Sweet Beauty

Chapter 653 A Leader Will Help Others

Chapter 653 A Leader Will Help Others

The five boys each stood by their own side. As soon as the music started, they all jumped up.

Before they could dance half of it, Zeng Zhelan impatiently shouted, "Stop!"

She took the ruler from the side and walked toward the five of them. She mercilessly hit the first boy's butt with the ruler. "Aren't you a street dancer? During the competition, you danced pretty well, so why can't you do it now?"

"I did dance!" Ren Zhen touched his butt and said in the wronged way, "I think I did very well!"

"Did very well?" Zeng Zhelan was so angry at him that she started to laugh. "You know you are the leader, right?"

Ren Zhen nodded. "I know."

Zeng Zhelan hit Ren Zhen's butt several times, "What is the team leader's responsibility? Is to lead the team! Do you even know how to be a leader? A leader will help others and not only make sure that the relationship between each member is harmonious, even when you are dancing, you can't just focus on yourself alone! Look around, when you were dancing just now, your movements were too big, and the two people next to you had to dodge you. Didn't you see that?"

Ren Zhen deliberately did that because he came from street dancing, and most of the dances in the song were street dance moves, and since he thought he was the best at this, he decided not to miss the opportunity to show off.

Seeing that he did not say anything, Zeng Zhelan hit his butt with the ruler again. "Don't think you are the best in this group. Let me tell you, you are a team! If you have no team consciousness and only care about yourself, then why did you join? Better tell Liang Zixuan to let you go solo!"

The other four laughed quietly when they saw this.

When Zeng Zhelan heard their laughter, she immediately became angry. She picked up her ruler and swung it at them. "Laugh! You still have the audacity to laugh! Dancing around like a wooden block and yet, you still have faces to laugh at me?"

"Aiyo, Sister Zhelan, please show us some mercy!"

The four boys stood there, not daring to dodge. After being hit by Zeng Zhelan, their bodies burned with pain. One by one they cried in grief.

"It's not that we don't know how to dance, it's just that this is the first time we've danced like this, we are not skilled yet."

"Don't you know how to learn?" Zeng Zhelan got angry and said hatefully, "The dance instructor is here. Don't you know how to find him? And since Ren Zhen dances very well, can't you ask him to teach you?"

Zeng Zhelan had scolded them in such a way that they could only look to the ground in shame.

It's not that they hadn't sought Ren Zhen out before, it's just that Ren Zhen had a very high view of himself and always felt that he was extraordinary. He yelled at them a lot and his attitude was very arrogant.

Men preferred faces more than women. After asking once and seeing Ren Zhen's attitude, they didn't want to look for him again. It was the same with the others, and there was only one dance instructor.

Zeng Zhelan took the ruler and moved to the side before sitting down in front of them. "Keep dancing. I'll watch you until you master it!"

With Zeng Zhelan here, Ren Zhen's attitude was a little better, but his impatient temper was still there. Zeng Zhelan saw this, so she called him to the side. "They are your members, can't you be more patient with them?"

Ren Zhen's expression was cold as he said, "They're very stupid. I taught them once, but they still didn't learn it. After all, I'm not a dance instructor and I can't wait until they become very skilled."

In a word, he denied all his responsibilities.

Zeng Zhelan was furious and said a lot to Ren Zhen, but he pretended not to understand her words and shifted the blame to the other members. They can't learn it, so Zeng Zhelan can't blame him.

At this moment, Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu arrived, and when they saw Zeng Zhelan's red face and how she scolded Ren Zhen, they went over and asked, "Zhelan, what's wrong?"

Zeng Zhelan almost cried when she saw Liang Zixuan. She threw the ruler in her hand to the ground and angrily pointed at Ren Zhen. "With that attitude of yours, go tell Liang Zixuan now that you want to go solo!"

How could Ren Zhen dare to say such a thing to Liang Zixuan? He himself knew how difficult it was to get into this group. He'd worked his way from the preliminary round to the final round step by step.

Ren Zhen pursed his lips without saying anything and stood there with his head down.

Even though Liang Zixuan was only a year older than him, she was still more imposing than him. Even if a huge army came to attack her, she would still dare to welcome them with open hands.

Zeng Zhelan didn't tell them what had happened but based on her words earlier, Liang Zixuan could grasp the situation.

She looked at Ren Zhen and asked expressionlessly, "Can you dance?"

Ren Zhen was stunned for a moment, then nodded. "I can!"

"Good." With her bag in hand, Liang Zixuan walked up to the dance instructor with Qin Yu. "Come here!"

With one sentence, Ren Zhen and Zeng Zhelan, who were standing at the side, followed her.

Seeing the four boys standing in the middle of the dance floor, Liang Zixuan put her bag down on the ground and said, "All of you, get out of the way!"

All the boys looked at each other. They didn't know what Liang Zixuan was up to, so they slowly moved to the side and made room for her.

Liang Zixuan winked at Qin Yu and Qin Yu immediately knew what she was going to do. She and Liang Zixuan walked to the center of the room together. Liang Zixuan felt that something was missing, so she turned to Zeng Zhelan. "Zhelan, you come here too."

"Ah ..." Zeng Zhelan shook her head and said, "I can't do that!"

With her chubby appearance, she had never danced before. If Liang Zixuan were to ask her to dance, she might as well kill her!

Liang Zixuan's face darkened. "Zeng Zhelan, come here!"

Zeng Zhelan had no choice but to brace herself.

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