Sweet Beauty

Chapter 823: Finally Mine

Chapter 823: Finally Mine

Liang Jiahao and Qin Yu did not ask for special treatment because of their status. They were like ordinary people, standing in line waiting.         


Qin Yu even smiled at the passersby who shouted in surprise and took her pictures.     

"Oh my god, Qin Yu is really too close to the crowd. She's actually smiling at me!"     

"Yes, yes! When I saw her standing together with Liang Jiahao on TV before, I thought they were very good together. But now that I see them in the flesh, my thought was not wrong. They really are a match made in heaven."     

"She's too low-key. I can hardly contain my excitement and want to share this heavy-weight news with everyone!"     

Hearing this, Qin Yu panicked and turned to the crowd with a smile. Embarrassed, she scolded them, "I snuck out to get the wedding certificate. No one knows yet, can you please keep it a secret?"     

"Of course!"     


"Then Qin Yu, can I take a picture with you and Liang Jiahao? I really like you!"     

"Of course." Qin Yu was very generous. "If you want to take a picture, come here. We'll take it one by one, but I have to trouble everyone not to share it. At least let us know before you post it online."     


The Civil Bureau Affair, a place to register a marriage, suddenly turned into a huge fan meeting.     

Anyone who saw Qin Yu and Liang Jiahao excitedly ran forward to line up and take pictures with them.     

Even the staff working inside could not sit still anymore. "I really want to go out and take a picture with Qin Yu and Liang Jiahao. What should I do?"     

Another staff member next to her looked at the passerby who had taken a picture with Qin Yu with an envious look. "Me too! My hands are shaking with excitement!"     

Finally, the photo session with the passersby was over. The couple in front of Qin Yu and Liang Jiahao were also finished with their things. Now it was Liang Jiahao and Qin Yu's turn.     

When the staff saw them, he looked very excited. "Do you bring all the documents we needed?"     

"En." Qin Yu pushed all the documents they needed to register the marriage into the staff's hands.     

The staff opened them one by one. When he saw Qin Yu's ID picture, his face was filled with envy. "Heavens, even your picture on the ID card looks really good. Qin Yu, you're amazing!"     

Qin Yu just smiled embarrassedly.     

Liang Jiahao didn't want to be sullen at first, but seeing the staff looking at his wife's pictures and talking happily with her, he felt irritated. He slammed his hand on the counter. "Please hurry, we're in a hurry!"     

"Oh, oh, I-I'm sorry. I'll do it right away." The staff's heart trembled in fear at Liang Jiahao's impressive demeanor and cold tone. He immediately began to take care of the matter.     

Actually, the procedure wasn't that complicated, it was done very quickly. When the staff handed over the marriage certificates with a seal on them, he wished them well, "I'm a genuine fan of yours, Qin Yu. I'm glad that I can help you with your wedding today. I hope you'll have a happy married life. I hope I won't see you in the Civil Bureau Affairs again."     

Liang Jiahao: "...."     

Shouldn't the staff be very happy and congratulate him and Qin Yu?     

Why did he suddenly hear a hint of sadness in the staff's voice for Qin Yu?         


Liang Jiahao took the marriage certificates and said loudly, "Thank you. Don't worry, as long as you're still doing this job, you won't see us here."     

With that, he held Qin Yu's hand and stood up to leave.     

Qin Yu couldn't hold back her laughter anymore and laughed. "What are you doing? He was just wishing us well. Look how you acted earlier, you scared him."     

Liang Jiahao said nothing. He held Qin Yu's hand until they got into the car. Then he sat in the driver's seat and dazedly looked at the marriage certificates in his hand.     

Qin Yu looked at him for a moment and finally couldn't help but poke his arm. "Don't look at them yourself. Let me take a look too."     

"Oh." Liang Jiahao solemnly handed one of the marriage certificates to Qin Yu. "Congratulations, Mrs. Liang."     

Qin Yu smiled until her eyes turned into crescent moons. "Congratulations to you too, Mr. Liang."     

Qin Yu held the marriage certificate and looked at it excitedly. "So this is how the marriage certificate looks like. My God, I'm actually married!"     

Just a few hours ago, her relationship with Liang Jiahao was a bit awkward and a few hours later, they were already married.     

It's too amazing!     

And too fast.     

The happiest thing Qin Yu had probably been most reluctant to do in her life so far was to get a certificate with Liang Jiahao.     

But now, looking at the certificate in her hand, she was really happy.     

"I have a family now."     

When Liang Jiahao heard Qin Yu's words, he reluctantly raised his gaze from the marriage certificate and looked at her. Seeing her bright and beautiful smile, his heart suddenly softened.     

"Qin Yu." Liang Jiahao pulled Qin Yu into his embrace. "I'm finally marrying you. You're finally mine."     

Qin Yu also said happily, "I actually married you so easily, I was really surprised by myself."     

Liang Jiahao sat back and looked at Qin Yu up and down. Suddenly, he thought of something and took out his wallet. "The card I gave you earlier is the card for the money I will give you every month. Now, I am going to give you my current salary card as well as the money from two American companies. Big Brother Szeto will transfer the bonus to this card, and I will give it to you."     

He took out two bank cards and stuffed them into Qin Yu's hand. "I don't have any real estate or properties. All my money is here. I will give them to you."     

Qin Yu looked at Liang Jiahao and blinked. She seemed in a daze and didn't know what to say.     

Liang Jiahao felt that Qin Yu was moved by him.     

And at this moment, she suddenly spoke up. "If you give them all to me, what will happen to you in the future? Don't you need pocket money too?"     

Liang Jiahao: "..."     

Shouldn't Qin Yu give him an emotional kiss at this time?     

Liang Zixuan said that his EQ was low, but for him, Qin Yu's EQ was even lower!         


Forget it, just forget it...     

Liang Jiahao would not lower himself to the same level as this little girl. There will definitely be time for him to deal with her.     

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