Sweet Beauty

Chapter 561 Have You Ever Thought Why We Ended Up Like This

Chapter 561 Have You Ever Thought Why We Ended Up Like This

The place where Wei Guowei was imprisoned was very far from the city. Jiang Huifang drove for two hours before arriving.

"Xiaoqing, why don't you go inside alone and I'll wait for you here?" Jiang Huifang shrunk her neck back and appealed to Wei Xiaoqing.

Wei Xiaoqing snorted coldly. "Good luck, Jiang Huifang! That's all you can do in this life, run away and be a coward."

Wei Xiaoqing's heart ached as she thought back to the feeling of being stared at by thousands of people while standing on the highest stage in her dream world. She could only enjoy it for a moment before Liang Zixuan snatched it away from her.

She picked up the bag and got out of the car, entering the building without looking back.

Jiang Huifang looked at Wei Xiaoqing's retreating figure and suddenly felt that she had become a different person.

She was colder and more frightening than before.

In a sealed visiting room, Wei Guowei sat on a chair with his hands handcuffed. In just a few months, he looked much older, even his hair had turned white, and his whole body showed the dejection of a loser.

He raised his hand slightly and extended it to Wei Xiaoqing. "Do you have a cigarette?"

Since the day he was locked up, no one had come to visit him, not even his friends in the business world.

And Wei Xiaoqing was the first.

Wei Guowei was addicted to smoking, but where would he get cigarettes in this prison? Even if you were a drug addict, you had to spend your days without them.

Wei Xiaoqing quietly opened her bag, took out the woman's cigarette she was smoking, and put it in her mouth.

After lighting the cigarette, she inhaled deeply and exhaled the smoke toward Wei Guowei's face.

Wei Guowei could no longer stand the smell of tobacco and hurriedly held out his hand towards her. "Xiaoqing, give me a puff, just one puff."

Hearing Wei Guowei calling her name, an image from her youth suddenly appeared in her mind. When she was young, Wei Guowei had always held her high in his arms. Since her childhood, he always spoiled her and gave her anything good to eat or play with.

As long as Wei Xiaoqing wanted it, there was nothing Wei Guowei wouldn't get for her.

Wei Xiaoqing handed Wei Guowei the cigarette in her hand and watched him greedily inhale it.

The woman's cigarette wasn't as strong as a normal cigarette. Wei Guowei smoked a few times without catching his breath. He continued smoking until the cigarette went out by itself before throwing it away.

Those eyes eagerly looked at the pack of cigarettes Wei Xiaoqing had placed beside her hand. After gulping down his saliva, Wei Guowei pointed at the pack expectantly. "Can I ask for another stick?"

Wei Guowei, who used to dress expensively and had a lot of money, now looked like a beggar on the street. He was begging for a cigarette.

Wei Xiaoqing looked at him coldly and took out another cigarette, lighting it before handing it to him.

Since she had entered the room, she did not say a word. She just sat there looking at Wei Guowei.

Wei Guowei finally sat there contentedly after he finished smoking again.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaoqing opened her mouth and asked, "Dad, how are you?"

The word "dad" didn't cause any ripples in Wei Guowei's heart. He looked at Wei Xiaoqing and just smiled. His handcuffed hands knocked loudly on the table. "What do you think? Do you think I can live a good life in this place and in this kind of state?"

Since Wei Guowei was an older inmate, he was often being bullied by the young inmates every day. As for the food, his life used to be filled with delicacies, fish, and meat, but now, even steamed bread and porridge were rare.

Wei Xiaoqing slowly took off her sunglasses. When her gaze met Wei Guowei's gaze, a cold smile suddenly appeared on her face. "I don't look good, do I?"

Wei Guowei suddenly felt his temper rising and slammed his hands down hard on the table. "Wei Xiaoqing, are you here to mock me? Are you satisfied now because you get to see me like this? Everything I have done for you has been in vain! I have held you in my hands since you were a child, raised you like a princess, and you actually dared to collaborate with your mother to betray me?"

Then he said to Wei Xiaoqing with a cruel smile. "You finally got all my possessions, are you happy now? Did you get everything you wanted?"

Wei Xiaoqing's vision gradually darkened.

Before today, she felt that her life was blessed. Even though the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, she was still the CEO of the company and many times better than the average person.

However, since she had experienced the fame and happiness of being doted on, cherished, and spending money like water in her dream, she felt that her life was actually not good!

It was very bad.

As long as she closed her eyes now, she could still remember standing on the stage with Han Yuanjun and enjoying the glorious scenery.

But the reality was that she had nothing.

No fame, no man, and no money!

If Wei Xiaoqing had not tasted it before, then that was fine. But because she had tasted it and realized that it was all just a dream, the sense of loss, this huge power gap, had tormented her heart to the point of pain.

Looking at Wei Guowei, she asked softly, "Dad, aren't you feeling wronged?"

The smile on Wei Guowei's face gradually stiffened as he gritted his teeth furiously.

Wei Xiaoqing shook her head. "I don't think we should live like this. Dad, have you ever thought about why we ended up like this?"

Wei Guowei just gritted his teeth and said nothing. He glared at Wei Xiaoqing with eyes filled with hatred.

Wei Xiaoqing pursed her lips. Right now, she and Wei Guowei were on par with each other. Even though she was not imprisoned and had freedom, she felt her life was worse than Wei Guowei's life!

She slowly said, "Think about it. If Liang Zixuan didn't wake up that night, we could have taken her to throat surgery. She should be locked up in a suburban house now. And me, I will be living the best of my life, and you would also enjoy the glory of it."

"Liang Zixuan would be locked up in that dark house and write songs for me every day. I would then sell these songs to the musicians and singers, and we would get a lot of money! According to our earlier plan, after I gave the song to Qin Yu, I would have a huge, outstanding tree of Han Group behind me. With Han Group as my support, I can be in any kind of movie and TV show I want to be in no time."

"In the midst of all that, I will probably get to know Han Yuanjun, and he will also like my talent. It's not impossible that he will fall in love with me and marry me."

Wei Xiaoqing believed that the reason Han Yuanjun fell in love with Liang Zixuan was because of her talent. And Wei Xiaoqing was really convinced of this fact.

The more she spoke, the more excited she was, as if it had all happened to her. "Dad, with my status in the entertainment circles getting higher, your business will also grow. We will live well!"

Actually, Wei Xiaoqing's guess had indeed happened. What she said was very true. If Liang Zixuan hadn't woken up that night and hadn't met Han Yuanjun, all of what Wei Xiaoqing wanted to have now would have come true.

Except for the matter of Han Yuanjun liking her and marrying her.

In Liang Zixuan's previous life, Wei Xiaoqing was still married to Hou Yingyi. But in the previous life, Hou Yingyi's fate wasn't like this time. He had become a famous international director, had fame, prestige, money, and everything.

Wei Xiaoqing and Hou Yingyi lived happily together. This was something that had indeed happened in Liang Zixuan's previous life.

However, their happiness was based on the lives of these people.

Liang Lihua, Luo Yanyun, Liang Jiahao and Liang Zixuan.

The whole family was killed by their cruel and ruthless methods.

Four lives in exchange for their happiness. It was truly unforgivable. Even the heavens could not bear to see it!

As Wei Xiaoqing spoke, tears ran down her cheeks. The hatred in her eyes was like a knife, torturing Wei Guowei and her own heart.

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