Sweet Beauty

Chapter 558 A Centipede

Chapter 558 A Centipede

Zeng Shuang walked to the bed and lifted Liang Jiahao's suit that covered Wei Xiaoqing.

When Wei Xiaoqing's unrecognizable face appeared before her eyes, she didn't actually recognize who the woman lying there was.

"Heavens!" Zeng Shuang was shocked. "W-who is this? What, why is she like this? Wh-what happened to her?"

Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu were a little disappointed. Zeng Shuang's expression was not as wonderful as they had imagined.

They thought they would see her frightened expression instead of a shocked expression.

This reaction was not strange at all. Zeng Shuang was a surgeon and familiar with gory scenes. She had also seen a more unrecognizable face than Wei Xiaoqing.

Liang Jiahao stared at Zeng Shuang's shocked expression and lifted Wei Xiaoqing's head so she could take a closer look at her. "What, you don't recognize her?"

Zeng Shuang looked at the face again. Although Wei Xiaoqing's face was full of scratch marks, her face was still considered good. And although Zeng Shuang did not dare to admit it, she still asked timidly, "This ... Is she Wei Xiaoqing?"

Liang Jiahao nodded. "Indeed. This is Wei Xiaoqing."

Zeng Shuang could no longer calm down. She had a bad hunch about this. She swallowed hard and asked cautiously, "How...? How did she become like this?"

Liang Jiahao put Wei Xiaoqing's head down and when he looked at Zeng Shuang, he casually said. "Through a game."

"Game?" Zeng Shuang asked in surprise. "What kind of game can turn someone into something like this?"

Liang Jiahao said calmly with a small smile on the corner of his lips. "A two-choice game."

Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu stood far away from them, almost near the door, in a position where they could only see Zeng Shuang's expression.

Zeng Shuang's neck shrank back as she peered at Liang Jiahao out of the corner of her eye. With quivering lips, she asked, "A-and what did Wei Xiaoqing choose?"

Liang Jiahao chuckled. He suddenly raised his fingers and stroked Wei Xiaoqing's face. "She chose scorpions."

"Scorpions?" Zeng Shuang's eyes widened and goosebumps immediately formed all over her body. She raised her hand to cover her mouth and said in disbelief, "These injuries... Are these injuries from scorpions?"

The wounds on Wei Xiaoqing's face and body resembled the countless scorpions that crawled all over her body and pierced into her flesh. Strangely, Liang Jiahao only mentioned the word "scorpions," but the three women present could actually imagine the scene.

Zeng Shuang was so frightened that her body trembled. She quickly took two steps back and widened her eyes in fear. "These wounds ... I can't help her. Take her away from here quickly!"

"What's the hurry?" Liang Jiahao raised his eyebrow and slowly reached into his pocket as if he was taking something, but he didn't take it out even after a long time.

Zeng Shuang was even more scared by his behavior.

Originally, when Liang Jiahao came here, she thought that she could use this opportunity to approach him, but now, she just wanted to stay away from this man.

Liang Jiahao took a step toward Zeng Shuang with a cruel smile. "A game of two choices. Since she's already chosen one, then the other is yours."

"No!" Zeng Shuang screamed in panic and took a few steps backward before crashing onto the table. She was scared out of her mind. "Why do I've to play this game with you? I'm not going to play!"

"Don't panic ..." Liang Jiahao's smile deepened as he suddenly pulled out a long, large, even somewhat fat centipede from his pocket and threw it at Zeng Shuang's face. "This is what I have prepared for you. It's even more unlethal than Wei Xiaoqing. Don't be afraid."

"Ah! Ahh!" Zeng Shuang's mouth was wide open like that of a bowl. She was in a state of extreme fear, as if someone was strangling her. She continued to scream hoarsely. "Take it away from me! Take it away!"

The centipede sat perfectly on Zeng Shuang's face. It was ugly and scary, so much... Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu had never seen such a big centipede before.

They were both so frightened that they also took two steps back, fearing that Zeng Shuang would catch the centipede and throw it recklessly as she went berserk.

Zeng Shuang had been afraid of insects since childhood, especially animals with too many legs and hard shells. She was too scared to do anything but scream.

"Ah!" Zeng Shuang cried out loudly. "Liang Jiahao, take it away from me quickly. I beg you, please take it!"

"Take it?" Liang Jiahao took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands casually. A cold smile radiated in his dark eyes. "When you and Wei Xiaoqing went to hire the paparazzi to frame Qin Yu, why didn't you think of the consequences?"

Zeng Shuang wasn't like Wei Xiaoqing. For Wei Xiaoqing, even though her crimes were exposed, she could still pretend to be ignorant.

Zeng Shuang had never done anything like this before, and she didn't even know how to pretend. With such a large centipede lying on her face, even if she wanted to pretend and deny it, it was impossible for her to do so!

She was so scared that she screamed and pleaded. "Liang Jiahao! I - I was wrong! Ah! Take it away quickly!"

Liang Jiahao stood there looking at Zeng Shuang's frightened face with a relaxed smile. "Do you really want me to help you?"

Zeng Shuang really wanted to nod, but she didn't dare to move her head. She could only use her eyes to glance at Liang Jiahao and scream. "I - I - I beg you. Please, take it away! I won't do anything to harm Qin Yu again. Hurry up and take it away. Please!"

Liang Jiahao nodded and tried to grab the centipede in slow motion.

As soon as his hand was outstretched, the centipede suddenly wagged its tail and disappeared into Zeng Shuang's gaping mouth, as if it knew Liang Jiahao was going to catch it.


Behind them, Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu, who'd been watching the whole scene, couldn't hold themselves anymore and suddenly threw up.

What a disgusting sight!

So this was what Liang Jiahao meant when he said it was a perfect time.

Zeng Shuang's eyes suddenly widened as she fell to her knees, coughing incessantly. "Cough! Cough!"

She could clearly feel the centipede creeping into her throat.

People once said swallowing a fly was pretty gross, but can you imagine swallowing a centipede that big?

If you hadn't experienced it yourself, you wouldn't be able to imagine the nausea that made you want to cut open your stomach.

After coughing a few times, Zeng Shuang threw up as hard as she could. She desperately dug her throat with her finger, trying to dig out the centipede. She knew it was impossible to pull it out, but she still wanted to.

As she dug, she threw up until she felt sick. She threw up until her stomach hurt. No matter how many times she did this, the centipede still hadn't come out.

Liang Jiahao observed her miserable condition and pursed his lips. "This is only a warning to you. If I find out that you try to frame Qin Yu again, then next time it won't be as easy as a centipede!"

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