Sweet Beauty

Chapter 601 When Are You Planning To Hold The Marriage Ceremony

Chapter 601 When Are You Planning To Hold The Marriage Ceremony

When Liang Zixuan heard the noise, she turned to the door and saw Qin Yu looking at them in surprise and astonishment.

Liang Zixuan smiled faintly and waved at Qin Yu. "Qin Yu, why are you standing at the door? Come in."

Look at those words, wasn't that the tone of a hostess?

Qin Yu finally reacted and ran over excitedly without even changing her shoes. Just as she was about to jump into Liang Zixuan's arms, she was stopped by Han Yuanjun's protective arm that wrapped around Liang Zixuan's body. "Your aunt is pregnant. Take it easy."

Only then did Qin Yu remember. She quickly touched Liang Zixuan's belly gently before hugging her arm and sitting down leisurely. "Auntie, I missed you so much!"

Liang Zixuan patted her shoulder and glanced at Liang Jiahao who came in. She giggled. "Were you happy these past two days?"

"What's there to be happy about?" Qin Yu pouted and recounted everything that had happened in the past two days.

Liang Zixuan was frightened by what she heard, but Han Yuanjun was relishing it. In the end, he even asked, "Is that it? Nothing exciting happened?"

Qin Yu was so depressed that she wanted to slap him in the face. "Uncle! Your niece almost lost her life and you ask me so casually, is that it? Are you my uncle or not?"

Han Yuanjun let out a chuckle without care. He pointed at Liang Jiahao who was already sitting opposite them. "With big brother here, what should I worry about?"

Qin Yu looked at Liang Jiahao and suddenly laughed smugly. "That's right, my Xiao Liang is amazing! With him here, even I'm not afraid!"

The way Qin Yu was addressing Liang Jiahao intimately gave Han Yuanjun goosebumps all over his body. He didn't feel anything when he called Liang Zixuan intimately, but when he heard Qin Yu, he felt very uncomfortable.

Liang Jiahao saw Han Yuanjun making a face and he immediately kicked him under the table, saying in a deep voice. "You're pretty free to do whatever you want in my house, but my woman can't do anything as she pleases?!"

Not to mention the fruits in the refrigerator and the snacks in the box under the tea table, even the bottle of red wine was opened by Han Yuanjun as he was enjoying the slow meal.

Han Yuanjun smiled carelessly. "I was bored while waiting for you guys. So...." he raised his hands.

Speaking of which, Han Yuanjun glanced at Liang Jiahao. "Let's not talk about me doing and eating whatever I want here. If it weren't for me and Zixuan, those fruits in your refrigerator would have rotten by now."

Liang Jiahao sneered. "Yes, they would have rotten, but those fruits still reached your stomach!"

These two people had countless accounts to settle as soon as they met, and Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu were already used to it.

Qin Yu was really hungry. She glanced at the kitchen and asked Liang Zixuan with a smile. "What're we eating tonight? Is it something delicious?"

Liang Zixuan chuckled. "Gluttonous cat."

"Aiya, I'm hungry!" Qin Yu nudged Liang Zixuan's arm. "I'm so hungry that I could eat a cow."

Liang Zixuan had no choice but to get up as Qin Yu dragged her into the kitchen. "See what you want to eat. Let the servants cook it for you."

Seeing the two women left, Liang Jiahao got up and sat next to Han Yuanjun. He adjusted the sleeves of his suit and asked in a deep voice, "When are you planning to hold the marriage ceremony with my sister?"

Han Yuanjun frowned and secretly moved to the side. He didn't want to be that close to Liang Jiahao and felt that his brother-in-law would attack him if he disagreed.

"I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

Han Yuanjun actually wanted to say, "If the emperor isn't in a hurry, why should the eunuch be?"

But... For the sake of world peace, he'd forcibly changed his words.

Liang Jiahao said seriously. "Zixuan is pregnant. Her belly will be bigger in a few months. We can do it then, but it wouldn't be safe for her. What if she bumps into something?"

Han Yuanjun chuckled and pretended to be indifferent. "It's all right. We can do it after she gives birth to our child."

Liang Jiahao gritted his teeth. "After Zixuan has given birth, she'll have to be a sitting duck in the house and take care of her baby. How can she have the time to do that!"

Han Yuanjun smiled without haste. "Then let's do it in another two years. We'll hold it when the child is a little older."

Liang Jiahao clenched his hand into a fist. "Do you think Zixuan can wait that long?"

Han Yuanjun sensed that Liang Jiahao wasn't thinking for Liang Zixuan's sake. It was as if he had some other purpose.

Han Yuanjun glanced at Liang Jiahao's fist that was ready to attack him. He squinted his eyes and eyed Liang Jiahao's expression before asking with a smile. "Big brother, what are you trying to tell me? What's the point of playing words with me like this?"

Liang Jiahao's fist slowly loosened. He glanced at Han Yuanjun and said seriously, "Hurry up and hold the ceremony. I want to hand Zixuan over to you. Only then can I be able to handle my life's affairs peacefully."

"What?" Han Yuanjun's eyes lit up as if he had heard some heavyweight news, and his entire person radiated with a gossipy aura as he said excitedly, "Your life's affair? Don't tell me you want to ..."

"En!" Liang Jiahao nodded and said without denying, "I want to get married."

"Aiya!" Han Yuanjun laughed brazenly. "Your relationship with Qin Yu isn't stable yet and now you already want to get married? Did our grandparents know about this? Do my cousin and sister-in-law agree? I think you must be crazy!"

Liang Jiahao resisted the urge to slap Han Yuanjun twice. His eyes twitched as he proudly said, "Your grandparents and my grandparents already knew about the matter between me and Qin Yu. The purpose of dating is to get married, so they have no objections. As for your cousin and sister-in-law, they've already met me. Do you think they would disagree?"

Han Yuanjun: "..."


What Liang Jiahao had said made a lot of sense and he was left speechless!

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