Sweet Beauty

Chapter 745 The Wedding VI

Chapter 745 The Wedding VI

  Wei Xiaoqing's eyes immediately lit up when she heard this. "They're here?"

  "They're here, they're here!" Jiang Huifang was even more excited than Wei Xiaoqing.

  Although Jiang Huifang didn't like Liang Jiahao and Liang Zixuan, but for them coming to Wei Xiaoqing's wedding, it was like giving her enough face.

  Jiang Huifang had never been so eager to see Liang Jiahao and Liang Zixuan as she was now.

  "Not only Liang Jiahao and Liang Zixuan, but even Han Yuanjun and Qin Yu have come! Oh my god, Xiaoqing. You're really great. You actually managed to invite them all!"

  Wei Xiaoqing laughed happily, then turned her head to look at Hou Yingyi's aunts proudly. "Didn't you just say that I wouldn't be able to invite them? Well, they're here, aren't they? Let me tell you, you better be polite when you see me in the future! Liang Zixuan is my sister and Liang Jiahao is my brother. If you dare to bully me again, I will ask them to make your life unbearable!"

  The aunts' faces turned green and purple. The color change was really beautiful.

  No matter how uncomfortable they felt, they couldn't say a word.

  Before anyone could call Wei Xiaoqing, she impatiently walked out of the lounge.

  When they arrived at the venue, they saw Liang Zixuan, Han Yuanjun, Liang Jiahao, and Qin Yu surrounded by a large group of people. Wei Xiaoqing had never been so proud!

  "Big sister, big brother!" Although Wei Xiaoqing knew that they didn't acknowledge her as their own sister, she was thick-skinned and still shouted loudly for them.

  The noisy atmosphere immediately became quiet. Everyone turned around and looked at Wei Xiaoqing.

  Wei Xiaoqing happily walked toward them while holding the hem of her dress. When she was almost in front of Liang Zixuan, she suddenly opened her hands and hugged Liang Zixuan.

  "Sis, you're finally here!"

  Liang Zixuan: "...."

  She'd guessed that Wei Xiaoqing would be very excited to see her, but she didn't expect her to be so excited.

  In her entire life, Wei Xiaoqing had never hugged her like this.

  Liang Zixuan pushed Wei Xiaoqing away from her without batting an eyelid, a distant smile plastered on her face. "Miss Wei."

  When she called Wei Xiaoqing that, the guests around them immediately revealed expressions of watching a nice show.

  "You looked so happy to see me."

  Wei Xiaoqing pretended not to notice Liang Zixuan's distant attitude as she hugged her arm and said enthusiastically, "Of course! Today is a great day for me. Since you're all here, of course I'll be happy."

  Wei Xiaoqing then looked at Liang Jiahao and pouted coquettishly. "Big brother, when it's time for me to walk on the red carpet, you must send me there."

  Back then, when Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun's wedding video went viral on the Internet, many netizens were jealous of Liang Zixuan, especially when Liang Jiahao solemnly handed her hand to Han Yuanjun.

  Many people envied Liang Zixuan, saying that with a brother like Liang Jiahao, she could live more than ten years.

  Putting aside how handsome and tall Liang Jiahao was, just his identity as the CEO of China Securities Bank was enough to give Liang Zixuan so many faces.

  To have such an elder brother was truly the fortune of eight lifetimes.

  This was also the main reason why Wei Xiaoqing had invited Liang Jiahao and Liang Zixuan. Even though they ridiculed her, she didn't care. As long as she got enough faces, she wouldn't mind being scolded.

  Liang Jiahao looked at Wei Xiaoqing with an indifferent look and then smiled coldly, "To send the bride requires a father or a blood brother. Sorry, I have no relationship with you, so it's inconvenient."

  No one knew who it was, but the sound of "pu" laughter was heard from the side.

  Following that, was another burst of undisguised mocking laughter.

  Wei Xiaoqing bit her lip in anger. "Who said we don't have a relationship with each other? You are my brother! No matter how much you deny it, this is an undeniable fact! I don't care, you will send me to my husband in a moment!"

  "Brother?" Liang Jiahao looked at Wei Xiaoqing mockingly before turning to Liang Zixuan. However, the way he looked at her was clearly more pampered.

  "I, Liang Jiahao, only have one sister in my life, and that's Liang Zixuan! Wei Xiaoqing, we've talked about this so many times. Today is your wedding, so it's best not to make things difficult for yourself."

  Wei Xiaoqing was now in a miserable state. When she came here, the guests had looked at her with envy and jealousy, but now, they were all looking at her as if she were a joke.

  Originally, she could've saved some faces in the Hou Family, but now, she was increasingly losing more and more faces.

  The Third Aunt who'd been arguing with Wei Xiaoqing couldn't help but laugh out loud when she heard Liang Jiahao's words. "Haha... Wei Xiaoqing, what did I say? Don't smear gold on your face! Liang Jiahao and Liang Zixuan don't recognize you as their sister!"

  "Yes, I still remember this incident. Liang Jiahao and Liang Zixuan have explained this too many times, haven't they? Why is Wei Xiaoqing so shameless?" Several guests nearby started talking to each other.

  "Yes, I also remember this. Liang Zixuan said before that she had drawn a clear line with the Wei Family. She has no father, no sister, only brother and grandmother."

  "No, Liang Zixuan still has a grandfather. Isn't that Master Qiao? Have you forgotten? The last time Liang Zixuan had a wedding, Master Qiao personally played a wedding parade."

  "Yes, yes. In the whole Imperial City, only Master Qiao's precious granddaughter, Liang Zixuan, can ask him to return."

  The discussion of the guests around her had made Wei Xiaoqing's face flush with pain. It was as if they had slapped her face one after another, without mercy.

  Wei Xiaoqing gritted her teeth and took a deep breath to calm herself down. Then she asked, "Since you don't recognize me, then why did you come here today? Is it to embarrass me?"

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