Sweet Beauty

Chapter 626 Can You Not Bother Me Just Because You Have Nothing Better To Do

Chapter 626 Can You Not Bother Me Just Because You Have Nothing Better To Do

Wei Xiaoqing was on the verge of going crazy. She'd never experienced anything like this before. How was she supposed to know that she would never be able to get the money back?

Even more, Fang Yimu and Tang Bai, those two bastards, had breached the contract without hesitation.

Wei Xiaoqing took a deep breath. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her breath out. It got stuck on her chest, making her want to rip her chest open to let out her breath.

"Is there really nothing more we can do?"

"Nothing." The Financial Department Manager turned to look at the Marketing Department Manager. "Right now, the only thing we can do is find a way to sell our houses, otherwise the money will be wasted and we won't be able to earn it back."

When the Marketing Department Manager heard this, he immediately panicked. Selling a house?


He really wanted to laugh. A big chemical factory was going to be built there, who would dare to buy a house there?!

Everyone knew that chemical factories were harmful to the body, so who would spend money to buy the houses?

The land nearby had also been sold, but ever since the news broke out, no other real estate company had started construction. Only Yuan Now had made a move.

"I can't do that! I can't do this job! The only thing I can say is that whoever has the ability, can try to sell it. I quit!"

After saying that, the Marketing Department Manager walked over to Wei Xiaoqing's table, facing her fierce gaze that almost ate him up, and put his name tag on the table. "I resigned, I really can't do it."

Wei Xiaoqing was so angry that her eyes were red. She glared angrily at the Marketing Department Manager and asked, "Are you sure you want to leave at this critical moment?"

The Marketing Department Manager nodded his head. "My abilities are limited. President Wei, I told you at that time that the houses there weren't easy to sell, but you wouldn't listen to me."

He took a deep breath and didn't hide his disappointment in Wei Xiaoqing. "Not only are these houses unsaleable but we've also been fooled by others. President Wei, I really have no other choice."

The Marketing Department Manager was on the verge of insanity. He couldn't even sell one house, and now he had to sell all the houses in the second building. Two residential buildings. Even after he got rid of all his hair, he still wouldn't be able to sell them!

The Marketing Department Manager finally understood that Wei Xiaoqing had no business sense and the main thing was that she didn't listen to advice. If she'd followed his advice, things like this wouldn't have happened.

Wei Xiaoqing was extremely furious. She took the Marketing Department Manager's name tag and threw it at him. "I'm telling you, I won't allow you to leave. If you want to leave, go ahead! But don't expect me to give you even a penny of your monthly salary!"

Not only was the Marketing Department Manager not angry, but he also bowed to Wei Xiaoqing. "Thank you very much, President Wei!"

After saying that, he wiped his previous dispirited look and walked to the door with light steps.

When he passed by the Financial Department Manager, he even gave him a broad smile. He raised his hand and patted the Financial Department Manager's shoulder. "I'm finally free, bro. You can do it too!"

Financial Manager: "..."

Wei Xiaoqing: "..."

Only when a "bang" sounded from the door did Wei Xiaoqing grit her teeth and sat up straight from her boss's chair, cursing loudly in anger. "What the hell is this! Who the hell does he think he is? If he can't sell the houses, why should he blame me? He can't sell them, that's because he doesn't have the ability! With his character and business ability, I won't believe that after he left Yuan Now, he can still find a job!"

The Financial Department Manager shook his head and said in a calm voice, "President Wei, let me tell you in advance that after this month ends, I will not work here again."

"What?" Wei Xiaoqing burst into a fit of anger. Her voice was so loud that the roof almost collapsed. "You too want to leave?"

"Yes." The Financial Department Manager said without haste, "I've been thinking about this for a long time. Please hire a new manager as soon as possible and hand over the task to him. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle the company's affairs in a timely manner."

"All of you!" Wei Xiaoqing was so angry that her teeth bled. The backbone of the company was already gone, so how was she supposed to handle everything alone?

"Good, very good! All of you decided to fly away when a great calamity strikes, like monkeys falling from a tree, like monkeys scattering! You have no morals at all and no sense of loyalty!"

Wei Xiaoqing scolded. She didn't even know what she was scolding anymore. No matter how unpleasant the words were, they could no longer appease the anger in her heart. "All right! Since you want to leave, then leave! If you want to get lost, then get lost!"

The Financial Department Manager nodded. "Thank you, President Wei. For the sake of former President Wei, I will finish my work for this month."

After the Financial Department Manager left, Wei Xiaoqing was the only one left in the office. She slumped on her boss's chair as if she had just walked out of a sea of flames and a mountain of blades. Her soul was gone, only her body remained.

After an unknown period of time, the phone on the table suddenly began to buzz. Wei Xiaoqing glanced over and saw that it was a call from Jiang Huifang. She was not in the mood to pick up the call. She just sat there listlessly.

Her heart ached at the thought of the company going out of business in less than a year.

Originally, Wei Xiaoqing had thought that Yuan Now would be hers after she sent Wei Guowei to prison and that all of Wei Guowei's money would be hers. However, she had not expected that she would actually lose all of his money so quickly!

After the phone stopped ringing, it rang again in less than two seconds.

Wei Xiaoqing picked up the phone and placed it beside her ear in frustration. "What do you want?! Are you going to die and want me to collect your corpse?"

Wei Xiaoqing's curses pierced through the receiver and broke Jiang Huifang's heart. This was her daughter, whom she painstakingly raised, speaking to her in such a manner.

No matter how uncomfortable Jiang Huifang's heart was at this moment, she didn't dare to complain to Wei Xiaoqing. She endured the grievances in her heart and carefully asked, "Xiaoqing, what do you want to eat tonight? Mom will cook for you."

"Eat, eat, eat! You only know how to eat!" Wei Xiaoqing angrily directed her anger at Jiang Huifang. "What else can you do besides eat? Can you not bother me just because you have nothing better to do?"

Jiang Huifang was close to tears from Wei Xiaoqing's scolding. She sniffled but didn't dare to complain. She whispered, "I just wanted to ask what you wanted to eat because I saw you working so hard -"

"I don't want to eat!" Wei Xiaoqing shouted into her phone. "I'm not eating anything! You can eat whatever you want by yourself and stop bothering me!"

After Wei Xiaoqing finished her sentence, she hung up the phone. Jiang Huifang just cried out in grievance when she heard the beeping of her phone.

Everyone said that a daughter was like a mother's little cotton-padded jacket, but to a daughter, a mother was like a debt collector.

No matter what Jiang Huifang did, Wei Xiaoqing always disliked her.

She was just worried about Wei Xiaoqing and felt sorry for her. What was wrong with that?

Jiang Huifang asked the servant to cook dinner in the evening and waited until seven o'clock. Wei Xiaoqing didn't return, and in the end, Jiang Huifang ate alone.

Even after dinner, she was worried about Wei Xiaoqing. She feared that when Wei Xiaoqing went out to socialize at night, the men would take advantage of her. However, she didn't dare to call her to ask about the situation, so she just sat in the living room and watched the TV in boredom.

All of a sudden, Jiang Huifang saw Liang Jiahao's face appear on the television screen. She was stunned, and when she looked closely, she realized that he was actually in a variety show.

"Liang Jiahao isn't even a celebrity, so why would he be on a variety show?"

With a curious mood, Jiang Huifang didn't change the channel and instead focused on the variety show.

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