Sweet Beauty

Chapter 569 Someone Is Trying To Slander Qin Yu I

Chapter 569 Someone Is Trying To Slander Qin Yu I

"No, how can you say that?" Han Yuanjun kissed Liang Zixuan's lips passionately.

He wouldn't tell her that he always wanted to be able to see her every day and at any time.

At work, as long as he raised his head, he would be able to see her. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, they would both eat together. As long as he thought about her, he would be able to see her.

Liang Zixuan pressed both her hands on Han Yuanjun's shoulders and shook him hard. "I don't care! I want my freedom. I want my human rights. I want everything I am entitled to!"

"No way!" Han Yuanjun was shaken like a rattle by Liang Zixuan. He gritted his teeth and refused to let it go. "Freedom, human rights, I will give them to you after you give birth."

"I want them now!" Liang Zixuan continued to shake Han Yuanjun furiously. "Didn't we agree to form a male group last year? I have to be responsible for it, I have to participate, I have to see the results with my own eyes!"

The female group, 3FR1 Passion, was now in a frenzy all over countries. They had become national idols of China, and no matter where they went, their popularity would skyrocket.

In just over a year, 3FR1 Passion had produced two albums, both of which sold out. Such a level of popularity had never been seen before.

Zeng Zhelan and Manager Lang were very busy making large sums of money out of the company, and although they only had one group to manage, but the workload was enormous.

Since the female group's project was so successful, Principal Tao wanted to use this opportunity to recruit students and keep them from choosing Guzheng Academy. He wanted to strike while the iron was still hot and announced the male group's project for this year.

This kind of thinking coincided with Liang Zixuan's. She had been preparing the plan for two months and was about to implement it. But before she could do anything, she became pregnant and Han Yuanjun kept her like a prisoner.

Although things were still going on with the help of Zeng Zhelan and Manager Lang, Liang Zixuan still felt that something was missing.

Liang Zixuan felt wronged in her heart. She kept shaking Han Yuanjun's shoulders. "Hubby, your wife is not a porcelain doll. She is not a person made of water. Your wife is someone who does great things, please let her go and let her show off."

Han Yuanjun was shaken to the core by Liang Zixuan. He felt dizzy. He grabbed Liang Zixuan's hands and held them in his palm, not allowing her to shake him again. "Stop that, let me think, will you?"

"You don't have to think!" Liang Zixuan kissed Han Yuanjun's cheek. Afraid that he would disagree, she hastily said, "Hubby, don't worry. Manager Lang and Zeng Zhelan will not let me get tired."

Plus, when they heard that Liang Zixuan was pregnant, they were so happy that they felt like they were the ones who were pregnant.

They truly treated Liang Zixuan like a God.

Liang Zixuan was guarded by Manager Lang and Zeng Zhelan whenever they went out. She really felt that she was safe. As always.

Han Yuanjun took out his cell phone and called the gynecologist. The doctor said that the pregnant woman's mood was very important. She should not be anxious, should not be sad, let alone cry.

Moreover, many pregnant women experienced depression when they became pregnant. This kind of thing happened frequently, so Han Yuanjun must be more careful and paid more attention to Liang Zixuan's feelings.

Han Yuanjun hung up the phone. Liang Zixuan's sullen expression showed that she had been wronged.

Han Yuanjun shook his head and sighed. "All right, I'll give you your freedom. I'll give you your human rights. I'll let you do whatever you want -"

Before he could finish his sentences, Liang Zixuan kissed him hard on the lips. "I know my husband always thinks the best for me!"

Han Yuanjun was angry with her and laughed. "But like I said before, no matter where you go, even to the class, you have to take Deng Hui and Dai Tian with you."

The incident with Jiang Ning was too frightening. Han Yuanjun still felt a lingering fear whenever he thought about it. He didn't want such a thing to happen again, especially when Liang Zixuan was pregnant.

For her freedom, Liang Zixuan carefully said, "Alright, I will take them with me wherever I go, so you should rest assured now, okay?"

Han Yuanjun raised his eyebrow. "Remember, if something happened, call me right away. If you're in a bad mood, take my card and go shopping."

"I will, I will." Liang Zixuan stood up with a smile and kissed Han Yuanjun once again before walking to the door. "Hubby, I'm going to see Zeng Zhelan and Manager Lang now. I'll see you at home later ~"

? ? ? ?

Currently, Qin Yu was in a press conference for being the new spokesperson of the famous brand this year. One of the reporters suddenly raised his hand and asked her a question.

"Miss Qin, someone told me that you snatched your best friend's boyfriend and forced her to run away from home and that you also drove her mother crazy. Is that true?"

Qin Yu was wearing a light purple dress with her hair falling loosely over her shoulders. Hearing the reporter's question, she raised an eyebrow and smiled demurely. "I have a boyfriend? Hehe ... Why didn't I know that?"

The reporter's expression didn't change as he asked, "Do you know Xia Jingfei?"

The smile on Qin Yu's face froze for a moment, but she immediately controlled her expression again. With a thin smile, she said, "I know her, she's actually a good friend of mine."

Seeing that Qin Yu had admitted it, the reporter didn't try to cover it up anymore and went straight to the point. "I heard that you snatched Xia Jingfei's boyfriend and even drove her mother, Dong Biming, crazy at the charity auction. Is that true?"

That day, so many people had come to the charity auction. Even though Dong Yong had told them to keep it a secret, it was impossible to keep it a secret from so many mouths and their nature of gossiping.

Qin Yu smiled calmly, her hand gently playing with her hair as she looked very relaxed, not panicking at all. "Such baseless rumors, people treated them like a joke. The Qin Family and the Dong Family have a good relationship. If it's really as you said, then our two families have long since started fighting."

The reporter's face immediately sank. "Do you admit it or not?"

The corners of Qin Yu's eyes twitched, and she laughed coldly without the slightest fear. "I've never done it before, why should I admit it?"

"Alright!" The reporter took out his cell phone from his pocket and opened his Weibo account. He sneered. "If you admit it now, I won't post this. Since you won't admit it, I don't have to leave any face to you. Qin Yu, let's meet on Weibo!"

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