Sweet Beauty

Chapter 818: He Yingmin’s Mischievous II

Chapter 818: He Yingmin’s Mischievous II

Liang Jiahao replied coldly with "En."         


"You know him?" He Yingmin became more and more interested in their relationship. As an entertainment paparazzi, especially one who's always been very sensitive to gossip, she immediately became excited. "How do you two know each other? Is it because of Qin Yu?"     

Liang Jiahao's face became even uglier as he pursed his lips and said nothing.     

Since he didn't say anything, Kang Yuhan was even more afraid to speak.     

If he said something wrong, even Qin Yu wouldn't be able to save him after Liang Jiahao beat him up.     

He Yingmin looked at the two men in front of her. One of them had a cold expression on his face, while the other was a coward. "Can you tell me?"     

"Kang Yuhan." He Yingmin suddenly looked at Kang Yuhan. "Do you like Qin Yu?"     

"Huh?" Kang Yuhan was stunned and in the next moment, his face turned red. Even though Liang Jiahao was sitting right next to him, he couldn't help but smile shyly. "I-I..."     

"Okay, Yingmin, you don't have to ask them. I'll tell you myself."     

"Before, when Liang Jiahao and Xia Jingfei were on a date, I happened to have dinner in the same restaurant as them. At that time, Kang Yuhan followed me, even when I went to the bathroom, he followed me there. I thought he was a pervert, so I hit him hard, and Liang Jiahao rushed in when he heard the sound."     

"Then, I misunderstood Liang Jiahao and thought he was in the cahoot as Kang Yuhan, so I fought with him. You can say that our first meeting started with a fight. When I entered the private room ...."     

Qin Yu thought about it seriously and finally remembered, "Oh, that's right. The president of the Mao Group, Mao Ping, tried to bully me. And then, the two of them went in together to save me. They're my saviors."     

"En, right, right!" Kang Yuhan held back his excitement for a long time. At last, he got a chance to speak. "The video of what happened at that time was also posted on the Internet."     

Suddenly remembering something, he secretly glanced at Liang Jiahao and said gloomily, "I don't know why there was no part of me in the video, but it seemed to have been deliberately deleted. I'm clearly still the one who saved Qin Yu."     

Liang Jiahao's hand suddenly clenched into a fist. Kang Yuhan didn't notice as he continued to rant, "If I hadn't told Qin Yu that a bottle of wine was drugged, she probably would have died at the hands of those wretched men!"     

"Hehehe..." He Yingmin laughed happily. "So, you were the biggest contributor back then?"     

"Of course!" Kang Yuhan puffed out his chest and said proudly, "If it wasn't for me, could Qin Yu be sitting here, signing an autograph right now?"     

Liang Jiahao suddenly stood up. Everyone was shocked and looked at him at the same time.     

Qin Yu looked at the cold light in his eyes and held the pen tighter in her hand.     

She thought Liang Jiahao would do something, but he just looked at Qin Yu and left without saying a word.     

Everyone: "..."     

When Liang Jiahao's figure disappeared from the living room, Liang Zixuan smiled sheepishly. "My brother is always like that. He's not good at talking. Maybe he's not too interested in our conversation, so he decided to leave and do his own thing."     

"It's okay." He Yingmin smiled and said, "I don't mind."     

Qin Yu put down her pen and stood up. Just as she was about to leave the room, Liang Zixuan suddenly called out to her. "Qin Yu."     

Qin Yu looked at Liang Zixuan.     

Liang Zixuan leaned against Han Yuanjun's chest, her hand gently caressing her belly, her eyes filled with tenderness. "That day, you did not go with Zou Juan, my brother... He was actually very sad. He asked me to call you and invite you to come here, but..."         


Liang Zixuan looked at Kang Yuhan meaningfully. Qin Yu understood what she meant by that look.     

"My brother is not good at expressing his feelings, and sometimes he doesn't understand a woman's heart. If you follow him, whatever he says after this, don't take it to heart. After all, he's angry, just like you were the other day."     

It did not matter what people wanted to be angry about.     

When he was angry, he would talk about anything that could hurt the other party.     

Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu were both women, and they both knew this feeling.     

Qin Yu gave a rare happy smile. "Auntie, I understand. I have followed him to this extent, so nothing he says would hurt me. You can be sure."     

Liang Zixuan wanted to give Qin Yu advice again, but suddenly Han Yuanjun shook her hand, and she closed her mouth.     

After Qin Yu left, Han Yuanjun casually said, "It's useless for an outsider to say anything about their love. Let them experience it for themselves."     

Liang Zixuan nodded and kissed Han Yuanjun's cheek. "Just like us."     

People who did not experience any setbacks were not reliable.     

Those who were emotionally immature would slowly grow up through misunderstandings and hurts, and slowly learned how to feel others' feelings.     

Qin Yu went in the direction Liang Jiahao had gone and found a long corridor.     

On both sides of the corridor were guest rooms, a study, and a gym.     

Liang Jiahao was definitely not going to the guest room, so Qin Yu went to the study room first.     

She stood by the door and listened to the activity inside. She found it very quiet, but thinking of Liang Jiahao's personality, no matter what he did, he would always be quiet, especially in a quiet place like the study room.     

She reached for the door handle and turned it slightly. The door opened, but when she looked inside, there was no one. Liang Jiahao was not there.     

Qin Yu thought for a moment and then closed the door.     

The next stop was a gym. Whenever Han Yuanjun had nothing to do, he would stay inside to exercise.     

Back then, when they moved here to accompany Liang Zixuan, Liang Jiahao would go there to exercise. When Qin Yu stopped in front of the door, she found that the door was not closed tightly.     

She did not push the door open immediately and entered the room. Instead, she stood at the door and peered through the crack.     

Liang Jiahao took off his jacket, leaving him only in a white tee, and punched the sandbag to death.     

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*     

The sound of the impact on the sandbag echoed loudly in the room. Although Qin Yu was standing in front of the door, she could feel the force of the impact.     

How angry was Liang Jiahao at this moment?     

Qin Yu smiled. She kicked the door open and with her hands behind her back, she walked in casually.         


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