Sweet Beauty

Chapter 634 Mom Is Here

Chapter 634 Mom Is Here

Qin Yu checked her bridesmaid dress in the mirror and raised her chin proudly. "Of course, my aunt is no ordinary woman. She always shares her happiness with us."

Christine waved at Qin Yu, telling her to sit down. The makeup artist immediately started Qin Yu's makeup.

After a while, Shi Jian, Xu Qigang and Cai Yuhan also arrived. Originally, the door to the school's dormitory wasn't opened until 6 a.m., but since Liang Zixuan was getting married today, the school specially left the door open one hour earlier so that the students could prepare for Liang Zixuan's wedding.

No matter if it was a boy or girl, it was impossible for them to attend this century's wedding without meticulously dressing up.

Even Xia Xiaolian came. Shi Jian and Xu Qigang pulled Xia Xiaolian along with them to ask her to do their makeup. Luckily Qiao Hongya's villa was big, otherwise, there wouldn't have been enough room for so many people.

After Qin Yu finished her makeup, she went to look around Shi Jian's room. Afterward, she came out to find Luo Yanyun and asked, "Grandmother, is aunt still not up yet?"

Luo Yanyun looked at the time. It was already past six o'clock. She hurried over to Liang Zixuan's room to wake her up. "Zixuan, you have to get up. You're getting married today. We can't delay it any longer or else you'll be late!"

Liang Zixuan pushed Luo Yanyun's hand away. She murmured softly, "Grandmother, don't bother me. Mom is cooking a delicious meal for me right now."

"Mom?" Luo Yanyun was stunned for a moment before recalling that Liang Zixuan was referring to Liang Lihua.

Had she been dreaming about Liang Lihua?

Luo Yanyun panicked a little and shook Liang Zixuan's body a little roughly. "Zixuan, wake up quickly. Don't sleep anymore!"

Liang Zixuan was shaken by Luo Yanyun until her body swayed. After a long while, she finally opened her eyes in a daze. She looked behind Luo Yanyun and smiled sweetly. "Mom, look at grandmother. She's calling for me again. She won't let me sleep for a while!"

Luo Yanyun suddenly felt a chill on her back. She immediately turned around and looked behind her. Behind her stood Qin Yu as well as two other unnamed children. However, there was no Liang Lihua!

Luo Yanyun felt cold sweat pouring from her forehead. She used all her strength to shake Liang Zixuan again. "Zixuan, please wake up!"

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" Liang Zixuan sat up and stretched before looking over Luo Yanyun's shoulder with a smile. "Alright, I'll do whatever you ask of me. I'll go and put on the wedding dress for you to see."

Even Qin Yu felt her scalp tingling, not to mention Luo Yanyun. Who'd Liang Zixuan been talking to?

Why did the atmosphere suddenly become so eerie?

Qin Yu quickly pulled Liang Zixuan up from the bed and pushed her into the bathroom. She squeezed out the toothpaste before giving it to her. "Auntie, hurry up. I had let you sleep for two more hours. If you're any slower, you won't have enough time to get ready."

Liang Zixuan's eyes were still half-closed. She picked up the toothpaste and brushed her teeth. After that, she went to take a shower. A few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom.

Luo Yanyun had already picked up Liang Zixuan's wedding dress and was waiting outside with Christine and her team. When she saw Liang Zixuan come out, Luo Yanyun smiled. "Zixuan, come quickly. Grandmother will help you put on the wedding dress."

Liang Zixuan walked over and took off her robe. Then she raised her hand so that Luo Yanyun could help her put on the wedding dress.

In ancient times, the bride's wedding dress was worn by her mother. Luo Yanyun was of the older generation so she naturally retained this habit. While helping Liang Zixuan put it on, she murmured auspicious words. Only after Liang Zixuan finished dressing did she stand in front of her and keep looking at her again and again, "Aiyo, my granddaughter is really beautiful today."

Although they had seen Liang Zixuan wear the wedding dress before, Christine and her team were once again overwhelmed by the sight before them.

"Beautiful! Mrs. Han is definitely the most beautiful bride I have ever seen!"

Qin Yu couldn't help but widen her eyes. Just now, she felt as beautiful as a fairy in her bridesmaid dress. But now that she saw Liang Zixuan in this wedding dress, she couldn't even find an adjective to describe her!

Her beauty was simply soul-stirring. It caused all the women to be envious!

Liang Zixuan pulled up her dress a little and smiled sweetly at the crowd. "Do I really look beautiful?"

Everyone on the opposite side nodded their heads energetically. "Beautiful! You are so beautiful!"

Liang Zixuan's smile became even sweeter and she said happily, "This was specially requested by Han Yuanjun. He said our story was just like the Mermaid Princess's, but the difference between our love story and the Mermaid Princess's was that he saved me and gave me a second life."

Everyone was confused. They felt that Liang Zixuan's words were not addressed to them, but at the same time, they seemed to be addressed to them.

Luo Yanyun felt that something was wrong as she stood there. She walked to Liang Zixuan's side and whispered to her, "Zixuan, who are you talking to?"

Liang Zixuan looked at the crowd in front of her and whispered to Luo Yanyun. "Grandmother, you don't need to be afraid! Yesterday in my dream, mom said she wanted to personally see me wearing my wedding dress and see me getting married. I thought it was just a dream, but when I opened my eyes, I really saw her. From then until now, she just stood there watching me."

Luo Yanyun's eyes grew bigger and bigger. She followed Liang Zixuan's line of sight, but she could not see anything except ordinary people.

But for some reason, she believed Liang Zixuan's words without a doubt.

When Liang Zixuan said that Liang Lihua was standing there looking at her, Luo Yanyun really believed her.

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