Sweet Beauty

Chapter 643 They Consider Your Brother As Their Family, As If I Am An Outsider

Chapter 643 They Consider Your Brother As Their Family, As If I Am An Outsider

A convoy of twenty luxury cars circled the entire city once before finally stopping at a villa on the outskirts.

This manor was owned by the Han Family and hadn't been used much in the past, so it remained uninhabited. Two months ago, an elderly woman of the Han Family had personally come to set up the flowers and plants.

"Oh, they're finally here!" When Tian Qihua saw the wedding car, she quickly pulled Han Qingsheng with her. "Come, our daughter-in-law is here!"

Han Qingsheng was in a good mood today. He was almost 60 years old but seemed to be in his forties. He nodded and walked with Tian Qihua, smiling.

Han Qingsheng also personally helped Han Yuanjun open the car door. Then Han Yuanjun actually brought Liang Zixuan out of the car by carrying her. When the guests saw this, their mouths dropped open in shock.

Young Master Han, do you have to be so spoiled?

If their wives saw this, wouldn't they grab them by the ears and complain when they get home?

Han Yuanjun clearly did not care about the guests' feelings. He carried Liang Zixuan all the way and led her to the bridal room arranged in the manor with a smile on his face.

Tian Qihua followed behind him. Seeing Liang Zixuan had been laid on the bed, she immediately said, "Jun, everything is ready. You go finalize the wedding event. As soon as the auspicious hour arrives, we'll begin the ceremony immediately."

Han Yuanjun still didn't want to leave. He stood on the edge of the bed and put his hand on Liang Zixuan's shoulder as he asked wearily, "Mom, can you help me confirm it? I'll stay here with Zixuan."

"You brat!" Tian Qihua immediately slapped Han Yuanjun's hand off Liang Zixuan's shoulder. "You can't even part with her in this short time? Go downstairs and do your own thing, I'll accompany Zixuan! Hurry up and leave, otherwise, the guests will laugh at us!"

Han Qingsheng, the raging Wife Protector, immediately came and dragged Han Yuanjun's body towards the door. "What is there to worry about? Hurry up, leave your wife to your mother!"

"Mom! Mom!" Han Yuanjun refused to leave and reminded Tian Qihua, "Zixuan gets hungry easily, especially now that she's carrying for two. Don't forget to prepare food for her. Don't let her be too hungry until she..."

Before he could finish his last words, the door was shut in front of his face. Tian Qihua glanced at the door and smiled as she sat down beside Liang Zixuan. "My son is exactly one of a kind. If he doesn't believe his mother, then who else can he trust?"

Liang Zixuan laughed softly. Of course, she knew that Han Yuanjun trusted Tian Qihua, he was just worried about her.

"Mom, he didn't see me last night, that's why he's like this. Don't be angry with him."

Tian Qihua smiled and took Liang Zixuan's hand. The more she looked at Liang Zixuan, the more she liked her. "So beautiful! Zixuan, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen."

Liang Zixuan was indeed happy to be praised by her mother-in-law. She looked at the door and asked, "Where are grandmother and grandfather?"

"They greeted the guests and asked me to accompany you. They said they were afraid you would be nervous."

"What is there to be nervous about?" Qin Yu entered the room, and when she saw Tian Qihua, she immediately went and hugged her like a little abused kitten. "Great-aunt, you don't know this, but last night I was beaten to death by auntie and uncle until I couldn't fall asleep! Auntie even met uncle in her dream!"

Qin Yu pouted as she said that. "And Grandma Yanyun laughed at me, saying that I was acting like I am the bride, not auntie."

"Haha..." Tian Qihua was so amused by Qin Yu that her face was full of smiles. "Why did you come in? Have you seen your parents? They just told me about you and said that you are with Liang Jiahao?"

Speaking of which, Lin Xiu and Qin Shaoqiang both had proud expressions on their faces as they talked to the guests. Currently, there were many guests chatting with them.

These people were trying to flatter them because as long as they had a good relationship with the Qin Family, they would benefit from Liang Jiahao.

Qin Yu pouted. "What?! They clearly pushed me to Liang Jiahao."

Then Qin Yu told Tian Qihua what had happened in the Qin Family that night.

Liang Zixuan said in surprise, "I really didn't expect my brother to be so bold!"

"I didn't expect him to be like that either." Qin Yu nodded in agreement. "Liang Jiahao is really different from other men. And it feels like I have been kicked out of the house! My parents and brother don't even think of me as a child of the Qin Family anymore, they consider your brother as their family, as if I am an outsider."

"Haha ..." Tian Qihua pulled Qin Yu's hand and said earnestly, "You don't know about this, but they treated Liang Jiahao well because they hope he will treat you well in the future! The better they treat him, the better he will treat you. This is a family relationship, and your parents are wise people. You should be happy to have such parents."

In regards to this point, Liang Zixuan had more to say. "Yes, it's just the way mom, dad, grandpa, and grandma treats me. They have been very kind to me, and I am very grateful to them for that. When I'm with your uncle, I treat him better and we all compliment each other perfectly."

In today's family, the reason for the high divorce rate was indeed the relationship between parents-in-law.

As long as there was a small, insignificant misunderstanding, it was difficult for them to get along.

However, if the mother-in-law was very good to the daughter-in-law, as good as their own daughter, was not being picky and defending the daughter-in-law all the time, and if the father-in-law was also good to the son-in-law, then the family relationship would definitely be very harmonious.

In fact, nowadays many marriages are because of love. Since the two of them loved each other, they would get along even after marriage, and their relationship wouldn't be worn down to anything.

Eighty percent of the actual reasons for the divorce were due to relatives.

And this was the reason why Liang Zixuan was grateful for the Han Family. They treated her as their own family, protected her, and loved her from every angle, so her days with Han Yuanjun got better. Their relationship also got better day by day.

Qin Yu looked at Tian Qihua and then at Liang Zixuan. She suddenly understood Lin Xiu and Qin Shaoqiang's painstaking efforts. The tiny bit of petty emotion she had felt for them before had vanished into thin air like smoke.

That's right, what parent in this world would not do that for the sake of their own children?

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