Sweet Beauty

Chapter 776 You Only Have A Big Mouth And Just Blindly Blurt Out The Words

Chapter 776 You Only Have A Big Mouth And Just Blindly Blurt Out The Words

  "Tsk tsk tsk." Qin Yu pursed her lips, shook her head, and joked, "Why are you so nervous? Why are you in such a hurry to defend yourself? Considering that your Sister Shen is very open and honest, you should show it to everyone to prove her innocence, right? What, you don't dare to take it out?"

  Shen Xieren's assistant wanted to say something, but Shen Xieren put out her hand to stop her.

  "Sister Shen!"

  "Qin Yu is right!" Shen Xieren not only did not panic, but even pulled out her phone.

  She unlocked her phone in front of everyone.

  Other B and C-list celebrities also craned their necks to take a look. When they saw Shen Xieren tapping her phone screen, they were so shocked that their mouths were agape. They cried out in disbelief, "This... this!"

  Shen Xieren smiled and held up her phone. She looked at Qin Yu and said, "Qin Yu, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but he's being hard on me and won't let me tell you."

  She pointed to the picture on the screen. "Jiahao and I have known each other for a long time, and it's not an exaggeration to say that we are childhood sweethearts. This is a picture of us from our high school."

  "What?" Mo Shan and Hou Fen were taken aback. They couldn't help but walk over and stare at Shen Xieren's cell phone screen.

  In the picture, Liang Jiahao looked very young and had a frivolous nature and a unique aura that belonged to teenagers. It was clear that this picture was from over twelve years ago.

  The girl next to him was a young Shen Xieren!

  Mo Shan and Hou Fen turned to Qin Yu with unreadable looks.

  Qin Yu's hands gradually clenched into fists at her side and her teeth almost biting her red lips hard.

  Shen Xieren's voice was neither fast nor slow. "When we graduated from high school, Jiahao said that he would join the army. At that time, he promised that he would marry me when he returned. Qin Yu, Jiahao called me right away after he returned, and I only plan to return to China because of him. About you and him, it's just a misunderstanding. I thought he had already explained it to you?"

  The other celebrities immediately echoed. "So that's what happened!"

  "That's right, I never thought that Liang Jiahao and Sister Shen would become a couple!"

  "Qin Yu, you are too shameless! Even if you want to clear your reputation, you shouldn't use Sister Shen's man!"

  "Tch! She's always like this, using this and that! I think she had been begging Liang Zixuan for a long time. Otherwise, how could Liang Zixuan use her own brother to block the spear for her!"

  "I think so too! Based on her relationship with Liang Zixuan, as long as Qin Yu makes the request, Liang Zixuan will definitely help her!"

  "Enough!" Goo Shengli shouted. He pulled Qin Yu up from her chair. Seeing how Qin Yu bit her lip and said nothing, he hugged her with heartache. "It's just a photo, how can it prove that whatever Shen Xieren said is true?"

  "Exactly!" Hou Fen finally responded. She stood up straight and puffed out her chest. "Isn't it easy to get a photo in this era? Shen Xieren, you said that you and Liang Jiahao were classmates in high school, fine, we believe that. But for you to make up a relationship with him just to slander our Qin Yu, you are too evil!"

  Shen Xieren laughed instead of getting angry. "Making up? Whether it's true or not, go ask Liang Jiahao yourself!"

  She looked at Qin Yu and pretended to be a good person as usual. "Qin Yu, I know this matter may have hurt you because I didn't tell you about it. But the truth is the truth, and I hope you will not be angry with me for that. Also... I'm going to marry Liang Jiahao and we will become relatives. I don't want you to get so upset like this."

  "Are you crazy?!" Goo Shengli held Qin Yu in his arms like a knight. "Liang Jiahao, the person in question, still hasn't said anything. You only have a big mouth and just blindly blurt out the words!"

  After cursing Shen Xieren, Goo Shengli looked down at Qin Yu to reassure her. "Qin Yu, don't listen to her. You definitely need to confirm this with Liang Jiahao."

  Qin Yu was now very disappointed. Ever since she was young, she had never experienced such grievances.

  From elementary school to college, she had been very well protected by Lin Xiu and Qin Shanyuan. After she entered the Han Group, being protected by Han Yuanjun and Liang Zixuan, she had never experienced any grievances.

  However, ever since she had met Liang Jiahao, it was first Xia Jingfei and then Shen Xieren. Qin Yu had been wandering back and forth on the edge due to being wronged.

  When she saw Shen Xieren's pleased expression, yet pretended to care for her, her heart ached!

  Why did she have to suffer this injustice?

  When Hou Fen saw Qin Yu in Goo Shengli's arms, staring at Shen Xieren without saying anything, she immediately took out Qin Yu's phone.

  Usually, when Qin Yu was in the middle of filming or partying, Hou Fen would keep the phone in her bag.

  She opened Qin Yu's phone, found Liang Jiahao's number, and dialed it.

  At this point, everyone held their breath, plugged their ears, and stared at Hou Fen without blinking.

  After waiting for a while, there was finally a voice from the phone, but... It was the cold voice of the young operator. "The number you have dialed is not available at the moment. Please call again later."

  "Unreachable ..." Hou Fen glanced at Qin Yu before continuing to dial Liang Jiahao's cell phone, refusing to admit defeat.

  Again and again, it was the cold voice of the young operator.

  Shen Xieren's assistant laughed proudly. "Haha, see for yourself! Liang Jiahao doesn't even care about you!"

  The B-list and C-list celebrities next to her could hardly believe that Qin Yu had been humiliated, and they followed suit.

  "Sister Shen, did Liang Jiahao screw Qin Yu over because you told him to?"

  With a faint smile, Shen Xieren remained silent, making these people even more impudent.

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