Sweet Beauty

Chapter 651 Jia Zexi

Chapter 651 Jia Zexi

On the first Monday after the wedding, Han Yuanjun received a call from a stranger. The stranger introduced himself, "My name is Jia Zexi. Two days ago Liang Zixuan gave me this number."

Han Yuanjun immediately remembered that this was the guitar boy to whom Liang Zixuan had left his number on the street the day before.

"Yes, I remember you." Han Yuanjun's tone was so calm that no emotions surfaced in it. His formal demeanor neither pressured nor flattered the other party.

Jia Zexi's slow voice came over the phone, "I... Can I really enter the Han Group?"

"Of course." Han Yuanjun raised his eyebrow, looked at the time on the computer screen, then said, "One in the afternoon, if you can come to Han Group on time, I can give you a chance."

"All right, I'll be there on time."

After hanging up the phone, Han Yuanjun called Yao Xiu and Zhu Sheng in.

When he told Zhu Sheng about Jia Zexi's arrival, Zhu Sheng immediately laughed. "I know him! He's the boy that Liang Zixuan met on the street the other day, right?"

Han Yuanjun frowned. "How do you know that?"

"Hey, of course I know!" Zhu Sheng laughed and said, "This news has spread on the Internet. They said the boy used his song to make you and Liang Zixuan stopped the wedding car. There's even a video of it."

Han Yuanjun was too busy getting married that day, so he did not have time to read the news. Besides, he's usually not very interested in the news like this.

He nodded. "Yes, that's him. He will come to the company at 1 pm. Zhu Sheng, please give him an interview. Then wait for Liang Zixuan to give him the Star Path plan."

Zhu Sheng asked in shock. "Liang Zixuan really wants to hire him?"

Han Yuanjun shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows, maybe."

Han Yuanjun did not doubt Liang Zixuan's words. No matter what, as long as that was something she wanted to do, he would fully support her.

At one in the afternoon, Jia Zexi arrived at Han Group just in time. During the interview, Han Yuanjun personally went there to take a look, not because he gave a face to Jia Zexi, but because he had not paid attention to him while he was in the car the other day.

Now, he wanted to know what kind of abilities Jia Zexi had to actually pique Liang Zixuan's interest.

Zhu Sheng certainly did not dare to underestimate the person Han Yuanjun had personally recommended. In addition, Zhu Sheng thought the same as Han Yuanjun too, he also wanted to see Jia Zexi's abilities.

"A song written by you. Choose the one you like the most and sing it yourself."

After Zhu Sheng said that, Jia Zexi picked up his guitar and began to sing after tuning it.

Although Han Yuanjun's aura was so strong and powerful, Jia Zexi was not affected in the slightest.

After the song ended, Zhu Sheng smiled. "Have you ever come here for an interview before?"

Jia Zexi looked directly at Zhu Sheng and said earnestly, "Yes, but the Han Group did not give me that chance. I didn't even get past the preliminary round."

"Then you have been here before." Zhu Sheng nodded, turned around, and looked at Han Yuanjun. "President Han, his voice is very special, especially in the music industry where there has never been such a voice. This is indeed a challenge, but if we train him, he can explode overnight."

Han Yuanjun knew that Zhu Sheng was not trying to make an excuse for his people, it was just that the people in the Music Department didn't want to bet at that time.

But Liang Zixuan was different. She was born to be a gambler.

She had gambled many times and never lost.

Han Yuanjun believed in Liang Zixuan.

"En, I understand." Han Yuanjun said with an expressionless face. "Let's not talk about what will happen in the future, let's talk about his song. What is Director Zhu's opinion on this?"

Zhu Sheng laughed. "This kind of song has never existed in the market before and it can only be sung by his voice. So I can't say whether his song is good or not, but I can only say that it's perfect for him!"

In other words, no matter how good the song was, only Jia Zexi could sing it. If he were a music producer, this song wouldn't be able to win over other singers.

So he can only compose the song himself and sing it himself.

This was what Zhu Sheng meant when he said that the road to stardom would be a challenge for Jia Zexi.

If the Han Group really hired him, then all the songs he wrote will be sung only by him, not by other singers.

And if the album released did not meet expectations, it was the same as losing the bet.

But if they did not hire him, it was equivalent to losing a gem.

Han Yuanjun understood Zhu Sheng's words very well and immediately slapped the table. "Since my wife has great confidence in him, then, let's sign him. Director Zhu, in a moment, you should discuss this with Zixuan and see how you can tailor a plan for him."

"Yes, President Han!"

Han Yuanjun stood up and was about to leave. As he walked to the door, Jia Zexi suddenly stood up and called out to him, "President Han."

Han Yuanjun stopped and looked back at him. "Is there anything else?"

Jia Zexi bit his lip and then said sincerely, "Thank you!"

The corner of Han Yuanjun's mouth curled slightly. He looked at Jia Zexi and then left the room.

"Jia Zexi." Zhu Sheng called out to Jia Zexi from behind. "Since Liang Zixuan personally recommended you, you must work hard! Don't damage her reputation."

"Reputation?" Jia Zexi knew very little about Liang Zixuan. He asked hesitantly, "What reputation?"

Zhu Sheng laughed. "Liang Zixuan is the most talented music producer I have ever met. When she came to Han Group for an interview, she only used half an hour to write a song, and that was the main song for Qin Yu's album."

"After she joined Han Group, she used her strength to beat some seniors who had more experience than her. So, I hope you can do your best! Protect her reputation as someone who will surely win the bet!"

As Jia Zexi listened to Zhu Sheng's words, he suddenly remembered the scene where Liang Zixuan stepped out of the Lincoln and walked toward him step by step in the sunlight.

Jia Zexi had already reported on that day, and Zhu Sheng called Liang Zixuan. When Liang Zixuan heard that Jia Zexi had come to the Han Group to report, she was very happy and so, she arranged to meet Zhu Sheng to discuss the next plan.

The next morning, Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun arrived at the Han Group.

"You go upstairs first, I need to go to the Music Department."

Han Yuanjun held Liang Zixuan's small hand and couldn't bear to let her go. "You are going to the Music Department as soon as you get here, and won't accompany me to my office?"

Liang Zixuan laughed as she pulled her hand away. "I have a serious matter that needs to be settled in the Music Department. I'll look for you after I'm done working."

Han Yuanjun sighed. "I really don't want you to be so tired after being pregnant. Actually, I think it's fine if you earn less."

"It's not a matter of money." Liang Zixuan corrected him. "It's a matter of face! In the competition with Happy Entertainment, I need Jia Zexi to win!"

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