to ask where he was, and now she suddenly cared about him?     

Qin Shanyuan couldn't help but say, "Yes, I'm not sensible, I'm not filial, I'm not as good as brother-in-law and uncle, so can I go upstairs and sleep now?"     

Lin Xiu had never been yelled at like this by Qin Shanyuan. Her eyes immediately turned red. She was worried, so she reprimanded him. Was it her fault?     

Seeing Qin Shanyuan go upstairs, Lin Xiu stood up angrily, but Qin Shaoqiang restrained her. "Xiu Xiu, that's enough. Don't push him any further. His wallet was missing, so he wasn't in a good mood. If you keep scolding him like this, of course, he won't be able to hold it anymore."         


The words that were about to come out of Lin Xiu's mouth were swallowed again.     

She sat down angrily and said sullenly. "I'm angry. On his first day here, he was arrested by the police. Who knows what will happen next."     

Qin Yu tried to gently coax her mother. "Mom, as soon as big brother came home, you scolded him. You didn't even ask how he was. As a result, he felt wronged and persecuted. Don't bother him for now. Big brother is very filial; let him sleep first, then you can talk to him tomorrow."     

Her words not only defended Qin Shanyuan, but also secretly blamed Lin Xiu for arguing with Qin Shanyuan as soon as he returned.     

Lin Xiu was a reasonable person, and after thinking about it, she felt that she'd done something wrong.     

Although Qin Shanyuan's lack of a girlfriend always made her angry, but after thinking about it for a moment, she realized that she was indeed quite harsh towards him.     

Qin Shanyuan had returned safely, so they didn't need to worry anymore. They all got up and went upstairs to sleep.     

Qin Shanyuan didn't even sleep well at night. He always felt cheated.     

In his wallet, there wasn't only his money, but also his bank cards and ID card.     

With his wallet gone, how can he sleep peacefully?     

He was arrested by the police, and as he explained to them, they also agreed to help him find his wallet. But how were they going to find his wallet in a big crowd?     

How long would it take for them to find it?     

Originally, the jet lag would cause him to sleep for a long time. However, Qin Shanyuan woke up shortly after dawn and couldn't sleep under any circumstances.     

He didn't want to get up. He just lay in bed and thought about when his wallet went missing and who'd stolen it.     

Qin Shanyuan wasn't stupid. After a short nap, his brain was cleared and he regained consciousness. He immediately realized that the wallet had been stolen by the girl last night.     

Even though she was Chinese, she kept insisting that she was Japanese. Even though they were having fun and playing well, she suddenly wanted to leave.     

Thinking about it, Qin Shanyuan felt that she was definitely the culprit.     

After getting up from bed and finishing his breakfast, Qin Shanyuan wanted to go out to find the girl. However, he was stopped by Lin Xiu, who also couldn't sleep well last night.     

"Xiao Yuan, last night... It was my fault. I shouldn't have reprimanded you in front of so many people." Lin Xiu rarely apologized to Qin Shanyuan on her own accord.     

After all, Lin Xiu was still his own mother. Even if he were angry, he wouldn't be angry until now.     

"I know. You're mad because you're worried about me. It's fine."     

Lin Xiu sighed and waved at him.     

Qin Shanyuan looked at Lin Xiu and then walked over to sit next to her.     

"Xiao Yuan, since you lost your wallet, does this mean you also lost your ID card?"     

Qin Shanyuan nodded. In front of Lin Xiu, he couldn't hide anything. "I lost it, so now I want to go out and find the thief."         


"Los Angeles is so big, where are you going to find him?" Lin Xiu grabbed Qin Shanyuan's hand and gently patted the back of it. "Let Szeto help you. After all, he's been living here for a long time..."     

"Mom." Qin Shanyuan said stubbornly, "I don't want to trouble others with this matter. If I can't even find my wallet by myself, how am I supposed to manage a company as big as our family in the future? After all, this is my own problem, and I can solve it myself."     

Lin Xiu knew that as long as Qin Shanyuan had decided on something, it was difficult for him to change his mind. He was also a stubborn person.     

Lin Xiu didn't continue to persuade him. She touched her waist and stood up. "How about this, my waist hurts after a long flight. You take me to the clinic first, and when I'm done, I'll help you find the thief?"     

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